merlinlikethewizard / Mastermine

A fully automated strip mining network for ComputerCraft turtles!
MIT License
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Im not even Sure... #5

Open JJaded opened 3 years ago

JJaded commented 3 years ago

So I set up everything and tested it and it worked. I had all the turtles come home and they were all in park before I left and rejoined. when I di they all started wondering around far away from anything. i tried resterting them, rebooting, halting clearing nothing worked. i got frustrated and just destroyed everything and started with new blocks, but now when ever I set it up it just refuses to work. once I link a turtle it just goes north and doesn't stop. not sure what I've done wrong but I ended up nuking my world in frustration so a little help;p would be really appreciated. Thanks agina.

merlinlikethewizard commented 3 years ago

Oh my. Well I think under the circumstances the nuke was a good call. Other people have been having problems as well and I haven't been able to figure it out since I can't reproduce the issue (and there aren't any logs I can ask for). No chance you're playing on a server is there? I'd love to come on and take a look.