merliseclyde / sta701-F23

STA 701S Fall 2023
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Title & Abstract #28

Closed ybaek closed 8 months ago

ybaek commented 8 months ago

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title: "Generalized Bayes Approach to Inverse Problems with Model Misspecification"

author: "Youngsoo Baek"

date: "Nov 20, 2023"


I discuss a general framework for obtaining probabilistic solutions to PDE-based inverse problems when potentially the PDE is inaccurate or the noise-generating mechanism is unknown. In a generalized Bayesian formulation, the Bayesian update problem is reformulated and generalized into a regularized variational problem on the space of probability distributions of the parameter. A novel generalization of a Bayesian model comparison procedure is given for evaluating the optimality of a given loss based on its "predictive performance." A tailored sequential Monte Carlo-based approach is used to simultaneously calibrate the regularization parameter and obtain samples from the underlying posterior. Some theoretical properties of Gibbs posteriors are also presented.


Sayan Mukherjee

merliseclyde commented 8 months ago

Thanks - shoujld appear on the website shortly