mermaid-js / mermaid

Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown
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Support specifying that two nodes should be at the same level/rank #3723

Open CAFxX opened 1 year ago

CAFxX commented 1 year ago

Note: this is basically a clone of that was automatically closed as stale without resolution, even though there was an acknowledgement that this was an important function to have.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I need a way to specify that two or more nodes should be placed at the same level/rank

For example, in the following graph I would like b and c to be on the same level

graph TD
a --> b & c
b --> d & c
c --> e & b

this currently yields something like the following graphs (notice how b and c are at different heights)


Describe the solution you'd like

I would like b and c to behave like in this diagram (notice how these two nodes are at the same height)

graph TD
a --> b & c
b --> d
c --> e


This is obviously an extremely simplified example. The real use cases have many more nodes, and being able to specify which ones should be at the same level is very important for the intelligibility of the output.

Any of these two solutions would work for me:

  1. mermaid should recognize that there is no reason to put c on a lower rank than b (or vice-versa) and that therefore those two nodes should have the same rank (i.e. same height)
  2. mermaid should support a way for the user to specify that two nodes should have the same rank, and place these nodes at the same level when rendering

Describe alternatives you've considered

graphviz allows to do this by specifying rank=same

I also tried with mermaid subgraphs but it does not yield a better outcome.

graph TD
subgraph x; b; c; end
a --> b & c
b --> d & c
c --> e & b


Additional context

SpacyRicochet commented 1 year ago

To take this one step further, I would love it to see if this also applies to subgraphs themselves.

flowchart TD

subgraph S1; B; C; end
subgraph S2; D; E; end
B --> C
A -- YES --> B
A -- NO  --> D
C -- YES --> D
C -- NO  --> F
D --> E
E --> F
Screen Shot 2022-10-26 at 12 49 46

It would be great if the subgraphs here could be on the same rank.

│               ┌───┐               │
│    ┌──────────┤ A │───┐           │
│  YES          └───┘  NO           │
│    │                  │           │
│    │                  │           │
│    │                  │           │
│ ┌──┼─────────┐     ┌──┼─────────┐ │
│ │  │  S1     │     │  │  S2     │ │
│ │  ▼         │     │  ▼         │ │
│ │┌───┐  ┌───┐│     │┌───┐  ┌───┐│ │
│ ││ B │─▶│ C │├─YES─▶│ D │─▶│ E ││ │
│ │└───┘  └───┘│     │└───┘  └───┘│ │
│ │         │  │     │         │  │ │
│ │         │  │     │         │  │ │
│ └─────────┼──┘     └─────────┼──┘ │
│           │                  │    │
│          NO                  │    │
│           │                  │    │
│           │   ┌───┐          │    │
│           └──▶│ F │◀─────────┘    │
│               └───┘               │
reedsutliff commented 1 year ago

would love to see this feature as well.

olivierduquenoy commented 1 year ago

Yes, it will be a great improvement !!

brandond commented 1 year ago

Here for a +1 on the ability to place links between nodes of the same rank.

Just using the sample cross-connected diagram, if I want to connect nodes A and B as peers, it goes from something fairly intuitive, into complete garbage, because the layout code demotes the B node down to rank 2, and C/D down to rank 3, because of the link from A to B.

graph TD
  A --> C
  A --> D
  B --> C
  B --> D


graph TD
  A --> C
  A --> D
  B --> C
  B --> D

  A o--o B


No amount of subgraph trickery will get the desired layout.

AartBluestoke commented 1 year ago

trying to show the relationship between 2 groups of objects. the group subgraphs can't be put at the same height, one is "higher" than the other.

ignamiranda commented 1 year ago

I would also really like this feature

ignamiranda commented 1 year ago

Adding on to this, I understand why A --> B would have a parent-child relationship but I don't understand why A <--> B or A --- B would. It'd be a departure from the way it's been a long time, but having non hierarchical, horizontal links could be a cleaner, more intuitive solution than having a flag to declare two nodes as same rank.

nickovs commented 11 months ago

@ignamiranda I think that we need the ability to tag nodes as having the same rank even when they don't have a link, for a couple of reasons.

brandond commented 7 months ago

Is there any consensus on the approach here, such that someone could actually pick this up and work on it? I keep stumbling over this in our flow diagrams.

brandond commented 7 months ago

cc @sidharthv96 @knsv

eschalkargans commented 7 months ago

Just updating the thread as not being able to rank nodes is a major limitation of mermaid diagrams.

Example: In a Top->Bottom diagram, I might need some nodes are aligned on row 1, row 2, row 3, etc, forcing the layout

The ~~~ syntax does not work.

Intuitively, I expected that subgraphs would allow such features, but the documentation itself says that when edges are coming out of a subgraph, alignments won't be applied

It would be such a nice feature to be able to rank node!

cmdrrickhunter2 commented 1 month ago

The lack of this feature has forced me to use other tools for rendering category theory graphs. One of the most fundamental structures in category theory is the commuting square. This square is represented exactly the same in every category theory reference I've ever come across:

A   -- f -->  B
|             |
g             g'
|             |
v             v
A'  -- f' --> B'

Hence the term commuting square. Mermaid renders this as

%%{ init: {'flowchart': {'curve': 'linear' } } }%%
    graph LR;
      A -- f --> B
      A' -- f' --> B'
     A -- g --> A'
     B -- g' --> B'

which has the same connectivity, but lacks the instant recognition as a square. If I could render this the same way I can render

    graph LR;
      A -- f --> B
      A' -- f' --> B'

then the result would be usable. But category theory is far too complicated to display the graphs in a non-standard way. The graphs need to clarify the math that goes behind them. Recognizable graph patterns are essential.

brandond commented 1 month ago

Yeah, it's unfortunate that mermaid lacks support for something that seems so basic.