right now sentry is scoped for whole .net/vs domain
can set it up for uca extension only, like js/vsc side
but at the moment, there is not enough documentation, also possibly current API does not allow it either. because there is no client.init or scope.setClient methods
right now sentry is scoped for whole .net/vs domain can set it up for uca extension only, like js/vsc side
but at the moment, there is not enough documentation, also possibly current API does not allow it either. because there is no client.init or scope.setClient methods
https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-docs/blob/master/docs/platforms/javascript/common/best-practices/shared-environments.mdx https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55345663/how-to-best-deploy-sentry-in-cross-assembly-environment https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/dotnet/enriching-events/scopes/