mertaydin / Check-Your-Phone-Has-Backdoor-App

Pre-installed Backdoor On 700 Million Android Phones Sending Users' Data To China. Related news :
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Good, but not enough #1

Open atiilla opened 7 years ago

atiilla commented 7 years ago

The android app looking for only known android-backdoor-names

if (appPackageName.equals("com.adups.fota.sysoper") || appPackageName.equals("com.adups.fota")) {

if "com.adupt.fota" or "com.adups.fota.sysoper" packages exist in your phone app gonna tell you infected or not.

That is all.. Good , but not enough

we can developing it

thanks for sharing

mertaydin commented 7 years ago

Absolutely you are right.

When these packages was mentioned about backdoor, I wrote this app quickly so I didn't think about other packages.

But, I will be satisfied developing.