Open superlep opened 3 years ago
I have this code: HTML `
<div style="width:30%"> <input type="text" ng-model="Comment.Text" id="emojionearea2" name="Comment.Text" > </div> <br> <button ng-click="sendMessage()">clik me </button> </div>`
CH.JS app.controller( 'ChatController', ['$scope', function( $scope ) { $scope.Comment = {}; $scope.Comment.Text = 'hello';
$scope.sendMessage = function() { if ($scope.Comment.Text) { alert($scope.Comment.Text); } else { alert("nOT WORKING empty value"); } var message = $scope.Comment.Text; var messageBox = document.querySelector('#messages'); socket.emit( 'sendMessage', message ); var messageElement = angular.element( '<p class="message"><b>You</b>: ' +emojione.unicodeToImage(htmlEntities( message )) + '</p>' ); angular.element( messageBox ).append( messageElement ); messageBox.scrollTop = messageBox.scrollHeight; $scope.Comment.Text = ''; } socket.on( 'receiveMessage', function( data ) { var messageBox = document.querySelector('#messages'); var messageElement = angular.element( '<p class="message"><b>' + data.sender + '</b>: ' + data.message + '</p>' ); angular.element( messageBox ).append( messageElement ); messageBox.scrollTop = messageBox.scrollHeight; }); function htmlEntities(str) { return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); } $(function(){ $("#emojionearea2").emojioneArea({ pickerPosition: "right", autocomplete: false, tonesStyle: "radio"
}); }) }]);
the problem is that after the click it does not return the ng-model value, that is Comment.Text. , indefinite , enter always in alert("nOT WORKING empty value");
I have this code: HTML `
CH.JS app.controller( 'ChatController', ['$scope', function( $scope ) { $scope.Comment = {}; $scope.Comment.Text = 'hello';
}); }) }]);
the problem is that after the click it does not return the ng-model value, that is Comment.Text. , indefinite , enter always in alert("nOT WORKING empty value");