mescon / Muximux

A lightweight way to manage your HTPC
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Reinstall every 2ish weeks #185

Open FuckThisAlias opened 6 years ago

FuckThisAlias commented 6 years ago

anyone know why muximux just stops working every 2 or so weeks

error message i get is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500

anyone else experiencing this?

mescon commented 6 years ago

You'd have to check your webserver logs and see what's happening. Have you checked settings.ini.php for any faults in there?

wikkixwikki commented 6 years ago

I am getting the http error 500 on my stuff now, journalctl -xe isn't showing anything helpful, all of my other docker containers work just fine with the nginx redirect. It is strictly only muximux that is having this issue. I do have this showing in the docker logs specifically for muximux `Stack trace:

0 /config/www/muximux/vendor/ Config_Lite->read('', 0)

1 /config/www/muximux/index.php(10): Config_Lite->__construct('')

2 {main}

thrown in /config/www/muximux/vendor/ on line 136" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET / HTTP/1.0", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "" 2018/04/16 11:29:39 [error] 281#281: *5 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning: syntax error, unexpected '=' in settings.ini.php on line 3 in /config/www/muximux/vendor/ on line 134 PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Config_Lite_Exception_Runtime: failure, can not parse the file: settings.ini.php in /config/www/muximux/vendor/ `

The thing is that i never once had any issues until I set up a domain site and a redirect for muximux on my server. Then I added SSL. So not 100% sure why this is happening, but seems like I am not the only one. I have not made any changes and it has also been working great the past few weeks I have set it up, then today, tried to access it and now cannot get it to go through as it gets the error.

One thing I did see in researching is this

One comment states

lol so I am working on a docker image of that exact web app right now. The php denied us coming from the authors code. copy(settings.ini.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/html/muximux/muximux.php on line 45 The actual line is 73 $cache_new = "; <?php die(\"Access denied\"); ?>"; // Adds this to the top of the config so that PHP kills the execution if someone tries to request the config-file I believe the author did that for security. I am not sure what exactly is going on but you can open up a bug on the github page.

Mind you, that thread is also a year old so I dont know if this has already been corrected or not, but yeah I dont know if it is an issue with setting up the redirect that muximux doesn't like or if it is the ssl that it does not like, at least on my end.

Ubuntu Server 16.04 nginx docker container

Badbabyboyo commented 4 years ago

I'm a little late to the party but I've been experiencing this too. It seems like every couple weeks or so the settings.ini.php file has the last line plus a quotation mark from the line above removed somehow. My solution right now is to just keep a setting.ini.php.bak file in the same folder and just use the backup whenever this happens. I might do a pull request and try to figure out the bug causing this but I'm by no means a web developer so it might take me a while.

mescon commented 3 years ago

@Badbabyboyo if you work it out, please submit a pull request and I'd be happy to merge it!