I use witmotion 16 servo, and want control it in laptop with Ubuntu 20.04.
Firstly, I tested control in Windows 10 using a given software, it works both in position control & speed ctrl. This ensures hardware connection is ok.
In Ubuntu 20.04, this is my test.py
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import time
from witmotion_servo import WitmotionServo
def main():
wit = WitmotionServo()
# set channel 0 servo to 1000us position
#wit.set_speed(0, 1)
print("tesing pos ctrl--1\n")
wit.set_position(0, 1000)
# ... and then to 1500us
print("tesing pos ctrl--2\n")
wit.set_position(0, 1500)
# close the connection
if __name__ == '__main__':
witmotion_servo.py is the same
""" Driver for Witmotion Servo Controller boards """
from __future__ import annotations
import time
from typing import List, Optional # remove at python 3.9
import hid
class WitmotionServo():
""" Class for controlling Witmotion Servo Controller boards """
def list_devices(cls) -> List[str]:
""" Lists all Witmotion servo boards plugged in
:returns: a list of serial numbers
devices = hid.enumerate(WITMOTION_VID, WITMOTION_PID)
return [device["serial_number"] for device in devices]
def __init__(self, serial: Optional[str]=None, channels: int=16) -> None:
""" Creates the hid device object
:param serial: Optional serial number of device to connect
:param channels: Optional number of channels the board has
self.device = hid.device()
self.serial = serial
self.channels = channels
def open(self) -> WitmotionServo:
""" Connects to the device
device.open will raise IOError if it can't connect
:returns: itself, facilitating method chaining
self.device.open(WITMOTION_VID, WITMOTION_PID, self.serial)
return self
def close(self) -> None:
""" Closes the device """
def heartbeat(self, timeout: float=0.1) -> List[int]:
""" Sends the heartbeat
:param timeout: time to wait for response before returning
:returns: the status value array
self.device.write([1, 0x05, 0x03, 0xff, 0x00, 0x12] + [0]*58)
time_limit = time.time_ns() + timeout*1000000000
while time.time_ns() < time_limit:
retval = self.device.read(64)
if retval:
return retval
raise TimeoutError("Read value timed out")
def set_position(self, channel: int, value: int, extended: bool=False) -> None:
""" Sends servo position request
:param channel: the channel of the servo to send
:param value: the value (500-2500) to send
:param extended: use extended range (0, 65535) for value
if channel < 0 or channel >= self.channels:
raise ValueError(f"Channel out of range (0, {self.channels-1})")
if value < 0 or value > 65535:
raise ValueError("Value out of extended range: (0, 65535)")
if not extended and (value < 500 or value > 2500):
raise ValueError("Value out of range: (500, 2500)")
datal = value & 0xff
datah = value >> 8
self.device.write([1, 0x05, 0x03, 0xff, 0x02, channel, datal, datah] + [0]*56)
def set_speed(self, channel: int, value: int) -> None:
""" Sends servo position request
The actual speed value is 9*value degrees per second.
e.g. speed value 15 is 135 degres per second
:param channel: the channel of the servo to send
:param value: the speed value (1-20)
if channel < 0 or channel >= self.channels:
raise ValueError(f"Channel out of range (0, {self.channels-1})")
if value < 1 or value > 20:
raise ValueError("Value out of range: (1, 20)")
self.device.write([1, 0x05, 0x03, 0xff, 0x01, channel, value, 0x00] + [0]*56)
def execute_action_group(self, action_group: int) -> None:
""" Executes an action group
:param action_group: the action_group to execute (1-16)
if action_group < 1 or action_group > 16:
raise ValueError("Action Group out of range (1, 16)")
self.device.write([1, 0x05, 0x03, 0xff, 0x09, 0x00, action_group, 0x00] + [0]*56)
def emergency_stop(self) -> None:
""" Sends the emergency stop command """
self.device.write([1, 0x05, 0x03, 0xff, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00] + [0]*56)
def emergency_recovery(self) -> None:
""" Sends the recover from emergency command """
self.device.write([1, 0x05, 0x03, 0xff, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00] + [0]*56)
however, i test in cmd lines, it didn't work. there's no response in servo_0. In case there something wrong in channel setting, I test 0~15 channel. But it failed too.
I use witmotion 16 servo, and want control it in laptop with Ubuntu 20.04.
Firstly, I tested control in Windows 10 using a given software, it works both in position control & speed ctrl. This ensures hardware connection is ok.
In Ubuntu 20.04, this is my test.py
witmotion_servo.py is the same
however, i test in cmd lines, it didn't work. there's no response in servo_0. In case there something wrong in channel setting, I test 0~15 channel. But it failed too.
this is my hidapi version: