mesh-adaptation / animate

Anisotropic mesh adaptation toolkit for Firedrake
MIT License
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Reducing memory usage #112

Open ddundo opened 2 months ago

ddundo commented 2 months ago

@stephankramer @jwallwork23 could you please take a look at the simple example below? I tried to put it together to show the memory usage by the process before and after adapting the mesh. It really piles up when we have multiple meshes.

Edit: I cleaned up the example. Based on this I think there really is a memory leak. I am investigating but I've never used memory profilers before so it might take a bit. I will bring it up on the Friday meeting.

import gc, os, psutil
from firedrake import *
from animate.metric import RiemannianMetric

process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
def mem(i): print(f"Memory usage {i}: {process.memory_full_info().uss / 1024**2:.0f} MB")

def get_metric():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(1000, 100)
    x, y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
    f = Function(FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)).interpolate(cos(x*y))

    P1_ten = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    metric = RiemannianMetric(P1_ten)
    metric.set_parameters({"dm_plex_metric_target_complexity": 10000})

    return metric

metric = get_metric()


del metric

This prints:

Memory usage 0: 117 MB
Memory usage 1: 790 MB
Memory usage 2: 508 MB
Memory usage 3: 508 MB
ddundo commented 2 months ago

My workaround so far: use subprocess to adapt and checkpoint adapted_mesh. Then load it in the original script. This works well but it's a pain. But it might help the investigation of what we can get rid of and get this sorted properly.

Checkpointing the adapted_mesh above and then loading it in a separate script:

import os
import psutil
from firedrake import *

process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())

ram_usage = lambda: print("RAM usage", process.memory_info().rss / 1024**2)

ram_usage().  # 201 MB
with CheckpointFile(..., "r") as afile:
    adapted_mesh = afile.load_mesh("adapted_mesh")
ram_usage().  # 227 MB
ddundo commented 2 months ago

And an even smaller example, with just firedrake:

import gc, os, psutil
from firedrake import *

process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
def mem(i): print(f"Memory usage {i}: {process.memory_full_info().uss / 1024**2:.0f} MB")


mesh = UnitSquareMesh(1000, 100)
x, y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
f = Function(FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)).interpolate(x*y)


del f, x, y, mesh

Which prints

Memory usage 0: 117 MB
Memory usage 1: 210 MB
Memory usage 2: 210 MB
Memory usage 3: 210 MB

And with a finer mesh UnitSquareMesh(1000, 1000) I get

Memory usage 0: 117 MB
Memory usage 1: 1024 MB
Memory usage 2: 1024 MB
Memory usage 3: 181 MB

which is completely unintuitive to me.