meshtastic / Meshtastic-Android

Android application for Meshtastic
GNU General Public License v3.0
670 stars 194 forks source link

Ne Android App version 0.9.01 #117

Closed feh123 closed 4 years ago

feh123 commented 4 years ago

Just installed this on MediaPad M3 running android 7.0. My tbeam is running 0.9.1.

Cleared tbeams from Android settings, switched off BT and opened the App - allowed BT but did not receive a paring request in the App. On going to Android Settings the pairing sequence started. On adding the pin only received the message incorrect pin pairing failed. Tried this several times with no success. In the App I see the tbeam but when I press the icon I get a grey coloured dot (not the usual green colour) and the message to pair in Settings. I sent in a bug report.

geeksville commented 4 years ago

hmm - report hasn't show up in the google console yet. can you reboot your tab and then run the app (no need to click anything) - that should prompt the little google bug-report thing to run in the background... (otherwise it might wait a couple of days)

feh123 commented 4 years ago

Okay, done. Thanks.

geeksville commented 4 years ago

Thanks! It came through: com.geeksville.mesh_issue_4518e386cd19614e403892a89decaac6_error_session_5F20060A03A80001129A8A39667E1C72_DNE_0_v2.log

Looking at it now

177 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:24 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.BTScanModel: BTScanModel created
178 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:24 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.BTScanModel: BTScan component active
179 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:24 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.BTScanModel: starting scan
180 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:24 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | Analytics: end screen
181 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:24 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.BTScanModel: onScanResult DeviceListEntry(name=...f0c, addr=...:0E)
182 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:24 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | Analytics: start screen Settings
183 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:24 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.BTScanModel: BTScan component active
184 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:24 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.BTScanModel: scan already running
185 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:24 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.SettingsFragment: We have location access
186 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:25 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | screen_view
187 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:26 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.BTScanModel: Requesting permissions for the device
188 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:26 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.SLogging: Starting bonding for 8C:AA:B5:82:EF:0E
189 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:26 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.SLogging: Received bond state changed 11
190 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:26 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.SLogging: Received bond state changed 10
191 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:26 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.SLogging: Bonding completed, state=10
192 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:29 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.BTScanModel: Requesting permissions for the device
193 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:29 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.SLogging: Starting bonding for 8C:AA:B5:82:EF:0E
194 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:29 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.SLogging: Received bond state changed 11
195 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:30 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.SLogging: Received bond state changed 10
196 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:30 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.SLogging: Bonding completed, state=10
197 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:33 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.BTScanModel: Requesting permissions for the device
198 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:33 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.SLogging: Starting bonding for 8C:AA:B5:82:EF:0E
199 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:33 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.SLogging: Received bond state changed 11
200 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:34 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.SLogging: Received bond state changed 10
201 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:34 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.mesh.ui.SLogging: Bonding completed, state=10
202 | Tue Jul 28 2020 04:10:39 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) | com.geeksville.util.Exceptions: Clicked Report A Bug null (exception logging reportError: Clicked Report A Bug)
geeksville commented 4 years ago

wow - yeah - it looks like the phone started bonding ("bond state changed 11") and then bonding immediately failed.

Can you try the following: Go to android settings on your phone, then bluetooth, then "previously connected devices", then for each meshtastic device listed, choose "Forget".

Then turn bluetooth off, wait 30 secs (so that it really shuts down) and then back on.

Then on the android settings page, choose pair new device, and try to pair one of the 0.9.01 radios? What does it say then?

(My theory is that somehow the old pairing data for the device is not getting deleted on the phone side)

feh123 commented 4 years ago

My MediaPad M3 does not retain unpaired devices - so there was nothing to forget. But I did switch BT off and on. I got the pairing request and the fail to pair message. I re-tried this several times and it did finally work. So in my BT menu the device was seen as paired. I sent a bug report at this point. In the App it took maybe 3-4 minutes and then the device appeared too. I sent the device a text but it never appeared on the device. The App still shows all the tbeams from my last attempt to connect even though only one is switched on? I switched on a second tbeam and that paired and even received my text. I hit report bug at this point. The first tbeam then also picked up the text! So I am rather baffed but the good news is the two seem to work well especially when both are present. Does that make sense?