meshtastic / firmware

Meshtastic device firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Need documentation to add additional boards #38

Closed SensorsIot closed 4 years ago

SensorsIot commented 4 years ago

Interesting project. I thought I could use it for my next video. I have many LoRa boards. Unfortunately not the ones you support. For example, I have a few of those: or those: . When I upload the .bin file according to your instruction, the Heltec only reboots. If I upload your platformIO project to a T-beam without a display, at least I see that it runs in Serial.

I would like to get a description of the different pins to change and maybe to switch GPS off if not available. Then maybe I could add the boards I own.

geeksville commented 4 years ago

re: your heltec board rebooting. I think this is due to an error in the current instructions, can you test this theory by trying the following three commands and report back?

By my quick reading of the link the key GPIOs are all the same as the HELTEC. So I suspect the default flash layout (the other partions besides the app partition) were laid out differently by that manufacturer, so just doing those three steps I think should make it work.

ignore the following portion of this comment for now: I stopped editing it when I saw tha the TTGO board should work with the TTGO 0.1.6 or later image. Its pinouts seem the same as the TBEAM except it doesn't have a GPS or power management chip (and the tbeam load checks for those parts dynamically and just warns if missing).

re: porting to new board Good idea. How about for now (since I'm currently knee deep in finishing an android release) I put the tips here and later one of us merges it into a file in docs/software/

To use your as an example... and looking at

Step 1:

I think only configuration.h needs t change.

#elif defined(HELTEC_LORA32)
// This string must exactly match the case used in release file names or the android updater won't work

#ifndef USE_JTAG // gpio15 is TDO for JTAG, so no I2C on this board while doing jtag
#define I2C_SDA 4
#define I2C_SCL 15

#define RESET_OLED 16

#define VEXT_ENABLE 21 // active low, powers the oled display and the lora antenna boost
#define LED_PIN 25
#define BUTTON_PIN 0

#ifndef USE_JTAG
#define RESET_GPIO 14
#define DIO0_GPIO 26
#define DIO1_GPIO 35
#define DIO2_GPIO 34
geeksville commented 4 years ago

btw - sorry I can't help too much more right now, but I really want to get the current androdi changes out as a new release (today/tomorrow). And everything is now going slower because of being in Corona lockdown mode in my town... We have a few good geeks coming up to speed (and hopefully soon lead devs) on this fun project, but that will take a couple of weeks.

geeksville commented 4 years ago

@SensorsIot Just checking in did that work out for you (alas, I was totally clobbered the last sixish days with either flu or covid and I'm finally feeling human)

SensorsIot commented 4 years ago

Glad to read you are better. No, I had to give up for the moment. Because I have a schedule of my videos I always have to assess if I am able to deliver ;-) I am still interested, but I might need some help from you. I would like to show a scenario with two (better 3) devices exchanging messages. Would you be willing to skype with me?

geeksville commented 4 years ago

Happily. Can we work out a time by email? I'm and I'm available virtually any time after Thursday. Currently crunching on the next android release.