meshtastic / firmware

Meshtastic device firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
3k stars 715 forks source link

[Bug]: GPS on Portduino works on first application start, subsequent GPS checks fail indefinately. #3909

Closed Talie5in closed 1 month ago

Talie5in commented 1 month ago





Firmware Version



Portduino (rPi 3 with Waveshare SX1262 LoRaWAN/GNSS HAT)

On meshtasticd start, initial aquisition of GPS via /dev/ttyS0 is successful

Another report of this has appeared in Discord by 'madeofstown' - so not a single occurrence.

Relevant log output

DEBUG | ??:??:?? 0 [GPS] Probing for GPS at 9600
INFO  | ??:??:?? 0 [GPS] L76K GNSS init succeeded, using L76K GNSS Module
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] NMEA GPS time 2024-05-15 13:35:14
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] Upgrading time to quality GPS
DEBUG | 13:35:14 2 [GPS] Read RTC time as 1715780114
DEBUG | 13:35:14 2 [GPS] hasValidLocation RISING EDGE
DEBUG | 13:35:14 2 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 13:35:14 2 [GPS] GPS Lock took 2, average 0
INFO  | 13:35:14 2 [GPS] Setting GPS power=0
DEBUG | 13:35:14 2 [GPS] publishing pos@6644ba12:2, hasVal=1, Sats=29, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 13:35:14 2 [GPS] New GPS pos@6644ba12:3 lat=-35.092627, lon=138.872620, alt=349, pdop=0.84, track=230.36, speed=0.00, sats=29
DEBUG | 13:35:14 2 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@6644ba12, time=1715780114, lat=-350926275, lon=1388726198, alt=349
INFO  | 13:35:14 2 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@6644ba12, time=1715780114, latI=-350926275, lonI=1388726198, alt=349
DEBUG | 13:35:14 2 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=-350926275, longitude=1388726198, time=1715780114, timestamp=1715780114
DEBUG | 13:37:14 122 [GPS] WANT GPS=1
INFO  | 13:37:14 122 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
DEBUG | 13:52:14 1022 [GPS] hasValidLocation FALLING EDGE (last read: 0)
DEBUG | 13:52:14 1022 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 13:52:14 1022 [GPS] GPS Lock took 900, average 900
DEBUG | 13:52:14 1022 [GPS] publishing pos@0:2, hasVal=0, Sats=0, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 13:52:14 1022 [GPS] No GPS lock
DEBUG | 13:52:14 1022 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@0, time=1715781134, lat=0, lon=0, alt=0
INFO  | 13:52:14 1022 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=1715781134, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
DEBUG | 13:52:14 1022 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=0, longitude=0, time=1715781134, timestamp=0
DEBUG | 13:52:14 1022 [GPS] Node status update: 9 online, 15 total
DEBUG | 13:54:14 1142 [GPS] WANT GPS=1
INFO  | 13:54:14 1142 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
DEBUG | 14:09:14 2042 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 14:09:14 2042 [GPS] GPS Lock took 900, average 899
DEBUG | 14:09:14 2042 [GPS] publishing pos@0:2, hasVal=0, Sats=0, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 14:09:14 2042 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@0, time=1715782154, lat=0, lon=0, alt=0
INFO  | 14:09:14 2042 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=1715782154, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
DEBUG | 14:09:14 2042 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=0, longitude=0, time=1715782154, timestamp=0
DEBUG | 14:09:14 2042 [GPS] Node status update: 10 online, 15 total
DEBUG | 14:11:14 2162 [GPS] WANT GPS=1
INFO  | 14:11:14 2162 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
DEBUG | 14:26:14 3063 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 14:26:14 3063 [GPS] GPS Lock took 900, average 898
DEBUG | 14:26:14 3063 [GPS] publishing pos@0:2, hasVal=0, Sats=0, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 14:26:14 3063 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@0, time=1715783174, lat=0, lon=0, alt=0
INFO  | 14:26:14 3063 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=1715783174, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
DEBUG | 14:26:14 3063 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=0, longitude=0, time=1715783174, timestamp=0
DEBUG | 14:26:14 3063 [GPS] Node status update: 11 online, 16 total

Commentary: - Setting Get GPS every 30 seconds to attempt to stop powerdown fails as a forced power=0 set right after initialization>

INFO  | ??:??:?? 0 [GPS] L76K GNSS init succeeded, using L76K GNSS Module
INFO  | 15:10:00 1 [GPS] Setting GPS power=0
INFO  | 15:10:00 1 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@6644d048, time=1715785800, latI=-350926183, lonI=1388726060, alt=346
INFO  | 15:10:00 1 [GPS] Sending pos@6644d048:6 to mesh (wantReplies=1)
INFO  | 15:10:00 1 [GPS] Providing time to mesh 1715785800
INFO  | 15:10:00 1 [GPS] Position reply: time=1715785800, latI=-350912512, lonI=1388740608
INFO  | 15:10:00 1 [GPS] serialized json message: {"channel":0,"from":3958966453,"hops_away":0,"id":1804289385,"payload":{"PDOP":84,"altitude":346,"ground_track":23036000,"latitude_i"
INFO  | 15:10:00 1 [GPS] JSON publish message to msh/ANZ/SA/2/json/LongFast/!ebf908b5, 305 bytes: {"channel":0,"from":3958966453,"hops_away":0,"id":1804289385,"payload":{"PDOP":84,"al
INFO  | 15:10:30 31 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
INFO  | 15:25:30 931 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=1715786730, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
INFO  | 15:26:05 966 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
INFO  | 15:41:05 1867 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=1715787665, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
INFO  | 15:41:40 1902 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
INFO  | 15:56:40 2802 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=1715788600, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
INFO  | 15:57:10 2832 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
INFO  | 16:12:10 3732 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=1715789530, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
INFO  | 16:12:40 3762 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
INFO  | 16:27:40 4662 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=1715790460, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
INFO  | 16:28:10 4692 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
INFO  | 16:43:10 5592 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=1715791390, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
INFO  | 16:43:45 5627 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
INFO  | 16:58:45 6527 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=1715792325, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
INFO  | 16:59:20 6562 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
jp-bennett commented 1 month ago

We've gotten several reports of this. The strange thing is that not every install has this problem.

Talie5in commented 1 month ago

@jp-bennett Yeah, I saw, and also experiencing it, so thought id do the right thing and open an issue so it can be tracked :)

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

How is the Pi wired up to the L76K GPS module? ... Found the WaveShare schematic. will look into it...

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

Could you post some of the data you see coming into /dev/ttyS0. Can you also look at your WaveShare Hat to see if R13 is populated, and what the state of the Standby switch is. And is the PPS led blinking?

Talie5in commented 1 month ago

Thanks for taking a look @GPSFan

image R13 Appears to be a unpopulated on the board, just like in the product image.

cat /dev/ttyS0





















Additionally i've just compiled portduino myself with some code changes in gps.cpp to ignore power off if ARCH_PORTDUINO is defined.... just doing some testing now :)

Talie5in commented 1 month ago

@GPSFan UGH, Standby Switch - yup... that is... ON But you would think i would get 0 GPS Locks while in that state? Not just after portduino tells it to power off?

Talie5in commented 1 month ago

I can restart the app and get a valid GPS time etc each start, which would tell me it's getting a lock and not in Standby? INFO | 14:09:50 2 [GPS] Position reply: time=1715868590, latI=-350912512, lonI=1388740608 image image

EDIT: Turned Off Device Switch The "STANDBY" switch to Off image And no data in /dev/ttyS0 now showing PPS light is just a dull green

Turned Off Device Switch STANDBY to On Data visible in /dev/ttyS0 and meshtasticd see's the L76K on start

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the update, lots to discuss here. With the Standby switch in the ON position and R13 UNPOPULATED, the code in GPS.cpp that tries to put the module into standby or power off (for some boards) will not do anything. Looks like the switch markings are reversed. It looks like WaveShare didn't really read the datasheet for the L76K, the schematic symbol corresponds to the L76B, and the function of pin 18 is very different: L76K switches between GPS/GLONASS and GPS/BeiDou L76B Forces a wakeup from standby. If that NMEA stream is getting into Meshtastic, it should be giving you a fix.

Talie5in commented 1 month ago


Sounds.. fun

In the interim i'm attempting this to see if it keeps... updating :)


GPSFan commented 1 month ago

If you can recompile, try turning on GPS debugging and Extra Verbose (you may have to edit the variant.h)

Talie5in commented 1 month ago

If you point me where too for GPS debugging - im very happy to, didnt spot anything for it in gps.cpp ?

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

Add these ti the variant.h file.

define GPS_DEBUG


Talie5in commented 1 month ago

Done, i'll let it run for a bit and i can supply the tee'd logfile

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

I may be full of horse pucky, all my u-blox parts are putting out GNGGA/GNRMC sentences, so that's not it. ;>(

caveman99 commented 1 month ago

TinyGPS+++ takes care of the GGA/RMC handling. There was indeed a recent fix for that, but it's not in meshtastic but in our tinygps fork.

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

Yeah, brain fart on my part ;>(( Hopefully the verbose log will tell us something.

Talie5in commented 1 month ago

If it makes you feel any better, my idea has been blown out of the water by the looks by attempting to avoid powering it off....

DEBUG | ??:??:?? 4 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 4 [GPS] D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D3L76K GNSS init succeeded, using L76K GNSS Module0CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 5 [GPS] 
DEBUG | 15:13:55 900 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 15:13:55 900 [GPS] GPS Lock took 900, average 0
INFO  | 15:13:55 900 [GPS] Skipping powering off GPS for PORTDUINO.
DEBUG | 15:13:55 900 [GPS] publishing pos@0:2, hasVal=0, Sats=0, GPSlock=0
DEBUG | 15:13:55 900 [GPS] GPSStatus.match() new pos@0 to old pos@0
DEBUG | 15:13:55 900 [GPS] onGPSchanged() - lost validLocation
DEBUG | 15:13:55 900 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@0, time=1715872435, lat=0, lon=0, alt=0
INFO  | 15:13:55 900 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=1715872435, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
DEBUG | 15:13:55 900 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=0, longitude=0, time=1715872435, timestamp=0
DEBUG | 15:13:55 900 [GPS] Node status update: 10 online, 16 total
DEBUG | 15:15:55 1020 [GPS] WANT GPS=1
INFO  | 15:15:55 1020 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
caveman99 commented 1 month ago

Yeah, brain fart on my part ;>((

No sweat, just pointing out the direction to save you some trouble looking :-)

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

The line of D30CB0D0D30CB0D is puzzling, I'm recompiling my local code with debug & extraverbose to see my corresponding line.

Talie5in commented 1 month ago

You get that from "Probing" to what i pasted above L76K GNSS init succeeded.

DEBUG | ??:??:?? 0 [GPS] Probing for GPS at 9600 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 0 [GPS] D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 0 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 0 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 0 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 [GPS] D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 [GPS] D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 1 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 3 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 3 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 3 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 3 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 3 [GPS] D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 4 [GPS] 
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 4 [GPS] D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D3L76K GNSS init succeeded, using L76K GNSS Module0CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 5 [GPS] 
Talie5in commented 1 month ago

One Debug Logfile with GPS_DEBUG and GPS_EXTRAVERBOSE enabled. meshtasticd_2024-05-17.log

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

Reading through the log, I can't see where the Pi got an initial position, the positions reported don't seem to be coming from the GPS.. and all of them seem to be the same. The D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB stuff should be the NMEA sentences. If I were to guess I'd say there was a serial interface problem with Meshtastic. I don't have a Pi (recent) an L76K or a waveshare hat, so debugging this is not going to be easy. I'll see what I can do about setting something up duplicate your setup.

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

this is what I'm seeing during normal operation: DEBUG | 18:43:22 2062 [Power] Battery: usbPower=0, isCharging=0, batMv=0, batPct=0 DEBUG | 18:43:23 2062 [GPS] WANT GPS=1 INFO | 18:43:23 2062 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1 DEBUG | 18:43:23 2062 [GPS] AGE: LOC=10034 FIX=0 DATE=10037 TIME=10034 DEBUG | 18:43:23 2062 [GPS] AGE: LOC=10236 FIX=0 DATE=10239 TIME=10236 DEBUG | 18:43:23 2063 [GPS] AGE: LOC=10437 FIX=0 DATE=10440 TIME=10437 DEBUG | 18:43:23 2063 [GPS] AGE: LOC=10638 FIX=0 DATE=10641 TIME=10638 DEBUG | 18:43:24 2063 [GPS] AGE: LOC=10838 FIX=0 DATE=10841 TIME=10838 DEBUG | 18:43:24 2063 [GPS] $GNRMC,184325.00,A,3853.88749,N,10734.44632,W,0.781,,160524,,,A,V04 $GNGGA,184325.00,3853.88749,N,10734.44632,W,1,12,0.72,1896.5,M,-20.6,M,,44 AGE: LOC=4 FIX=0 DATE=7 TIME=4 DEBUG | 18:43:24 2063 [GPS] WANT GPS=0 DEBUG | 18:43:24 2063 [GPS] GPS Lock took 1, average 0 DEBUG | 18:43:24 2063 [GPS] publishing pos@664653cd:2, hasVal=1, Sats=12, GPSlock=1 DEBUG | 18:43:24 2063 [GPS] GPSStatus.match() new pos@664653cd to old pos@664653c2 DEBUG | 18:43:24 2063 [GPS] New GPS pos@664653cd:3 lat=38.898125, lon=-107.574105, alt=1896, pdop=1.01, track=102.14, speed=0.01, sats=12 DEBUG | 18:43:24 2063 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@664653cd, time=1715885004, lat=388981248, lon=-1075741053, alt=1896 INFO | 18:43:24 2063 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@664653cd, time=1715885004, latI=388981248, lonI=-1075741053, alt=1896

madeofstown commented 1 month ago

Just wanted to say I've been dealing with this same issue and I thought it was a hardware problem. Would be great if it wasn't. If you need any logs I dumped an hours worth of just the GPS stuff in discord in the Linux-native channel a few days ago.

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

Thanks, I'm trying to get some sort of setup that I can run meshtasticd on. Might be able to borrow a Pi from a friend. I can then patch in a non L76K GPS to see what's going on.

madeofstown commented 1 month ago

Thanks, I'm trying to get some sort of setup that I can run meshtasticd on. Might be able to borrow a Pi from a friend. I can then patch in a non L76K GPS to see what's going on.

I've also got a neoM8n GNSS Module on order for testing. Will let you know (if I get mine first) how it does.

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

I haven't done much with linux native as my plate is pretty full of DayJob (tm) and RealLife (tm) stuff, but it's on the list.

jp-bennett commented 1 month ago

I've seen similar message spam from other GPS units on non-pi targets. Never did track down the culprit, other than a GPS unit acting weird.

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

@jp-bennett Linux native is a good candidate for tracking down this type of problem, I've got meshtasticd installed on my Rock64 debian Bookworm, but have yet to figure out how to start the daemon. The docs for linux native could use a bit of help.

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

Meshtasticd runs and doesn't crash. config is an issue more than likely.

jp-bennett commented 1 month ago

The docs for linux native could use a bit of help.

Make notes about what's missing, and we'll get it added. In this case, probably need a quick word about using systemctl to manage services.

Talie5in commented 1 month ago

The docs for linux native could use a bit of help.

Make notes about what's missing, and we'll get it added. In this case, probably need a quick word about using systemctl to manage services. Issue opened :)

@jp-bennett Linux native is a good candidate for tracking down this type of problem, I've got meshtasticd installed on my Rock64 debian Bookworm, but have yet to figure out how to start the daemon. The docs for linux native could use a bit of help.

Let me know if you want to remote into mine, ssh is available over a cloudflared tunnel :)

madeofstown commented 1 month ago

OK, testing with a different GPS module ( Ublox Neo-M8N from here). I seem to be getting a similar if not the same issue. It seems that the GPS logging is a bit more verbose than for the waveshare module so maybe this log will help.

DEBUG | ??:??:?? 13 [GPS] Probing for GPS at 57600
INFO  | ??:??:?? 15 [GPS] Found a UBlox Module using baudrate 57600
INFO  | ??:??:?? 17 [GPS] GNSS configured for GPS+SBAS+GLONASS+Galileo. Pause for 0.75s before sending next command.
WARN  | ??:??:?? 19 [GPS] Unable to disable text info messages.
WARN  | ??:??:?? 19 [GPS] Unable to enable interference resistance.
WARN  | ??:??:?? 20 [GPS] Unable to configure NAVX5 settings.
WARN  | ??:??:?? 20 [GPS] Got NAK for class 06 message 11
WARN  | ??:??:?? 20 [GPS] Unable to enable powersaving mode for GPS.
INFO  | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] GNSS module configuration saved!
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] publishing pos@0:2, hasVal=0, Sats=0, GPSlock=0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] No GPS lock
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@0, time=0, lat=0, lon=0, alt=0
INFO  | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=0, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=0, longitude=0, time=0, timestamp=0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] Node status update: 0 online, 25 total
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] showing standard frames
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] Showing 0 module frames
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] Total frame count: 203
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] Added modules.  numframes: 0
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] Finished building frames. numframes: 7
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] NMEA GPS time 2024-05-18 15:35:08
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 21 [GPS] Upgrading time to quality GPS
DEBUG | 15:35:08 21 [GPS] Read RTC time as 1716046508
DEBUG | 15:35:08 21 [GPS] publishing pos@0:2, hasVal=0, Sats=0, GPSlock=0
DEBUG | 15:35:08 21 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@0, time=1716046508, lat=0, lon=0, alt=0
INFO  | 15:35:08 21 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=1716046508, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
DEBUG | 15:35:08 21 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=0, longitude=0, time=1716046508, timestamp=0
DEBUG | 15:35:08 21 [GPS] Node status update: 1 online, 25 total
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] hasValidLocation RISING EDGE
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] GPS Lock took 21, average 0
INFO  | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Setting GPS power=0
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Sleep Time: 120000
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] publishing pos@6648caac:2, hasVal=1, Sats=12, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] New GPS pos@6648caac:3 lat=XXXXX, lon=XXXX, alt=30, pdop=1.04, track=0.00, speed=0.00, sats=12
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@6648caac, time=1716046508, lat=XXXXX, lon=XXXXX, alt=30
INFO  | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@6648caac, time=1716046508, latI=XXXXX, lonI=XXXXX, alt=30
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=XXXXX, longitude=XXXXX, time=1716046508, timestamp=1716046508
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Node status update: 1 online, 25 total
INFO  | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Sending pos@6648caac:6 to mesh (wantReplies=1)
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Sending location with precision 16
INFO  | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Providing time to mesh 1716046508
INFO  | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Position reply: time=1716046508, latI=XXXXX, lonI=XXXXX
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Initial packet id 1804289383, numPacketId 4294967295
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Update DB node 0x104cf5c, rx_time=1716046508
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] handleReceived(LOCAL) (id=0x6b8b4569 fr=0x5c to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x0 Portnum=3 WANTRESP rxtime=1716046508 priority=10)
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] No modules interested in portnum=3, src=LOCAL
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] localSend to channel 0
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Add packet record (id=0x6b8b4569 fr=0x5c to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x0 Portnum=3 WANTRESP rxtime=1716046508 priority=10)
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Expanding short PSK #1
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Using AES128 key!
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Installing AES128 key!
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] enqueuing for send (id=0x6b8b4569 fr=0x5c to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x8 encrypted rxtime=1716046508 hopStart=3 priority=10)
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Set random delay before transmitting.
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Using channel 0 (hash 0x8)
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Expanding short PSK #1
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Using AES128 key!
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Installing AES128 key!
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] decoded message (id=0x6b8b4569 fr=0x5c to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x0 Portnum=3 WANTRESP rxtime=1716046508 hopStart=3 priority=10)
DEBUG | 15:35:08 22 [GPS] Sent smart pos@6648caac:6 to mesh (distanceTraveled=12783963.000000m, minDistanceThreshold=100m, timeElapsed=22024ms, minTimeInterval=30000ms)
DEBUG | 15:37:08 142 [GPS] WANT GPS=1
INFO  | 15:37:08 142 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
DEBUG | 15:39:08 262 [GPS] hasValidLocation FALLING EDGE (last read: 0)
DEBUG | 15:39:08 262 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 15:39:08 262 [GPS] GPS Lock took 120, average 120
DEBUG | 15:39:08 262 [GPS] publishing pos@0:2, hasVal=0, Sats=0, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 15:39:08 262 [GPS] No GPS lock
DEBUG | 15:39:08 262 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@0, time=1716046748, lat=0, lon=0, alt=0
INFO  | 15:39:08 262 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@0, time=1716046748, latI=0, lonI=0, alt=0
DEBUG | 15:39:08 262 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=0, longitude=0, time=1716046748, timestamp=0
DEBUG | 15:39:08 262 [GPS] Node status update: 1 online, 25 total
GPSFan commented 1 month ago

Very strange, I have a Pi3+ and waveshare hat coming on Wed. So I'll be able to see exactly what is going on, I will however need some help to configure the Pi & hat to duplicate your setup.. How did you compile the firmware? on the Pi itself, or using Platformio on a desktop/laptop? I've built the firmware on my Linux laptop for esp32 and NRF52 successfully, and am no stranger to Linux on ARM and x86 platforms.

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

Noticed that Meshtastic found your u-blox at 57600baud, that is unusual unless you changed it, and saved the config to flash. And Meshtastic didn't print out the MON-VER info, and if it was a u-blox Neo-6 or Neo7 as your link shows, it shouldn't be configured for GPS+SBAS+GLONASS_Galileo. What version of the firmware are you compiling???

madeofstown commented 1 month ago

I just ran the latest 2.3.9 alpha release .deb Yeah, the baud rate is inconsistent over UART for some reason. Most of time it will use 9600 but Ive also seen it use 4800, 57600, and 115200. Now I'm testing with the USB interface on the module and have configured meshtasticd to use /dev/ttyACM0 and it seems to be holding a lock...

madeofstown commented 1 month ago

But ive built the releases before using bin/

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

Ok, I'll start with that, I got it so it runs on my Rock64, but without a waveshare hat, no LORA and no GPS. I also have an issue with the SPI config on my Rock64, so I went for broke and got a Pi & waveshare hat on order. That way I'll have a duplicate of a known "working" system.

madeofstown commented 1 month ago

Here's the bootup log for the GPS while using the USB interface.

DEBUG | ??:??:?? 0 [GPS] Probing for GPS at 9600
INFO  | ??:??:?? 1 [GPS] Found a UBlox Module using baudrate 9600
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] Module Info :
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] Soft version: 2.01 (75350)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] Hard version: 00080000
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] Extensions:5
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS]   2.01 (75331)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS]   PROTVER 15.00
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS]   FIS 0xEF4015 (79189)
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS]
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS]
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] Protocol Version:15.00
DEBUG | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] ProtVer=15
WARN  | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] Got NAK for class 06 message 3E
INFO  | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] Unable to reconfigure GNSS - defaults maintained. Is this module GPS-only?
WARN  | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] Got NAK for class 06 message 11
WARN  | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] Unable to enable powersaving mode for GPS.
INFO  | ??:??:?? 2 [GPS] GNSS module configuration saved!
GPSFan commented 1 month ago

What type of module was it sold as? Neo-6, Neo-7 or M8?

madeofstown commented 1 month ago

M8N PXL_20240518_182158980 RAW-01 COVER

madeofstown commented 1 month ago

So far I've been unable to download the reference materials for this module because they are behind a baidu link...

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

That definitely falls into the counterfeit or fake category, the little 8 pin chip to the left is supposed to be an eeprom, the M8 series has internal flash and did away with that leftover of the Neo-6's. It is not a real u-blox module. It most likely uses a salvaged 8030 chip inside but lacks the internal Flash that would hold the upgraded 3.01 firmware. Datasheets/ integration guides etc are all freely available on the u-blox web site:

madeofstown commented 1 month ago

Well, counterfeit or not, it seems to be maintaining and updating GPS lock. I'm going to leave it for a few hours to see for sure. But I'll also be sure to leave a negative review for the AliExpress vendor.

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

The internal 8030 chip is genuine, it's the surrounding parts that are substandard and not equivalent to the original. Not made by u-blox, made in some CN sweatshop by child labor, being paid in dog poop and being sold as real with a copied label. Sorry for the rant, but no one should be buying those modules, there are "better" ones on AliExpress.

Talie5in commented 1 month ago

Very strange, I have a Pi3+ and waveshare hat coming on Wed. So I'll be able to see exactly what is going on, I will however need some help to configure the Pi & hat to duplicate your setup.. How did you compile the firmware? on the Pi itself, or using Platformio on a desktop/laptop? I've built the firmware on my Linux laptop for esp32 and NRF52 successfully, and am no stranger to Linux on ARM and x86 platforms.

So, running standard install from the .deb from the assets page -> But i've also compiled it myself on the pi using remote-ssh extension in VSCode and PlatformIO

Talie5in commented 1 month ago


Looks like serial login gets enabled by default on a fresh install..... once you have enable a serial port in /boot/firmware/config.txt


raspi-config -> Interface Options -> Serial Port -> Login Shell accessible over Serial Port -> No Would You like the serial port hardware to be enabled -> Yes (although this is already enabled in the /boot/firmware/config.txt


sudo systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyS0.service
sudo systemctl stop serial-getty@ttyS0.service

Found it with


Example of disabling it!


Checking after 10 minutes i can see meshtasticd still has ownership of /dev/ttyS0 image

@GPSFan @madeofstown

Be good to keep the bug open for another 24 hours and i'll report back if this keeps working, but so far (1 hour in) we are looking good!)

Note to self:

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

That is what I had surmised, but without the exact hardware and OS I couldn't be sure. "The D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB0D0D30CB stuff should be the NMEA sentences. If I were to guess I'd say there was a serial interface problem with Meshtastic." If the login on uart1 wasn't disabled, Meshtasticd would not be able to get ownership of /dev/ttyS0, there should have been some sort of error message when Meshtasticd tried to grab ttyS0. That probably needs to go into the code. Or the meshtasticd install instructions/script.

madeofstown commented 1 month ago

I can't believe I didn't think of this... I've been watching the RDX light blink while the Pi boots up without even thinking about it! I think this issue should stay open until the documentation addresses the problem.

GPSFan commented 1 month ago

Yeah, I think this is one of those face slapping moments. Docs need to be updated for sure. I guess it is a Pi thing to bring the console serial port out the GPIO header...