meshtastic / firmware

Meshtastic device firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.03k stars 726 forks source link

Remote "--dest" commands time out #794

Closed Chiumanfu closed 2 years ago

Chiumanfu commented 3 years ago

Sending remote commands to the admin channel using the --dest command times out.

See thread for more info and screenshots

Device 1.2.28 Python 1.2.30

geeksville commented 3 years ago

This issue has been mentioned on Meshtastic. There might be relevant details there:

ghettodev commented 3 years ago


➜  firmware-1.2.28 meshtastic --port=/dev/ttyUSB0 --dest \!050d5b74 --info --reboot                                                                                                                                                                                                   130 
Connected to radio
INFO:root:Requesting preferences from remote node (this could take a while)
ERROR:root:Error while handling message from radio 'admin'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/meshtastic/", line 844, in __reader
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/meshtastic/", line 531, in _handleFromRadio
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/meshtastic/", line 669, in _handlePacketFromRadio
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/meshtastic/", line 291, in onResponse
    self.radioConfig = p["decoded"]["admin"]["raw"].get_radio_response
KeyError: 'admin'
Aborting due to: Timed out waiting for node config

meshtastic info:

➜  firmware-1.2.28 meshtastic --port=/dev/ttyUSB0 --info
Connected to radio

Owner: a7b0 (a7b)

My info: { "myNodeNum": 2442635184, "numBands": 13, "firmwareVersion": "1.2.28", "rebootCount": 32, "messageTimeoutMsec": 300000, "minAppVersion": 20200, "maxChannels": 8 }

Nodes in mesh:
  {'num': 2442635184, 'user': {'id': '!9197a7b0', 'longName': 'a7b0', 'shortName': 'a7b', 'macaddr': 'UAKRl6ew', 'hwModel': 'TLORA_V2'}, 'position': {'latitudeI': 2, 'longitudeI': -2, 'altitude': 36, 'latitude': 2.2, 'longitude': -2.2}, 'lastHeard': 1618636346}
  {'num': 84761460, 'user': {'id': '!050d5b74', 'longName': '5b74', 'shortName': '5b7', 'macaddr': 'PGEFDVt0', 'hwModel': 'TBEAM'}, 'position': {'latitudeI': 2, 'longitudeI': -2, 'altitude': -1, 'batteryLevel': 100, 'time': 1618636197, 'latitude': 2, 'longitude': -2}, 'lastHeard': 1618636171, 'snr': 6.75}
  {'num': 84761736, 'user': {'id': '!050d5c88', 'longName': '5c88', 'shortName': '5c8', 'macaddr': 'PGEFDVyI', 'hwModel': 'TBEAM'}, 'position': {'latitudeI': 2, 'longitudeI': -2, 'altitude': 61, 'batteryLevel': 100, 'time': 1618636200, 'latitude': 2.2, 'longitude': -2.2}, 'lastHeard': 1618636174, 'snr': 7.0}
  {'num': 2442725896, 'user': {'id': '!91990a08', 'longName': '0a08', 'shortName': '008', 'macaddr': 'UAKRmQoI', 'hwModel': 'TLORA_V2', 'raw': id: "!91990a08" long_name: "0a08" short_name: "008" macaddr: "P\002\221\231\n\010" hw_model: TLORA_V2 }, 'position': {'latitudeI': 2, 'longitudeI': -2, 'altitude': -2, 'time': 1618636082, 'latitude': 2.2, 'longitude': -2.2}, 'lastHeard': 1618636319, 'snr': 6.0}

Preferences: { "positionBroadcastSecs": 360, "waitBluetoothSecs": 28800, "screenOnSecs": 360, "lsSecs": 300, "wifiSsid": "2", "wifiPassword": "2", "region": "US", "extNotificationPluginEnabled": true, "extNotificationPluginOutput": 14, "extNotificationPluginActive": true, "extNotificationPluginAlertBell": true, "storeForwardPluginRecords": 100, "storeForwardPluginEnabled": true }

meshtastic --version: 1.2.30 python --version: Python 3.8.5

IZ1IVA commented 3 years ago

In my tests, admin mode only works when all nodes are awake before sending out the command and are still awake when the nearest node transmits or relays the command.

geeksville commented 2 years ago

I think I fixed this some time ago and everyone was again happy. Please reopen if this is still happening for you.

IZ1IVA commented 2 years ago

I think I fixed this some time ago and everyone was again happy. Please reopen if this is still happening for you.

Just checked: it's still happening :-( So far I've only tested with a TTGO LoRa32 hooked to a Windows 10 PC trying to send commands to a T-Beam well within range (+2 dB SNR). Both boards are on 1.2.43a.
