meshtastic / python

The Python CLI and API for talking to Meshtastic devices
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Documentation: What 'preferences' exist, how to change user settings? #34

Closed hb9eue closed 3 years ago

hb9eue commented 3 years ago


I have been searching the site and some of the code to figure out, what settings can be made via the example application. No success. Sorry probably more a user question than a developer question who could for sure have found the answer looking at the meshtastic-device code.

What i am looking for is how to set the longName and shortName to get more usefull names when sending messages via the meshtastic-python.


geeksville commented 3 years ago

hi @hb9eue,

By coincidence @timgunter just added support for setting shortname/longname see the new --setowner command line option for an example.

Alas our prefs docs are currently pretty weak. The gold standard right now is in the protobuf internal documentation:

(also github is fine for this, but you might get quicker answers on our forum: )