meshtastic / python

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Can't update time and wifi password not posting. #365

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

Having issues setting time. Everything wants to act like it is a year behind. I have 2 LILYGO TTGO T-Beam V1.1 and one TTGO lilygo device that is managed by a raspberry pi via python. The tbeams after updating metastatic to the latest ver. alpha from ver. 1.1.8 the tebeams no longer use on board GPS. I used GPS-SIM with a hackrf one, to try and force GPS to change but no reaction from both the tbeams. wifi password will not set with the following command: (meshtastic --set wifi_ap_mode false --set wifi_password "MY-PASSWORD" --set wifi_ssid WIN_502001) It will stay as "sekrit" I don't even know what a "sekrit" is.

meshtastic --support

If having issues with meshtastic cli or python library or wish to make feature requests, visit: When adding an issue, be sure to include the following info: System: Linux Platform: Linux-4.19.118+-armv6l-with-debian-10.12 Release: 4.19.118+ Machine: armv6l Encoding (stdin): UTF-8 Encoding (stdout): UTF-8 meshtastic: v1.2.95 Executable: /home/pi/.local/bin/meshtastic Python: 3.7.3 CPython GCC 8.3.0

Please add the output from the command: meshtastic --info

meshtastic --info

Connected to radio

Owner: Piximon-Router (Pxm) My info: { "myNodeNum": 3186685188, "numBands": 13, "firmwareVersion": "", "rebootCount": 43, "bitrate": 17.08847, "messageTimeoutMsec": 300000, "minAppVersion": 20200, "maxChannels": 8, "hasWifi": true, "channelUtilization": 9.2, "airUtilTx": 1.3073611 } Nodes in mesh: {'num': 3186685188, 'user': {'id': '!bdf0f504', 'longName': 'Piximon-Router', 'shortName': 'Pxm', 'macaddr': '7c:9e:bd:f0:f5:04', 'hwModel': 'HELTEC_V1'}, 'position': {'latitudeI': 3, 'longitudeI': -, 'latitude': .**, 'longitude': -.**}, 'lastHeard': 1609428664, 'snr': 10.75} {'num': 84781020, 'user': {'id': '!050da7dc', 'longName': 'Xev', 'shortName': 'Xev', 'macaddr': '3c:61:05:0d:a7:', 'hwModel': 'TBEAM'}, 'position': {'time': 1609415382}, 'lastHeard': 1609425355, 'snr': 9.75} {'num': 2988739188, 'user': {'id': '!b2248a74', 'longName': 'Azazel', 'shortName': 'Azz', 'macaddr': 'ac:67:b2:24:8a:', 'hwModel': 'TBEAM'}, 'position': {'time': 1609428651}, 'lastHeard': 1609428644, 'snr': 9.5}

Preferences: { "phoneTimeoutSecs": 900, "lsSecs": 300, "wifiSsid": "WIN_502001", "wifiPassword": "sekrit", "isRouter": true, "fixedPosition": true, "storeForwardPluginHistoryReturnWindow": 5, "storeForwardPluginEnabled": true, "isAlwaysPowered": true }

Channels: PRIMARY psk=default { "modemConfig": "Bw125Cr48Sf4096", "psk": "AQ==" }

Primary channel URL:

meshtastic --node


If you need anymore info please let me know and what commands to do. Thank you.

LILYGO-TTGO-2Pcs-LoRa32-V1-0-868-915MHz-ESP32-LoRa-OLED-0-96-Inch-Display-Wireless_jpg_Q90 jpg__webp Meshtastic-T-Beam-V11-WiFi-BLE-Lora-ESP32-GPS

garthvh commented 2 years ago

1.2 is not getting updated so you may have to go down a version to get a working wifi/webui.

I don't get how you have gps configured, do you get the correct time if you use the onboard GPS modules?

ghost commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the fast response I put GPS in by python command for the router device: "meshtastic --setlat . --setlon -." Im not to worry about the wifi or web UI I just want updated time. I tried using "meshtastic --settime" However this is not a valid command. The other devices are using the phone GPS but not the built in one for the tbeams.

ghost commented 2 years ago

I got this resolved. I'm using a lora ttgo pico now. The other lilygo ttgo device for some reason does not like the new ver of metastatic. So I will close.