meshuggahtas / tasvideos

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SCSS - Results of scss-lint linter (version 0.59.0) #5

Open meshuggahtas opened 2 years ago

meshuggahtas commented 2 years ago

❌ [ERROR] TASVideos/wwwroot/css/darkmode-initial.scss TASVideos/wwwroot/css/darkmode-initial.scss:2:11 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings

❌ [ERROR] TASVideos/wwwroot/css/darkmode.scss TASVideos/wwwroot/css/darkmode.scss:1:9 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings TASVideos/wwwroot/css/darkmode.scss:2:9 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings TASVideos/wwwroot/css/darkmode.scss:3:9 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings TASVideos/wwwroot/css/darkmode.scss:4:1 [W] TrailingSemicolon: Declaration should be terminated by a semicolon TASVideos/wwwroot/css/darkmode.scss:4:9 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings TASVideos/wwwroot/css/darkmode.scss:4:9 [W] ImportPath: Imported partial partials/_prism-dark should be written as partials/prism-dark

❌ [ERROR] TASVideos/wwwroot/css/diff.scss TASVideos/wwwroot/css/diff.scss:4:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered --diff-delete, --diff-insert, --diff-replace TASVideos/wwwroot/css/diff.scss:32:14 [W] LeadingZero: 0.5 should be written without a leading zero as .5 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/diff.scss:37:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered border, display, text-align TASVideos/wwwroot/css/diff.scss:42:3 [W] EmptyRule: Empty rule TASVideos/wwwroot/css/diff.scss:46:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered border, text-align TASVideos/wwwroot/css/diff.scss:51:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered display, opacity TASVideos/wwwroot/css/diff.scss:51:14 [W] LeadingZero: 0.6 should be written without a leading zero as .6

❌ [ERROR] TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:4:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered --border-color, --border-separator-color, --bs-info, --bs-info-rgb, --bs-primary, --bs-primary-hover, --bs-primary-rgb, --bs-secondary, --bs-secondary-hover, --bs-secondary-rgb, --bs-warning, --bs-warning-rgb TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:56:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered border-color, font-size TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:56:14 [W] LeadingZero: 0.875 should be written without a leading zero as .875 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:61:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background-color, color TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:73:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background-color, border-color, color TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:84:14 [W] LeadingZero: 0.875 should be written without a leading zero as .875 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:87:16 [W] LeadingZero: 0.75 should be written without a leading zero as .75 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:130:21 [W] LeadingZero: 0.25 should be written without a leading zero as .25 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:139:21 [W] LeadingZero: 0.25 should be written without a leading zero as .25 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:142:1 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:144:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background-color, border-radius, display, margin, margin-bottom, padding, text-align, text-decoration, width TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:155:44 [W] LeadingZero: 0.25 should be written without a leading zero as .25 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:155:93 [W] LeadingZero: 0.31 should be written without a leading zero as .31 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:156:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered box-shadow, transform, transition TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:165:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered float, margin-left TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:165:18 [W] LeadingZero: 0.5 should be written without a leading zero as .5 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_bootstrap-overrides.scss:195:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background-color, border-color, color

❌ [ERROR] TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_colors.scss TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_colors.scss:4:22 [W] SpaceAfterComma: Commas in lists should be followed by one space TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_colors.scss:4:26 [W] SpaceAfterComma: Commas in lists should be followed by one space TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_colors.scss:58:20 [W] HexNotation: Color #AA132A should be written as #aa132a TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_colors.scss:59:20 [W] HexNotation: Color #125E38 should be written as #125e38

❌ [ERROR] TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:6:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered --cardprimary, --cardsecondary, --tab-content-bg, --tasvideos-bg, --tasvideos-bg-gradient TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:12:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background, font-size TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:17:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background, content, display, float, height, margin, width TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:17:12 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:30:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered border, float, margin-right TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:36:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered border, float, margin-left TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:46:1 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:47:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying class selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:50:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered border-collapse, color, margin-bottom, width TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:57:7 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered border, padding, vertical-align TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:57:16 [W] LeadingZero: 0.3 should be written without a leading zero as .3 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:62:1 [W] SelectorDepth: Selector should have depth of applicability no greater than 3, but was 4 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:63:49 [W] LeadingZero: 0.05 should be written without a leading zero as .05 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:74:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered margin-bottom, margin-left TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:78:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying class selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:79:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered margin-bottom, margin-top TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:88:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background-color, border, border-radius, color, padding TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:92:14 [W] LeadingZero: 0.75 should be written without a leading zero as .75 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:101:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background-color, border, padding TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:112:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered border, position TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:116:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background-color, border, bottom, color, opacity, padding, position TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:122:14 [W] LeadingZero: 0.2 should be written without a leading zero as .2 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:125:16 [W] LeadingZero: 0.8 should be written without a leading zero as .8 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:131:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background-color, border-top, font-style, padding TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:134:12 [W] LeadingZero: 0.5 should be written without a leading zero as .5 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:148:3 [W] DuplicateProperty: Property image-rendering already defined on line 147 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:162:14 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:166:14 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:175:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background-color, border, border-radius, margin, padding TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:175:11 [W] LeadingZero: 0.75 should be written without a leading zero as .75 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:176:12 [W] LeadingZero: 0.25 should be written without a leading zero as .25 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:178:18 [W] LeadingZero: 0.25 should be written without a leading zero as .25 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:203:7 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered color, content, font-weight TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:203:16 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:217:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background-color, border-radius, color, font-size, padding TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:217:12 [W] ColorKeyword: Color black should be written in hexadecimal form as #000000 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:217:12 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like black should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:219:14 [W] LeadingZero: 0.125 should be written without a leading zero as .125 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:219:14 [W] LeadingZero: 0.375 should be written without a leading zero as .375 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:240:1 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:242:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:242:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying class selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:248:3 [W] ImportantRule: !important should not be used TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:252:3 [W] ImportantRule: !important should not be used TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:256:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered left, position, top, width, z-index TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:267:1 [W] IdSelector: Avoid using id selectors TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:276:1 [W] IdSelector: Avoid using id selectors TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:281:1 [W] IdSelector: Avoid using id selectors TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:282:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered color, font-weight, text-decoration, z-index TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:298:1 [W] IdSelector: Avoid using id selectors TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:323:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered border, border-radius, display, font-size, margin TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:323:14 [W] LeadingZero: 0.75 should be written without a leading zero as .75 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:340:3 [W] ImportantRule: !important should not be used TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:349:5 [W] BorderZero: border: 0 is preferred over border: none TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:353:5 [W] BorderZero: border: 0 is preferred over border: none TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:354:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered border, border-bottom, border-radius TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:361:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered float, margin-left, margin-top, width TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:368:1 [W] IdSelector: Avoid using id selectors TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:373:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered direction, font-family, font-size, unicode-bidi TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:396:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered border-radius, font-size, padding TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:396:12 [W] LeadingZero: 0.375 should be written without a leading zero as .375 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:396:12 [W] LeadingZero: 0.125 should be written without a leading zero as .125 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_customizations.scss:409:1 [W] MergeableSelector: Merge rule .wiki blockquote with rule on line 72

❌ [ERROR] TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:5:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:5:2 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered --border-color, --border-separator-color, --bs-body-color, --bs-border-light, --bs-dark, --bs-dark-rgb, --bs-gray-200, --bs-gray-400, --bs-info, --bs-info-rgb, --bs-light, --bs-light-rgb, --bs-warning, --bs-warning-rgb, --bs-white, --bs-white-rgb, --cardprimary, --cardsecondary, --diff-delete, --diff-insert, --diff-replace, --tab-content-bg, --tasvideos-bg, --tasvideos-bg-gradient, color-scheme TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:6:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:7:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:8:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:9:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:10:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:11:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:12:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:13:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:14:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:15:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:16:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:17:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:18:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:19:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:20:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:21:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:22:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:23:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:24:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:25:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:26:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:27:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:28:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:29:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:29:2 [W] PropertySpelling: Unknown property color-scheme TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:32:1 [W] SingleLinePerSelector: Each selector in a comma sequence should be on its own single line TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:33:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:37:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:37:2 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered --bs-table-active-bg, --bs-table-active-color, --bs-table-bg, --bs-table-hover-bg, --bs-table-hover-color, --bs-table-striped-bg, --bs-table-striped-color, border-color, color TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:38:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:39:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:40:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:41:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:42:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:43:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:44:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:45:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:49:1 [W] SingleLinePerSelector: Each selector in a comma sequence should be on its own single line TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:49:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:49:1 [W] SingleLinePerSelector: Each selector in a comma sequence should be on its own single line TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:50:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background-color, border-color, color TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:57:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:58:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:58:20 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.125) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:60:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:61:28 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.125) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:66:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:66:2 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background-color, border-color, color TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:67:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:68:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:68:16 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:72:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:76:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:77:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:79:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:83:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:89:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:89:2 [W] ImportantRule: !important should not be used TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:89:2 [W] BangFormat: ! should be preceded by a space, and should not be followed by a space TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:93:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:96:1 [W] IdSelector: Avoid using id selectors TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:97:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:101:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:101:2 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background, height, z-index TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:102:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:103:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:107:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:109:1 [W] Indentation: Line should be indented with spaces, not tabs TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_darkmode.scss:112:1 [W] FinalNewline: Files should end with a trailing newline

❌ [ERROR] TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:1:1 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:2:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:2:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:4:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #d4d4d4 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:5:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered color, direction, font-family, font-size, hyphens, line-height, tab-size, text-align, text-shadow, white-space, word-break, word-spacing TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:15:3 [W] DuplicateProperty: Property tab-size already defined on line 14 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:16:3 [W] DuplicateProperty: Property tab-size already defined on line 14 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:18:3 [W] DuplicateProperty: Property hyphens already defined on line 17 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:19:3 [W] DuplicateProperty: Property hyphens already defined on line 17 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:20:3 [W] DuplicateProperty: Property hyphens already defined on line 17 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:23:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:23:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:23:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:23:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:27:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background, text-shadow TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:28:15 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #264f78 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:32:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:32:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:38:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:39:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background, margin, overflow, padding TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:40:11 [W] LeadingZero: 0.5 should be written without a leading zero as .5 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:42:15 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #1e1e1e should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:45:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:46:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background, border-radius, color, padding TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:46:12 [W] LeadingZero: 0.3 should be written without a leading zero as .3 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:46:12 [W] LeadingZero: 0.1 should be written without a leading zero as .1 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:47:18 [W] LeadingZero: 0.3 should be written without a leading zero as .3 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:48:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #db4c69 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:49:15 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #1e1e1e should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:52:1 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:56:12 [W] LeadingZero: 0.7 should be written without a leading zero as .7 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:60:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #569cd6 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:64:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #9cdcfe should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:69:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #6a9955 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:75:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #d4d4d4 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:86:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #b5cea8 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:95:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #ce9178 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:104:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #d4d4d4 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:108:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #569cd6 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:112:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #ce9178 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:115:1 [W] MergeableSelector: Merge rule .token.atrule .token.rule with rule on line 111 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:116:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #c586c0 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:119:1 [W] MergeableSelector: Merge rule .token.atrule .token.url with rule on line 111 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:120:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #9cdcfe should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:123:1 [W] MergeableSelector: Merge rule .token.atrule .token.url .token.function with rule on line 111 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:124:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #dcdcaa should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:127:1 [W] MergeableSelector: Merge rule .token.atrule .token.url .token.punctuation with rule on line 111 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:128:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #d4d4d4 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:132:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #569cd6 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:137:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #c586c0 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:142:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #dcdcaa should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:146:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #d16969 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:150:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #569cd6 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:158:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #9cdcfe should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:163:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #4ec9b0 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:167:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #9cdcfe should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:171:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #9cdcfe should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:175:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #9cdcfe should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:179:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #569cd6 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:183:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #569cd6 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:190:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #9cdcfe should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:194:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #d7ba7d should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:198:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #d7ba7d should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:202:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #569cd6 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:205:1 [W] MergeableSelector: Merge rule .token.tag .token.punctuation with rule on line 201 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:206:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #808080 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:210:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #808080 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:214:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #9cdcfe should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:219:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #ce9178 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:223:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #d4d4d4 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:227:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #569cd6 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:231:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #4ec9b0 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:234:1 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:238:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:238:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:238:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:238:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:238:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:238:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:238:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:238:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:246:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #9cdcfe should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:249:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:249:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:251:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #ce9178 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:254:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:254:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:256:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #d4d4d4 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:260:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #dcdcaa should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:264:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #808080 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:267:1 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:270:1 [W] MergeableSelector: Merge rule pre[class*="language-"] > code[class*="language-"] with rule on line 38 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:270:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:270:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:276:15 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #f7ebc6 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism-dark.scss:277:15 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #f7d87c should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

❌ [ERROR] TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:1:1 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:4:1 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:10:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:10:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:12:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background, color, font-family, hyphens, line-height, tab-size, text-align, text-shadow, white-space, word-break, word-spacing, word-wrap TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:12:10 [W] ColorKeyword: Color black should be written in hexadecimal form as #000000 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:12:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like black should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:14:16 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like white should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:14:16 [W] ColorKeyword: Color white should be written in hexadecimal form as #ffffff TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:23:3 [W] DuplicateProperty: Property tab-size already defined on line 22 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:24:3 [W] DuplicateProperty: Property tab-size already defined on line 22 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:26:3 [W] DuplicateProperty: Property hyphens already defined on line 25 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:27:3 [W] DuplicateProperty: Property hyphens already defined on line 25 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:28:3 [W] DuplicateProperty: Property hyphens already defined on line 25 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:31:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:31:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:31:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:31:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:35:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background, text-shadow TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:36:15 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #b3d4fc should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:39:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:39:1 [W] MergeableSelector: Merge rule pre[class*="language-"]::selection, pre[class*="language-"] ::selection, code[class*="language-"]::selection, code[class*="language-"] ::selection with rule on line 31 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:39:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:39:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:39:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:43:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered background, text-shadow TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:44:15 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #b3d4fc should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:48:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:48:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:54:1 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:55:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:56:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered margin, overflow, padding TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:57:11 [W] LeadingZero: 0.5 should be written without a leading zero as .5 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:61:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:61:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:63:15 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #f5f2f0 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:66:1 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:67:1 [W] QualifyingElement: Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:68:3 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be ordered border-radius, padding, white-space TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:68:12 [W] LeadingZero: 0.1 should be written without a leading zero as .1 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:69:18 [W] LeadingZero: 0.3 should be written without a leading zero as .3 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:77:10 [W] ColorKeyword: Color slategray should be written in hexadecimal form as #708090 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:77:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like slategray should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:81:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #999 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:85:12 [W] LeadingZero: 0.7 should be written without a leading zero as .7 TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:95:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #905 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:104:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #690 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:112:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #a67f59 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:118:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #07a should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:122:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #dd4a68 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else. TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_prism.scss:128:10 [W] ColorVariable: Color literals like #e90 should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

❌ [ERROR] TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_variables.scss TASVideos/wwwroot/css/partials/_variables.scss:1:1 [W] TrailingSemicolon: Declaration should be terminated by a semicolon

❌ [ERROR] TASVideos/wwwroot/css/site.scss TASVideos/wwwroot/css/site.scss:1:1 [W] TrailingSemicolon: Declaration should be terminated by a semicolon TASVideos/wwwroot/css/site.scss:1:9 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings TASVideos/wwwroot/css/site.scss:2:9 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings TASVideos/wwwroot/css/site.scss:3:9 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings TASVideos/wwwroot/css/site.scss:4:9 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings TASVideos/wwwroot/css/site.scss:5:9 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings TASVideos/wwwroot/css/site.scss:5:9 [W] ImportPath: Imported partial partials/_prism should be written as partials/prism TASVideos/wwwroot/css/site.scss:6:9 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings