meskarune / i3lock-fancy

i3lock script that takes a screenshot of the desktop, blurs the background and adds a lock icon and text
MIT License
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There are two "waiting icons" when there are two monitors #164

Closed xor512 closed 4 years ago

xor512 commented 4 years ago

I have the following setup:

The screen is "doubled", meaninig that for example in arandr I do not set double-screen settings, but the same image is on both screens (both on a laptop, and a monitor, see the following screenshot:

The following happens in this setting when i3lock-fancy is launched, which is done in awesome-wm via the following line in rc,lua:

respawn_with_shell("xautolock", "xautolock -detectsleep -time 10 -notify 30 -notifier \"notify-send -u critical -t 10000 -- 'LOCKING screen in 30 seconds'\" -locker 'i3lock-fancy -g -n' &")


As seen in i3_double_wait_icon.jpg there are 2 "waiting icons" instead of 1.

AladW commented 4 years ago

Does typing animate both icons? If so, it's most likely an upstream issue in i3lock(-color).

xor512 commented 4 years ago

Yes, both icons are animated. Also it only happens when laptop lid is open.

What does it mean upstream? That is going to be fixed? I'm getting i3fancy lock from AUR package so it is straight from git.

Maybe I need this

Can you please clarify? The whole point of "fanciness" is that it is fancy, and two icons instead of one are not fancy.

xor512 commented 4 years ago

Ah OK I understood, by upstream you mean that the problem is not in the script but in what it wraps. But what about this i3lock-fancy-multimonitor? I haven't tried it yet, will try and tell if the problem is also there - if it is not, that it should be also fixable in original i3lock-fancy, right?

xor512 commented 4 years ago

Just tried that and I'm seeing exact same issue. Should I report that to i3lock than?

xor512 commented 4 years ago

OK I've seen that with original i3lock also. Will report there.

xor512 commented 4 years ago
