meskarune / i3lock-fancy

i3lock script that takes a screenshot of the desktop, blurs the background and adds a lock icon and text
MIT License
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The script is slow #6

Open simlevesque opened 8 years ago

simlevesque commented 8 years ago

Hi, I was wondering if it was just me or is the script really slow ?

Sweets commented 8 years ago

It uses ImageMagick's convert tool to modify images, twice at that. The script isn't asynchronous, because if out was you would have broken or missing components (some perhaps disabling the program altogether, at least from just a glance). Really the only thing you can do is deal with it being "slow" (although it could be much slower), or even find a different script to use.

Also, if this sounds rude, apologies, it isn't meant to.

meskarune commented 8 years ago

It takes about 2.5s on my netbook to run. I resize the image down, blur it and then resize back up, which helped, but yeah, it still takes a few seconds.

You can speed it up a bit more by changing the blur setting from -filter Gaussian -resize 50% -define filter:sigma=4.5 -resize 200% to -filter Gaussian -resize 50% -define filter:sigma=2.5 -resize 200% but then the background isn't as blurred.

You could also skip doing a blur altogether and pixelate the background instead with scale.

I might play around with resizing even smaller than 50%, perhaps 30% would be better, especially for larger screen sizes. But I am also open to suggestions to help improve the speed.

The speed issue is partly just the nature of the image editing that is happening. Try doing a blur on an image with gimp or using a filter in gimp to see, it just takes some time to do. For my use, I use xautolock to lock automatically after 5 min so I don't really notice the initial run speed as I'm generally away from the computer anyways.

meskarune commented 8 years ago

I just tested with 30% resize down and 333.33% resize up, and it didn't significantly improve the speed for me. It went from like 2.5s to 2.3s. Then I changed the sigma to 2.5 and the speed was like 2.2s. It's not really a huge improvement, but I could try with these settings if people don't mind the change in quality.


regular script

lock screen shot, slow

resize changed to 30% and sigma 2.5

lock screen shot improved

simlevesque commented 8 years ago


"Really the only thing you can do is deal with it being "slow" (although it could be much slower), or even find a different script to use."

Or I could help you fix it... Maybe you like slow things, it's just not my thing.

Ok, here's where I'm at :

I'll try to send you a pull request ASAP !

simlevesque commented 8 years ago

Some more :

simlevesque commented 8 years ago

My best try at fixing the script takes one more second than meskarune/i3lock-fancy. 11 second for my version and 10 second for yours. Three monitors, Imagemagick with OpenCL & OpenMP.

By the way : if you wanna compare performance between various imagemagick operations, add the --bench argument.

meskarune commented 8 years ago

@simlevesque I was thinking of switching to maim and had a similar idea to yours. Basically just grab the center bit of the screen where the text will be to determine color instead of the whole screen. A 300px square area in the center would probably cover it. Maim can grab a selection of the screen as well as take screenshots.

The downside is maim isn't as popularly available as scrot in various linux distros, but then i3lock-color isn't either I suppose.

Thanks for the tip about --bench it will come in useful :)

pid1 commented 8 years ago

I am using maim in my fork, so I can play around with --localize. I will need to figure out a way to get relative locations, though, instead of hard-coding for a certain screen resolution.

carnager commented 8 years ago

I use this in teiler:

carnager@caprica ~ > xininfo -mon-size
2560 1440
carnager@caprica ~ > xininfo -active-mon
insanebits commented 8 years ago

What if we would hide problem from the user by first applying some transitional background (greyish filter on top of screenshot for example) so we can show locked screen ASAP. And then do calculations in the background. And once finished switch to the "nice" background.

The biggest problem for me is: when I hit lock shortcut it seems like nothing happened, and after ~10s it locks down. I wouldn't care if it would not be that good looking while script renders background. As long as I know my system is already locked and I can leave my computer instead of waiting 10s to vertify it's locked.

What do you guys think?

meskarune commented 8 years ago

@insanebits could you try the current script and let me know how slow it is for you? I have changed some things since this issue was opened that have helped the speed for me significantly.

insanebits commented 8 years ago

Nice to hear about it. On my system latest version takes about ~2.5s which is acceptable. Awesome job! Will test it tomorrow on my work machine which is a bit older and see how it performs.

meskarune commented 8 years ago

Ok I made another change. Instead of taking an average color of the entire screen, I crop it to the center 100px. This has 2 advantages, one of being faster, and another of only using the center color to determind if it should be dark or light, so in situations like this:

screen shot of the lock with majority dark colors but light in the center

It does the right thing.

cer-nagas commented 8 years ago

Instead of using Gaussian filter, you can use directly the -blur option of imageMagick, which is recommended and explained here: You can try changing line 7 to EFFECT=(-resize 20% -blur 6x3 -resize 500.5%). The result is "more blurred" (acceptable in my opinion), but the time taken is smaller. In my case it decreased from 1.7s to 1.3s. It's said that the bigger (or more complex) the image is, the more significant the difference is. Tinker with the {radius}x{sigma} ratio and I think you will find the best solution for that (in my monitor the 6x3 seems good).

PandorasFox commented 8 years ago

Actually, one this note, my fork of i3lock will have a blurring option, so that'll be moved out of this script and will vastly speed up the locking. You can read a bit more into this in #57.

There'll be some interesting things to consider for implementation but I think the end result will be much, much better either way.

AladW commented 8 years ago

Random idea:

Run convert processes in parallel by generating both images for dark and light backgrounds. So 3x resources for 2x duration, I guess. Also exit codes are likely lost, unless relying on bash 4.4.

Airblader commented 7 years ago


PandorasFox commented 7 years ago

I've no idea yet how ffmpeg's blurring will compare to what's pending for my i3lock fork (I have a feeling like ffmpeg's code will be a bit more polished, but may have some more overhead, so it'll balance out), but what I'd like to eventually nail down would be overlaying an image over what's blurred, so that i3lock can grab the screen and lock it ASAP, rather than wait for an image to be blurred.

That'd usually lead to a loss of things like custom overlaid text, lock icons, etc. unless that's also brought into i3lock/an i3lock fork (hint: no), unless I go tinker with it some more to allow overlaying transparent images over the blurred screenshot. I've got some hopes for that, so I'll see how it goes when I have time to tinker and implement that.

Hopefully this'll enable i3lock-fancy to be a lot faster and more streamlined (as well as eliminate some dependencies, I think).

AladW commented 7 years ago

No offense, but relying on a i3lock fork to do all of the heavy lifting is hardly a portable thing to do. At the very least ffmpeg should be kept as fallback.

PandorasFox commented 7 years ago

Perhaps, but if we're already grabbing the screen, it's pretty trivial to use xcb to just capture it and blur it. While ffmpeg can do gaussian blurring pretty quickly, I'll go do some timings but I think the timings will be fairly similar, and any performance loss in i3lock blurring will be offset by the fact that i3lock will be grabbing the screen and locking sooner, which is preferable, for me, at least.

i3lock already requires libxcb and uses cairo for drawing stuff, so I don't think that the blurring that @sebastian-frysztak is working on will introduce any more dependencies or make it less portable.

frysztak commented 7 years ago

@AladW: it will be portable. There are three blur implementations:

We'll detect CPU's capabilities at runtime and use appropriate functions. There are no additional dependencies.

PandorasFox commented 7 years ago

Here's the timings from what I'm seeing with i3lock blurring vs ffmpeg:

arcana@archana:~/i3lock-color$ time (scrot in.png && ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -y -i in.png -vf "gblur=sigma=8" out.png && ./i3lock -i ./out.png)

real    0m0.380s
user    0m0.377s
sys     0m0.033s
arcana@archana:~/i3lock-color$ time ./i3lock -B

real    0m0.058s
user    0m0.043s
sys     0m0.007s

It may not be a perfect comparison, but handling the blurring in i3lock is much, much faster than anything external.

(The version of the blurring I used is the SSE2 version, I believe).

edit: blurring on my desktop with SSE3:

[arcana@archana i3lock-color]$ time ./i3lock -B

real    0m0.086s
user    0m0.047s
sys 0m0.010s
[arcana@archana i3lock-color]$ time (scrot in.png && ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -y -i in.png -vf "gblur=sigma=8" out.png && ./i3lock -i ./out.png)

real    0m0.777s
user    0m0.737s
sys 0m0.053s

I imagine that the main hit in performance (my CPU on my desktop is much stronger than my laptop CPU) comes from my desktop having ~4x as many pixels to work on. There's a ~9x speedup here compared to the ~7x speedup on my laptop, which suggests that this method is also better for larger resolutions.

AladW commented 7 years ago

My point is that right now, you have some functionality if you use the i3-shipped i3lock, which is included with most Linux/BSD distributions. Moving everything into a fork means you have to do more than just fetch a shell script. Hence at minimum, there should be an ffmpeg fallback if i3lock -B is not available.

PandorasFox commented 7 years ago

Oh yeah, definitely, but the script has always used at least some of the features specific to a fork (primarily being the custom colors); originally, it relied on a fork that was ... 5 or 6 years out of date. I was kinda uncomfortable with using a fork from 5 or 6 years ago on my machine since that just seems like a bad idea, which is how I kinda came about to this. I figured as long as I was doing that, I may as well make it more customizable.

PandorasFox commented 7 years ago

There's blurring in the mainline of i3lock-color, so if you want to tentatively start using that, it should work fine.

So far for overlaying text/etc you'll have to pad out some images and then just use that as an image that's overlaid over the blur. I'll work on image offsets (and potentially multiple images, though implementing that will likely get messy) soonish, since that should make things easier for you (don't have to generate a large number of images to overlay for various resolutions), and potentially alignment flags (bottom middle, right middle, middle middle, etc).

Also potentially could do them per-monitor instead of on the screen as a whole. I'll probably be refactoring a lot of the image handling code if I do this.

owenthewizard commented 7 years ago

Maybe blurring could be done using Imlib2?

darddan commented 6 years ago

I made a fork of scrot and added blurring and adding an icon in the code. Instead of 2-5 seconds, now it runs in about 150 - 500 milliseconds. You can check the code here darddan/scrot.

AntonGitName commented 6 years ago

darddan@, I didn't figure out how to use your fork with multiple displays.

If anyone is interested, here is what I come up with for two monitors. Works fast enough for me.

RES=$(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | sed -r 's/^[^0-9]*([0-9]+x[0-9]+).*$/\1/')

ffmpeg -probesize 100M -thread_queue_size 32 -f x11grab -video_size $RES \
  -y -i $DISPLAY -i $LOCK -i $LOCK -filter_complex \
  "eq=gamma=0.75,boxblur=3:3,overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/4:(main_h-overlay_h)/2,overlay=3*(main_w-overlay_w)/4:(main_h-overlay_h)/2" \
  -vframes 1 $IMAGE

i3lock -n -i "$IMAGE"
Boruch-Baum commented 6 years ago

Two more suggestions:

1] Add an option to use a static image, that could be of a screenshot that the user manually takes, once. I implemented this in PR #124 ;

2] Convert the script from bash to dash. This will require replacing several bash idioms present throughout, such as the use of arrays. Here are two links discussing the speed difference, with attempts to benchmark it:

AladW commented 6 years ago

Re 2: Changing to dash will have minimal effect, it's convert et al that take the majority of compute time. See

meskarune commented 6 years ago

I wrote a prototype lua script that runs in less than half a second:

AladW commented 6 years ago

I suppose the main advantage is from using i3lock --blur?

frysztak commented 6 years ago

If you want to make blurring really fast, you should consider using OpenGL and writing appropriate shader for it. Hopefully startup time won't be too long.

meskarune commented 6 years ago

@AladW yes, also using lua pattern matching instead of awk/sed and not using the readline stuff which is actually pretty slow in itself. Lua is a pretty large package dependency though and I don't think everyone is going to want to install a whole programming language for one script.

I can't help but think that there has to be an easier way to get the monitor information than parsing xrandr output. There must be something on the OS in /dev that can be parsed to get this. I need the total resolution and current resolution of each connected monitor as well as their offsets.

Maybe the bash script can be edited to use i3lock-color --blur 5 but my previous attempt trying to get that to work on dualmonitor with readline failed. The image was made with a grey background instead of clear. It will probably be easier to do on the single monitor script, but I would prefer to have dual monitor support be the standard at some point.

@sebastian-frysztak that is probably something that would need to happen in the upstream i3lock-color if that dev wanted to do it. Their built in blur is pretty fast and decent right now though. I've also never coded anything with OpenGL >.> I don't know how difficult that would be.

There are a lot of improvements that can still be made in the bash script that I want to do when I have time and I think there are a lot of people who would prefer something with a small dependency list. Most Linux systems already have bash, awk, core-utiles, etc installed by default.

yvbbrjdr commented 6 years ago

I rewrote i3lock-fancy in C, and used (configurable) box blur instead of Gaussian blur to achieve high speed. Now it only takes about 200ms to generate the blurred screenshot. If you are interested, please check it out!

medicalwei commented 4 years ago

I am currently using this effect to further obscure the screenshot while keeping the color. The render is much faster since the screenshot is scaled down to much smaller size.

EFFECT=(-sample 5% -filter Gaussian -define filter:sigma=4 -resize 2000.5%)