Closed GeneralIris closed 2 years ago
New Update, I check the actual comment that cause such error:
seller kata product new tapi hardisk nmpak kotor sikit n ada kemek2 manja storage pula patut 1tera tapi bila dh install kat pc ada 931gb je hmm pelik
Directly applying it cause the error too
symspell_corrector = malaya.spell.symspell() symspell_corrector.correct_text('seller kata product new tapi hardisk nmpak kotor sikit n ada kemek2 manja storage pula patut 1tera tapi bila dh install kat pc ada 931gb je hmm pelik')
Okay, i tried tweaking with the by adding fuzziness = [] at line 552, reload pycharm and yeah it works.
But im not sure whether that is actually the way to solve it cause I saw fuzziness = [] also appear at line 240
Here's a screenshot of the fuzziness = [] at line 552,
My bad, indeed it is a bug. I will bump asap, thanks!
Fixed, can install from latest master branch, warning, i did massive revamped for spelling correction interface,, will release it soon
This is my first time adding an issue here.
The Specs Used: Pycharm 2021.3.3 Python 3.9 The current symspellpy : installed within the same env as malaya
GPU: RTX3080 10G CPU: AMD Ryzen 5600x
So basically im testing the malaya.spell.symspell() by supplying comments I retrieved from Shopee.
I followed the instruction where it required me to install symspellpy first and indeed tested .correct and .correct_text using predefined variables both work fantastic.
But when I supply the comments from .csv, then the error occured.
Here's the error .txt : ErrorOutput.txt
And the sample code:
def deepSpellerCorrector(comment,symspell_corrector): return symspell_corrector.correct_text(comment)
symspell_corrector = malaya.spell.symspell() df['CommentClean3'] = df['CommentClean2'].apply(lambda x : deepSpellerCorrector(x,symspell_corrector))
An Example of CommentClean2 : terbaik barang dah dapat dan dah di pasang amat memuaskan pos pun laju sampai harga pun berbaloi thanks