mesonbuild / meson-python

Meson PEP 517 Python build backend
MIT License
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Allow better control over wheel tags #639

Open FFY00 opened 1 month ago

FFY00 commented 1 month ago produces platform-specific but Python-independent tags. RIght now, I don't think there's any way to expose this.

rgommers commented 1 month ago

IIRC this should work. Just tested with, which yields:


What would you expect if not those tags?

FFY00 commented 1 month ago

Yes, but the code makes some assumptions that aren't true for our project.

Specifically, it assumes that we are not installing platform binary files to the Python directory, and that all files in platlib are ABI-dependent.

rgommers commented 1 month ago

Got it, thanks. Yes, we are trying to infer tags and that isn't correct in this case. It's actually not so easy to always be 100% correct here, which is why some other build backends have an override mechanism to force the tags to be a certain value.

Let's see if we can fix the logic first though. This case (a few .py files plus an executable not dependent on the Python C API) will be needed more often in the future probably.

rgommers commented 1 month ago

IIRC the ninja wheel has a very similar structure.

FFY00 commented 1 month ago

Got it, thanks. Yes, we are trying to infer tags and that isn't correct in this case. It's actually not so easy to always be 100% correct here, which is why some other build backends have an override mechanism to force the tags to be a certain value.

Yes, I think the best you we can do right now would be looking at the meson tags, but I think it'd be better to also have the option to override.