mesos / kibana

Kibana on Mesos
Apache License 2.0
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Accessing Kibana Web UI #25

Closed akamalov closed 8 years ago

akamalov commented 8 years ago


Deployed mesos/kibana. So far, all Mesos authorization and etc worked out great. However, when it comes to accessing Kibana web UI http://<hostname>:31100, I am getting the following error:

Whitelabel Error Page

This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.
Wed Mar 30 16:29:45 UTC 2016
There was an unexpected error (type=Not Found, status=404).
No message available

Here is my marathon-kibana.json file:

        "id": "kibana-docker",
        "cpus": 0.2,
        "mem": 256,
        "instances": 1,
        "constraints": [
                ["hostname", "CLUSTER", ""]
        "args": [
        "env": {
                "JAVA_OPTS": "-Xms32m -Xmx128m"
        "container": {
                "type": "DOCKER",
                "docker": {
                        "image": "containersol/mesosframework:0.1.0",
                        "network": "BRIDGE",
                        "portMappings": [{
                                "containerPort": 31100,
                                "hostPort": 31100,
                                "servicePort": 31100,
                                "protocol": "tcp"
                                "containerPort": 5601,
                                "hostPort": 5601,
                                "servicePort": 15601,
                                "protocol": "tcp"
                                "containerPort": 4000,
                                "hostPort": 4000,
                                "servicePort": 14000,
                                "protocol": "tcp"
                        "forcePullImage": true,
                        "privileged": false
        "uris": [

What could possibly I be missing?

Thanks again,


philwinder commented 8 years ago

Hi @akamalov, This is the scheduler, not the kibana task. If you go to http://<hostname>:31100/health, you will see the healthchecks for the framework.

Go back to the Mesos UI and look what ip addresses the kibana.tasks are running on. These are the kibana instances.

akamalov commented 8 years ago

Thanks @philwinder