mesoscope / cellpack

Python algorithm to pack 3D models
MIT License
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Make packing results available online for shareability #140

Open mogres opened 1 year ago

mogres commented 1 year ago

Use Case

It would be useful to have simularium packing results available online (on S3 etc.) in order to share URLs for visualization.


Create a new public sub-bucket on AWS S3 to store simularium results and use the URL to load visualizations.


Dropbox, Drive, Firebase, etc. are alternative hosting services that could be used.

meganrm commented 1 year ago

I updated the CORs rules on our bucket so the links work now. http://localhost:9001/viewer?trajUrl=

mogres commented 1 year ago

I updated the CORs rules on our bucket so the links work now. http://localhost:9001/viewer?trajUrl=

Confirmed this is working on simularium viewer. @meganrm are we good to close this issue or do we want to wait on reorganizing simularium files separately?

meganrm commented 1 year ago

I think it would be good to have a workflow that looked like this:

  1. run a packing
  2. the results file (just the simularium file, not all the analysis too) is pushed to an AWS folder, probably within this cellpack-results bucket
  3. the viewer opens with the new result loaded

but what we need to work out is how to keep the folder from ballooning. do we clear out older results? do we move things we want to keep to the simularium aws bucket?

ideally we'd also keep track of the meta data of these files in firebase. Ie, a json that has the recipe run, the person who ran it, creation date and link to the aws file. with the idea that in the long run we'd then be able to delete files through the database + a gui

mogres commented 1 year ago

I like the idea of adding the metadata, perhaps we could embed it within the Simularium file description as a first pass?

One idea we could implement to save space is clearing out old packing files periodically (every 30 days?) via github actions.

meganrm commented 1 year ago

In Simularium helper:

rugeli commented 1 year ago


mogres commented 1 year ago