Probably more for your Ki app which handles the incoming requests but might be worth adding some logic to prevent server abuse. E.g IP and/or app ID restrictions:
IP - a given IP can only make a call X times in Y timeframe
App ID - app ID passed through as parameter can only make a call X times in Y timeframe
Maybe a combo of the two as well.
The app ID you can also assign to folks and get them to contribute/pay if they want better access and something you can use to track an app's server usage
Probably more for your Ki app which handles the incoming requests but might be worth adding some logic to prevent server abuse. E.g IP and/or app ID restrictions: IP - a given IP can only make a call X times in Y timeframe App ID - app ID passed through as parameter can only make a call X times in Y timeframe
Maybe a combo of the two as well.
The app ID you can also assign to folks and get them to contribute/pay if they want better access and something you can use to track an app's server usage