I wrote a small implementation of the gettext concept recently and wanted to provide two new methods to the community. I was writing these in React Native, as shown below, and would be happy to incorporate the pure JS equivalents into this project for Hacktoberfest! 🎃🎃🎃
In short, the first method pboolgettext returns the plural form if a boolean is true or the singular form if the boolean is false. This is a case when no variables need to be inserted.
The second, pvboolgettext, does the same, but formats the plural message with variables.
* Returns the singular form of the message if a given boolean condition is true, otherwise the plural form.
* usage : pgettext(singularMessageId: string, pluralMessageId: string, b: boolean)
* @param singularMessageId <string> : the message ID to be used if the number of elements specified is zero
* @param pluralMessageId <string> : the message ID to be sued if the number of elements specified is greater than zero
* @param b <boolean> : a condition indicating if the singular message form should be displayed or not
pboolgettext(singularMessageId: string, pluralMessageId: string, b: boolean) {
if (typeof singularMessageId === "undefined" || typeof singularMessageId === "undefined" || typeof b === "undefined") {
throw "pboolgettext: Invalid arguments";
return b ? this.translations[singularMessageId] : this.translations[pluralMessageId];
* Returns the singular form of the message if a given boolean condition is true, otherwise the plural form formatted with variables.
* usage : pgettext(singularMessageId: string, pluralMessageId: string, b: boolean, value: any)
* usage : pgettext(singularMessageId: string, pluralMessageId: string, b: boolean, values: [any, ... ,any])
* Note : variables can be mixed string and number.
* @param singularMessageId <string> : the message ID to be used if the number of elements specified is zero
* @param pluralMessageId <string> : the message ID to be sued if the number of elements specified is greater than zero
* @param b <boolean> : a condition indicating if the singular message form should be displayed or not
* @param v <any> : the variable or variables to insert into the plural string
pvboolgettext(singularMessageId: string, pluralMessageId: string, b: boolean, ...values) {
if (typeof singularMessageId === "undefined" || typeof singularMessageId === "undefined" || typeof b === "undefined" || typeof values === "undefined") {
throw "pvboolgettext: Invalid arguments";
if (b) {
return this.translations[singularMessageId];
return this.vngettext(pluralMessageId, ...values);
I wrote a small implementation of the gettext concept recently and wanted to provide two new methods to the community. I was writing these in React Native, as shown below, and would be happy to incorporate the pure JS equivalents into this project for Hacktoberfest! 🎃🎃🎃
In short, the first method pboolgettext returns the plural form if a boolean is true or the singular form if the boolean is false. This is a case when no variables need to be inserted.
The second, pvboolgettext, does the same, but formats the plural message with variables.