messari / subgraphs

Standardized subgraphs for blockchain data
MIT License
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SpookySwap - FANTOM QA #1643

Open SerenityFund opened 1 year ago

SerenityFund commented 1 year ago

Review Info

Description Info
Subgraph Reviewed
Schema Version 1.3.0
Subgraph Version 1.1.5
Methodology Version 1.0.0
Evidence Spreadsheet

Metrics to Review

TVL Data

TVL data is not mathematically in line with both data from the official website and Defi Llama as it shows a 5-day average discrepancy of -16.34% and -14.57% respectively.

Subgraph's TVL 5-day average data Official Website's TVL 5-day average data Absolute Difference % Difference
86,436,583 103,308,760 -16,872,177 -16.34%
Subgraph's TVL 5-day average data Defi Llama's TVL 5-day average data Absolute Difference % Difference
86,436,583 101,280,761 -14,844,178 -14.57%

Daily Volume Data

Subgraph's 5-day average daily volume data shows a discrepancy of -8.87% and -7.19% with the official website and Token Terminal data respectively.

Although the figures are under the acceptable percentage of 10%, it still suggests that the subgraph data is slightly inaccurate considering the discrepancy in TVL data.

Subgraph's daily volume 5-day average data Official Website's daily volume 5-day average data Absolute Difference % Difference
14,803,086.91 16,282,044.80 -1,478,957.89 -8.87%
Subgraph's daily volume 5-day average data Token Terminal's daily volume 5-day average data Absolute Difference % Difference
14,803,086.91 15,983,012.02 -1,179,925 -7.19%


The recent daily total revenue, supply side revenue, and protocol side revenue data have a discrepancy of -9.57% each with the implied revenue data.

Although it is below the acceptable discrepancy of 10%, it still suggests that it's slightly inaccurate which is the same as the daily volume data.

Moreover, the Token Terminal data supports this analysis as it shows a 5-day average discrepancy of -7.19% with the subgraph data.

Subgraph's daily total revenue data on Jan. 24, 2023 Official Website's daily total revenue data on Jan. 24, 2023 Absolute Difference % Difference
30,877.51 34,145.24 -3,268 -9.57%
Subgraph's daily total revenue 5-day average data Token Terminal's daily total revenue 5-day average data Absolute Difference % Difference
29,606 31,966 -2,360 -7.19%


There are some errors we have noticed and are not necessarily data errors.

Pool Overview



TKYAngus commented 1 year ago

rewardTokens of LiquidityPool is empty [], can we have that fixed as well? Thx

this-username-is-taken commented 1 year ago

@bye43 what's the status on this? It seems to be fully indexed

bye43 commented 1 year ago

@this-username-is-taken I believe that the initial QA has still not been addressed and most of the issues are related to pricing. cc: @jaimehgb

bye43 commented 1 year ago

Update: Pricing should be fixed with new pricing updates then the subgraph just needs to be redeployed