messari / subgraphs

Standardized subgraphs for blockchain data
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#feature; add staking rewards info into Biswap-BSC subgraph #1647

Open TKYAngus opened 1 year ago

TKYAngus commented 1 year ago

From subgraph it's mentioned that staking rewards of Biswap are not included as part of the methodology.

However, if I am not mistaken, BSW reward token emissions mechanism should be very similar to other uniswap-fork protocols, i.e. staking LP tokens (deposit into MasterChef contract).

There should be no further trading volume required for earning BSW reward. (To earn further rewards we can further stake the rewarded BSW into multi-reward pool to earn BSW, BUSD, WBNB but that is out of scope)

Given some of the other uniswap-fork protocols (e.g. Pangolin) already provide such info (rewardTokenEmissionsAmount, rewardTokenEmissionsUSD, stakedOutputTokenAmount), it will be very helpful if Biswap-BSC also follow suits.


bye43 commented 1 year ago

@TKYAngus Thanks for bringing this up. We have currently pivoted away from adding reward metrics for certain DEXs for the time being, but will add this to the backlog.