messente / messente-omnichannel-php

Deprecated in favour of messente-api-php library:
1 stars 1 forks source link

Initial release #2

Closed UkuLoskit closed 6 years ago

UkuLoskit commented 6 years ago

Note that if you want to test against staging (or any other host), you can specify it like this:

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
$config = Messente\Omnichannel\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
    -> setUsername('<MESSENTE_API_USERNAME>')
    -> setPassword('<MESSENTE_API_PASSWORD>')
        -> setHost('';
MarkoSulamagi commented 6 years ago

I created an issue for the SMS sending problem:

UkuLoskit commented 6 years ago

First of all, once again, thanks for the thorough review. Scheduled messages can be sent by specifying the time_to_send parameter, perhaps this should be highlighted more specifically in the documentation somehow.

MarkoSulamagi commented 6 years ago

Looking good :+1: I tested SMS sending, scheduling, delivery reports and canceling. I managed to test Viber messages quite thoroughly the last time. Documentation in readme could be a bit simpler. For example finding where to add timeToSend wasn't as intuitive as it could be. But I think it's good enough for the first release.
