messhof / Input-Dog

This is a collection of scripts for Game Maker: Studio that manage joysticks, gamepads, and custom mappings. It also includes replay support.
MIT License
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Async system event now deals with gamepad connections and disconnections #2

Closed Aidan63 closed 8 years ago

Aidan63 commented 8 years ago

The asynchronous system event is ran as soon as a gamepad which uses the gamepad_ functions is connected or disconnected. This replaces the alarm[0] which used to run every 120 steps looking for gamepad changes. Alarm[0] is kept and only used if directInput mode is enabled.

This should have a (almost certainly unnoticeable) performance increase and will handle gamepad changes as soon as they happen instead of waiting for the alarm to activate.

(Not sure why git decided to highlight the entire file and not just the changes :/)