mestevens / xcode-maven-plugin

Maven plugin to work with xcode framework builds
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Plugin should be able to build workspace. #17

Open hiro0824 opened 8 years ago

hiro0824 commented 8 years ago

I specified xcode workspace location as follows:


and tried to run "mvn compile", however, I got error as follows:

[INFO] --- xcode-maven-plugin:0.9.3:xcode-build (default-xcode-build) @ morning --- [info] xcodebuild: error: You cannot specify both an Xcode 3 project and a workspace. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 0.428 s [INFO] Finished at: 2015-07-24T15:20:52-07:00 [INFO] Final Memory: 10M/309M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal ca.mestevens.ios:xcode-maven-plugin:0.9.3:xcode-build (default-xcode-build) on project morning: Process [/usr/bin/xcodebuild, -project, /Users/hiro/Work/Develop/MavenPlugins/xcode-maven-plugin/ca.mestevens/samples/morning/morning.xcodeproj, -scheme, morning, -workspace, /Users/hiro/Work/Develop/MavenPlugins/xcode-maven-plugin/ca.mestevens/samples/morning/morning.xcworkspace, build, -sdk, iphonesimulator, CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/hiro/Work/Develop/MavenPlugins/xcode-maven-plugin/ca.mestevens/samples/morning/target/build/iPhone-simulator] returned 64. -> [

It looks the reason why xcode-maven-plugin failed to build the workspace is -project and -workspace are specified in same command. When I run the following command (I removed -project from the command above), I could build the workspace.

$>xcodebuild -scheme morning -workspace /Users/hiro/Work/Develop/MavenPlugins/xcode-maven-plugin/ca.mestevens/samples/morning/morning.xcworkspace build -sdk iphonesimulator CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/hiro/Work/Develop/MavenPlugins/xcode-maven-plugin/ca.mestevens/samples/morning/target/build/iPhone-simulator

mestevens commented 8 years ago

I just released a temporary fix for this in version 0.9.4. There is still a problem running tests in the workspace, but this requires a medium-large refactor in order to support, and I want to make sure I have time to actually fix it properly.

I'm going to leave this issue open, even though you should be able to build your workspace using "mvn compile -DskipTests" so that I can come back to this soon and fix it properly so the plugin can deal with projects or workspaces properly.

hiro0824 commented 8 years ago

Let me try to use. Thanks!