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Sweep: Create a script to setup and use a Ledger Hardware Wallet #26

Open ar4s-gh opened 1 week ago

ar4s-gh commented 1 week ago



1. Prerequisites

Install the following packages (depending on your distribution):

OS dependencies

This software needs Python, libusb, and libudev along with development files.

You can install them on these distributions as follows:

$ apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev python3-tk libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev
$ yum install python3-pip python3-devel python3-tk libusb-devel libudev-devel \
              gcc redhat-rpm-config
$ dnf install python3-pip python3-devel python3-tkinter libusb-devel libudev-devel \
              gcc redhat-rpm-config
$ zypper install python-pip python-devel python-tk libusb-1_0-devel libudev-devel

If you are using python3 or your system pip command points to pip3.x (/etc/alternatives/pip -> /usr/bin/pip3.6) you will need to install these dependencies instead:

$ zypper install python3-pip python3-devel python3-tk libusb-1_0-devel libudev-devel

There are many different options to install python environment on macOS (official, anaconda, ..). Most importantly you need libusb. Probably the easiest way is via homebrew

$ brew install libusb


If you intend to use GPG make sure you have GPG installed and up to date. This software requires a GPG version >= 2.1.11.

You can verify your installed version by running:

$ gpg2 --version | head -n1
gpg (GnuPG) 2.1.15

2. Install the TREZOR agent

  1. Make sure you are running the latest firmware version on your Trezor:

  2. Make sure that your udev rules are configured correctly.

  3. Then, install the latest trezor-agent package:

    $ pip3 install trezor-agent

    Or, directly from the latest source code:

    $ git clone
    $ pip3 install --user -e trezor-agent
    $ pip3 install --user -e trezor-agent/agents/trezor

    Or, through Homebrew on macOS:

    $ brew install trezor-agent

3. Install the KeepKey agent

  1. Make sure you are running the latest firmware version on your KeepKey:

  2. Make sure that your udev rules are configured correctly. Then, install the latest keepkey-agent package:

    $ pip3 install keepkey_agent

    Or, on Mac using Homebrew:

    $ brew install keepkey-agent

    Or, directly from the latest source code:

    $ git clone
    $ pip3 install --user -e trezor-agent/agents/keepkey

4. Install the Ledger Nano S agent

  1. Make sure you are running the latest firmware version on your Ledger Nano S:

  2. Make sure that your udev rules are configured correctly.

  3. Then, install the latest ledger-agent package:

    $ pip3 install ledger-agent

    Or, directly from the latest source code:

    $ git clone
    $ pip3 install --user -e trezor-agent
    $ pip3 install --user -e trezor-agent/agents/ledger

5. Install the OnlyKey agent

  1. Make sure you are running the latest firmware version on your OnlyKey:

  2. Make sure that your udev rules are configured correctly.

  3. Then, install the latest onlykey-agent package:

    $ pip3 install onlykey-agent

    Or, directly from the latest source code:

    $ git clone
    $ pip3 install --user -e trezor-agent
    $ pip3 install --user -e trezor-agent/agents/onlykey

6. Install the Blockstream Jade agent

  1. Make sure you are running the latest firmware version on your Blockstream Jade:

  2. Make sure that your udev rules are configured correctly.

  3. If necessary, ensure the user is added to the dialout group

  4. Then, install the latest jade-agent package:

    $ pip3 install jade-agent

    Or, directly from the latest source code:

    $ git clone
    $ pip3 install --user -e trezor-agent
    $ pip3 install --user -e trezor-agent/agents/jade

7. Installation Troubleshooting

If there is an import problem with the installed protobuf package, see this issue for fixing it.

If you can't find the command-line utilities (after running pip install --user), please make sure that ~/.local/bin is on your PATH variable (see a relevant issue).

If you can't find command-line utilities and are on macOS/OSX check ~/Library/Python/2.7/bin and add to PATH if necessary (see a relevant issue).

sweep-ai[bot] commented 1 week ago



Thank you for submitting this issue requesting a script to setup and use a Ledger hardware wallet. However, the issue description lacks some key details needed for our engineering team to implement a solution:

  1. Please clarify the specific functionality you need in the setup script. What steps in the Ledger setup process do you want to automate?

  2. After the Ledger is set up, how do you plan to use it with the script? It would help to specify the key operations or use cases you have in mind.

  3. Are there any important constraints, dependencies or compatibility requirements the script needs to handle?

The current issue description contains a lot of peripheral information about installing various wallet agents, which doesn't seem directly relevant to your core request. I'd suggest removing that and instead focusing on fleshing out the requirements for your desired Ledger setup and usage script.

If you can update the issue description with these details, our team will be better equipped to provide the solution you're looking for. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Report a bug.

[!TIP] To recreate the pull request, edit the issue title or description.

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