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deploy via github action #16

Open jmikedupont2 opened 10 months ago

jmikedupont2 commented 10 months ago

Deploying a Streamlit application using GitHub Actions involves several steps, including building and deploying the application. Additionally, considering the use of RDF, zero-trust architecture, and zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) for each API wrapped by a "minion" adds complexity. Below is a high-level task outline for deploying your RDF workflow model Streamlit application with these considerations in mind:

Task: Automate Deployment of RDF Workflow Model Streamlit Application with Zero-Trust Minions and ZKPs using GitHub Actions

Objective: Set up a GitHub Actions workflow to automate the deployment of your Streamlit application, which interprets RDF workflow models and interacts with zero-trust minions using zero-knowledge proofs.


  1. Create GitHub Repository:

    • Create a new GitHub repository or use an existing one for your Streamlit application.
  2. Write Deployment Scripts:

    • Develop deployment scripts that automate the deployment process of your Streamlit application. These scripts should handle tasks such as installing dependencies, setting up the environment, and launching the application.
  3. Configure Secrets:

    • Store sensitive information, such as API keys or authentication tokens for your RDF model, zero-trust minions, and ZKPs, as secrets in the GitHub repository. Ensure that these secrets are encrypted.
  4. GitHub Actions Workflow File:

    • Create a .github/workflows directory in your repository.
    • Write a GitHub Actions workflow file (e.g., deploy.yml) that specifies the deployment process. This workflow file should:
      • Trigger on specific events (e.g., commits to the main branch).
      • Set up the required environment, including Python and any other dependencies.
      • Use the secrets to authenticate and access external services like zero-trust minions and ZKPs.
      • Run the deployment scripts to build and launch your Streamlit application.
  5. Zero-Trust Minions Integration:

    • Ensure that your Streamlit application can securely interact with zero-trust minions. This may involve implementing zero-trust principles, such as strict access controls and authentication mechanisms.
  6. Zero-Knowledge Proofs Integration:

    • If your application involves zero-knowledge proofs for secure communication, integrate the necessary libraries or tools to enable ZKP-based interactions with APIs.
  7. Test and Validate Workflow:

    • Test your GitHub Actions workflow locally to ensure it functions as expected.
    • Validate that your application successfully deploys and runs using GitHub Actions.
  8. Push to Repository:

    • Commit and push your GitHub Actions workflow file and any necessary deployment scripts to your GitHub repository.
  9. GitHub Actions Execution:

    • GitHub Actions will automatically trigger the deployment workflow based on the defined events (e.g., new commits).
    • Monitor the execution of the workflow in the GitHub Actions tab of your repository to ensure it completes successfully.
  10. Deployment Verification:

    • After successful deployment, verify that your Streamlit application is accessible and functioning as expected.
  11. Documentation and Alerts:

    • Update your repository's documentation to include deployment instructions and information on how to use your Streamlit application.
    • Implement alerts and notifications to monitor the health and performance of your deployed application.
  12. Ongoing Maintenance:

    • Regularly update and maintain your GitHub Actions workflow, application, and dependencies to ensure continued functionality and security.

By following these steps, you can set up a GitHub Actions workflow to automate the deployment of your Streamlit application while considering RDF workflow models, zero-trust architecture, and zero-knowledge proofs for secure interactions with external APIs.

jmikedupont2 commented 10 months ago