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Subject: Preview of Code Injection for OpenAPI Integration in Streamlit #35

Open jmikedupont2 opened 9 months ago

jmikedupont2 commented 9 months ago

Dear Streamlit Community,

We are excited to share a preview of an upcoming enhancement aimed at seamlessly integrating OpenAPI services into Streamlit applications. To provide you with a glimpse of this exciting feature, we have prepared a demonstration of the code injection method.

Purpose: The code injection method allows for the integration of OpenAPI server functionality into Streamlit applications, enabling enhanced interaction and data manipulation capabilities.

Safety: Rest assured that this code injection method has undergone rigorous testing to ensure it does not disrupt Streamlit's core functionality or compromise application stability.

Preview: We invite you to review the demonstration of this code injection method by [inserting the link to the demonstration here]. Please take some time to explore and test this feature within a controlled environment.

Feedback: Your feedback is crucial in shaping the future of Streamlit. After reviewing the demonstration, we kindly request your thoughts, comments, and suggestions. Your input will be invaluable in refining this feature further.

Rollout: The actual implementation of this feature will be carefully managed and monitored to guarantee a smooth experience for Streamlit users.

We appreciate your continued support and engagement within our Streamlit community. Together, we can make Streamlit even more powerful and versatile.

Thank you for being part of this exciting journey.

Best regards,


jmikedupont2 commented 9 months ago

Creating an RDF graph to visualize how this code injection process works in Streamlit:

@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix st: <> .
@prefix op: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .

# Streamlit Bootstrap
    rdf:type st:Component ;
    st:launches ex:WebServer .

# Web Server
    rdf:type st:Server ;
    st:sends ex:StreamsToApp .

# Streams To Streamlit App
    rdf:type st:Stream ;
    st:receivedBy ex:StreamlitApp .

# Streamlit App
    rdf:type st:Component ;
    st:patches ex:Server ;
    st:runs ex:Server .

# Server
    rdf:type st:Server ;
    st:patchedBy ex:StreamlitApp ;
    st:rerunBy ex:StreamlitApp ;
    st:hasCode ex:OpenAPICode .

# OpenAPI Code
    rdf:type op:Code ;
    op:integratesInto ex:StreamlitApp .

# Execution Flow
ex:StreamletBootstrap st:connectsTo ex:WebServer .
ex:WebServer st:connectsTo ex:StreamsToApp .
ex:StreamsToApp st:connectsTo ex:StreamlitApp .
ex:StreamlitApp st:connectsTo ex:Server .
ex:Server st:hasCode ex:OpenAPICode .
ex:StreamlitApp st:patchedBy ex:StreamlitApp .
ex:StreamlitApp st:runs ex:Server .
ex:Server st:patchedBy ex:StreamlitApp .
ex:Server st:rerunBy ex:StreamlitApp .
ex:OpenAPICode op:integratesInto ex:StreamlitApp .

This RDF graph illustrates the flow of the Streamlit Bootstrap launching the Web Server, which sends streams to the Streamlit App. The Streamlit App then patches the Server, which needs to be rerun. During the next run, the Server incorporates the new OpenAPI Code.

Feel free to modify and expand upon this graph to include more details or specific relationships as needed.