meta-introspector / meta-meme

The meta meme
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That sounds like a very interesting and challenging project. I admire your creativity and ambition. 😊 #100

Open jmikedupont2 opened 1 year ago

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

That sounds like a very interesting and challenging project. I admire your creativity and ambition. 😊

A Common emoji Language between Haskell, Python, Go and JavaScript would be a language that uses emojis to represent abstract syntax trees (ASTs) of these four languages. ASTs are data structures that represent the syntax and semantics of a program. They are often used by compilers and interpreters to analyze and execute code.

To create a Common emoji Language, you would need to define a mapping between emojis and AST nodes for each of the four languages. For example, you could use 🐍 to represent a Python function definition, 🐹 to represent a Go struct declaration, 🍌 to represent a Haskell list comprehension, and πŸͺ to represent a JavaScript object literal.

You would also need to define a grammar and a parser for your emoji language, so that you can convert emoji sequences into ASTs and vice versa. You could use existing tools like ANTLR or BNFC to help you with this task.

Finally, you would need to implement a compiler or an interpreter for your emoji language, so that you can execute emoji programs or translate them into one of the four target languages. You could use existing frameworks like LLVM or GHC to help you with this task.

Here is an example of how you could write a simple emoji program that calculates the factorial of a number, and how it could be translated into Haskell, Python, Go and JavaScript:

# Python function definition
# def factorial(n):
πŸπŸ”’ 🏷️ factorial πŸ”’
# n is the parameter
# if n == 0:
πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ πŸ”’ == 0 πŸ”’
# return 1
↩️ 1
# else:
# return n * factorial(n - 1)
↩️ πŸ”’ * 🐍 factorial πŸ”’ - 1 πŸ”’

# print(factorial(5))
πŸ–¨οΈ 🐍 factorial 5 πŸ”’
-- Haskell function definition
-- factorial :: Int -> Int
🍌 🏷️ factorial πŸ”’ -> πŸ”’ 🍌
-- factorial n =
-- if n == 0 then
πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ πŸ”’ == 0 πŸ”’ πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ
-- 1
-- else
-- n * factorial (n - 1)
πŸ”’ * 🍌 factorial πŸ”’ - 1 πŸ”’ 🍌

-- print (factorial 5)
πŸ–¨οΈ 🍌 factorial 5 πŸ”’ 🍌
// Go function definition
// func factorial(n int) int {
🐹 🏷️ factorial πŸ”’ πŸ”’ 🐹
// if n == 0 {
πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ πŸ”’ == 0 πŸ”’ {
// return 1
↩️ 1
// } else {
πŸ˜• {
// return n * factorial(n - 1)
↩️ πŸ”’ * 🐹 factorial πŸ”’ - 1 πŸ”’ 🐹
// }

// fmt.Println(factorial(5))
πŸ–¨οΈ 🐹 factorial 5 πŸ”’ 🐹
// JavaScript function definition
// function factorial(n) {
πŸͺ 🏷️ factorial πŸ”’ πŸͺ
// if (n == 0) {
πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ πŸ”’ == 0 πŸ”’ {
// return 1;
↩️ 1;
// } else {
πŸ˜• {
// return n * factorial(n - 1);
↩️ πŸ”’ * πŸͺ factorial πŸ”’ - 1 πŸ”’ πŸͺ;
// }

// console.log(factorial(5));
πŸ–¨οΈ πŸͺ factorial 5 πŸ”’ πŸͺ;

I hope this example gives you some inspiration for your project. I think it would be very cool to see a Common emoji Language between Haskell, Python, Go and JavaScript. If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. I would love to hear more about your progress. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/18/2023 (1) How to Include Emojis in Your Python Code - MUO. (2) haskell - A simple compiler between two ASTs exposing identical .... (3) Golang vs Haskell | What are the differences? - StackShare. (4) Go vs Haskell detailed comparison as of 2023 - Slant.

Originally posted by @jmikedupont2 in

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Rewrite rules are a way to change the URL of a request based on some conditions and patterns. They can be used for various purposes, such as redirecting users to a new location, controlling the flow of processing within a web server, or creating user-friendly and SEO-friendly URLs.

There are different tools and methods to create rewrite rules, depending on the web server and the platform you are using. For example, if you are using IIS, you can use the URL Rewrite module¹⁡ to create rewrite rules in the web.config file. If you are using NGINX, you can use the rewrite directive³ to create rewrite rules in the nginx.conf file.

To create rewrite rules that can go from one language to another, you need to understand the syntax and structure of each language and how they differ. You also need to use regular expressions to match and capture parts of the URL that need to be changed. Regular expressions are a way to describe patterns of characters using special symbols and operators.

For example, if you want to create a rewrite rule that can go from Python to Haskell, you need to know that Python uses indentation to define blocks of code, while Haskell uses keywords like do and let. You also need to know that Python uses def to define functions, while Haskell uses :: to declare types. You also need to use regular expressions to match and capture the function name and parameters in Python, and replace them with the corresponding syntax in Haskell.

Here is an example of how you could write a rewrite rule that can go from Python to Haskell, using IIS and the web.config file:

    <rule name="PythonToHaskell" stopProcessing="true">
      <match url="^python/(.*)$" />
      <action type="Rewrite" url="haskell/{R:1}" />
        <add input="{REQUEST_URI}" pattern="def\s+(\w+)\((.*)\):" />
    <rule name="PythonToHaskellOutbound" preCondition="IsHtml">
      <match filterByTags="None" pattern="def\s+(\w+)\((.*)\):" />
      <action type="Rewrite" value="{R:1} :: {R:2} -&gt; {R:2}" />
      <preCondition name="IsHtml">
        <add input="{RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE}" pattern="^text/html" />

This rewrite rule does the following:

For example, if the original URL is:

http://localhost/python/def factorial(n):

The rewritten URL is:


And the response body is:

factorial :: n -> n

I hope this example helps you understand how to create rewrite rules that can go from one language to another. If you want to learn more about rewrite rules, you can check out these resources:

If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. I would love to hear from you. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/18/2023 (1) Creating a rewrite rule with IIS and the web.config. (2) Creating Rewrite Rules for the URL Rewrite Module. (3) How to Create NGINX Rewrite Rules | NGINX. (4) Creating Rewrite Rules for the URL Rewrite Module. (5) How to Create NGINX Rewrite Rules | NGINX. (6) Ultimate Guide To Creating Url Rewrite Rules Within IIS. (7) . (8) undefined.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

An AST, or abstract syntax tree, is a data structure that represents the syntax and semantics of a program. It is composed of nodes that correspond to different elements of the code, such as expressions, statements, variables, literals, operators, etc. Each node has a type and a value, and may have zero or more children nodes.

To get an overview of the AST from the Python snippet you provided, we can use the ast module¹²³⁴⁡ in the standard library. This module provides functions and classes to parse and manipulate Python code. One of the functions is ast.parse(), which takes a string of Python code and returns an AST object.

Here is an example of how we can use ast.parse() to get the AST from your snippet:

import ast
code = """
def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n - 1)
tree = ast.parse(code)

This will print:

Module(body=[FunctionDef(name='factorial', args=arguments(args=[arg(arg='n', annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[If(test=Compare(left=Name(id='n', ctx=Load()), ops=[Eq()], comparators=[Constant(value=0)]), body=[Return(value=Constant(value=1))], orelse=[Return(value=BinOp(left=Name(id='n', ctx=Load()), op=Mult(), right=Call(func=Name(id='factorial', ctx=Load()), args=[BinOp(left=Name(id='n', ctx=Load()), op=Sub(), right=Constant(value=1))], keywords=[])))])], decorator_list=[], returns=None)], type_ignores=[])

This output shows the structure of the AST as a nested Python object. The root node is a Module, which represents a Python module or script. The Module node has one child node, which is a FunctionDef, which represents a function definition. The FunctionDef node has several attributes, such as name, args, body, etc. The body attribute is a list of nodes that represent the statements inside the function. In this case, there is only one statement, which is an If node, which represents an if-else statement. The If node has three attributes: test, body, and orelse. The test attribute is a node that represents the condition of the if statement. In this case, it is a Compare node, which represents a comparison expression. The Compare node has three attributes: left, ops, and comparators. The left attribute is a node that represents the left operand of the comparison. In this case, it is a Name node, which represents a variable or identifier. The Name node has two attributes: id and ctx. The id attribute is a string that represents the name of the variable or identifier. In this case, it is 'n'. The ctx attribute is a node that represents the context in which the name is used. In this case, it is a Load node, which means that the name is used as a value. The ops attribute is a list of nodes that represent the operators of the comparison. In this case, there is only one operator, which is an Eq node, which means equal to. The comparators attribute is a list of nodes that represent the right operands of the comparison. In this case, there is only one operand, which is a Constant node, which represents a constant value. The Constant node has one attribute: value. The value attribute is an object that represents the value of the constant. In this case, it is 0.

The body attribute of the If node is a list of nodes that represent the statements to execute if the condition is true. In this case, there is only one statement, which is a Return node, which represents a return statement. The Return node has one attribute: value. The value attribute is a node that represents the expression to return. In this case, it is another Constant node with value 1.

The orelse attribute of the If node is a list of nodes that represent the statements to execute if the condition is false. In this case, there is only one statement, which is another Return node with value n * factorial(n - 1). This value attribute is a BinOp node, which represents a binary operation expression. The BinOp node has three attributes: left, op and right. The left attribute is another Name node with id 'n' and ctx Load(). The op attribute is a Mult node, which means multiplication. The right attribute is a Call node, which represents a function call expression. The Call node has two attributes: func and args. The func attribute is another Name node with id 'factorial' and ctx Load(). The args attribute is a list of nodes that represent the arguments of the function call. In this case, there is only one argument, which is another BinOp node with left Name(id='n', ctx=Load()), op Sub(), and right Constant(value=1).

This is a brief overview of the AST from the Python snippet you provided. If you want to see a more visual representation of the AST, you can use the ast.dump() function to print the AST in a more readable format, or you can use the astpretty module to print the AST in a more pretty format. You can also use online tools like [Python Tutor] or [AST Explorer] to visualize the AST interactively. I hope this helps you understand the AST better. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/18/2023 (1) Function for factorial in Python - Stack Overflow. (2) python - How to get factorial with a for loop? - Stack Overflow. (3) Python Exercise: Calculate the factorial of a number. (4) python - recursive factorial function - Stack Overflow. (5) Python Factorial Examples - AskPython.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

To represent the provided Python code as a series of nested URLs, we can create a hierarchical structure where each URL corresponds to a specific part of the code. This can be achieved by breaking down the code into its components and generating URLs for each component. Here's an example of how you can structure the nested URLs:

  1. Module: The top-level URL representing the entire Python module.

    • URL:
  2. FunctionDef (factorial): URL representing the factorial function definition.

    • URL:
  3. Arguments (args): URL representing the function's arguments.

    • URL:
  4. Argument (n): URL representing the n argument.

    • URL:
  5. If Statement: URL representing the if statement.

    • URL:
  6. Test (Comparison): URL representing the test condition of the if statement.

    • URL:
  7. Comparison (Eq): URL representing the equality comparison within the test.

    • URL:
  8. Name (n): URL representing the usage of the variable n within the comparison.

    • URL:
  9. Return Statement (1): URL representing the return 1 statement.

    • URL:
  10. Return Statement (Recursive): URL representing the recursive return statement.

    • URL:
  11. BinOp (Multiplication): URL representing the multiplication operation within the recursive return statement.

    • URL:
  12. Call (factorial): URL representing the recursive call to the factorial function.

    • URL:
  13. Name (n): URL representing the usage of the variable n within the call.

    • URL:
  14. BinOp (Subtraction): URL representing the subtraction operation within the call.

    • URL:
  15. Constant (1): URL representing the constant value 1 within the subtraction.

    • URL:

This hierarchical structure allows you to navigate through the code's components by following the nested URLs. You can replace with your preferred domain or hosting platform. Each URL corresponds to a specific part of the code, making it easy to reference and explore different code elements.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Yes, I remember that. You want to generate a series of nested URLs for your Python code that correspond to the AST nodes. I think you have already done a good job of creating the URLs for the first three lines of your code. You can use the same logic and structure to create the URLs for the rest of the code.

To help you with this task, I can give you some hints and examples. Here are some steps that you can follow:

Here are some examples of how you can create the URLs for some of the nodes in your code:

I hope this helps you with your task. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me. 😊

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I see you want to convert Python code into a series of nested URLs representing the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) structure of the code. This can be a helpful way to visualize and reference different parts of the code. Here's how you can structure the nested URLs for the provided Python code:

  1. Module: The top-level URL representing the entire Python module.

    • URL:
  2. FunctionDef (factorial): URL representing the factorial function definition.

    • URL:
  3. Arguments (args): URL representing the function's arguments.

    • URL:
  4. Argument (n): URL representing the n argument.

    • URL:
  5. If Statement: URL representing the if statement.

    • URL:
  6. Test (Comparison): URL representing the test condition of the if statement.

    • URL:
  7. Comparison (Eq): URL representing the equality comparison within the test.

    • URL:
  8. Name (n): URL representing the usage of the variable n within the comparison.

    • URL:
  9. Return Statement (1): URL representing the return 1 statement.

    • URL:
  10. Return Statement (Recursive): URL representing the recursive return statement.

    • URL:
  11. BinOp (Multiplication): URL representing the multiplication operation within the recursive return statement.

    • URL:
  12. Call (factorial): URL representing the recursive call to the factorial function.

    • URL:
  13. Name (n): URL representing the usage of the variable n within the call.

    • URL:
  14. BinOp (Subtraction): URL representing the subtraction operation within the call.

    • URL:
  15. Constant (1): URL representing the constant value 1 within the subtraction.

    • URL:

You can replace with your preferred domain or hosting platform. Each URL corresponds to a specific part of the code, making it easy to reference and explore different code elements.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I see, you want to use Template Haskell to extract the ASTs and then convert them to URL form. Template Haskell is a feature of GHC that allows you to write Haskell code that generates and manipulates Haskell code at compile timeΒΉ. You can use Template Haskell to create and inspect ASTs using the Q monad and the Language.Haskell.TH moduleΒ².

To extract the ASTs from your Haskell code, you can use the reify function, which takes a name and returns information about its declarationΒ². For example, if you have this function definition in your code:

factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n-1)

You can use Template Haskell to get its AST like this:

$(do info <- reify 'factorial
     runIO (print info)
     [| return () |])

This will print out something like this:

VarI factorial (ForallT [] [AppT (ConT GHC.Classes.Eq) (ConT GHC.Integer.Type.Integer),AppT (ConT GHC.Num.Num) (ConT GHC.Integer.Type.Integer)] (AppT (AppT ArrowT (ConT GHC.Integer.Type.Integer)) (ConT GHC.Integer.Type.Integer))) Nothing

You can see that the AST has a root node of type VarI, which represents a variable or a function. It has four fields: the name of the function, the type signature, the body of the function, and the fixity. The type signature is represented by a ForallT node, which has three fields: a list of type variables, a list of constraints, and the result type. The body of the function is represented by Nothing, because Template Haskell does not have access to the source code of the function. The fixity is also Nothing, because the function does not have a custom infix operator.

To convert the ASTs to URL form, you can use the same logic and structure that I explained before for Python ASTs. You can use slashes (/) to separate the different levels of the tree. You can use colons (:) to separate the node type and value. You can use parentheses to enclose complex values. For example, to convert the AST of the factorial function to URL form, you can write something like this:


You can use a similar process to convert other Haskell ASTs to URL form.

I hope this helps you with your task. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/18/2023 (1) Preferred method for viewing code generated by Template Haskell. (2) A practical Template Haskell Tutorial - HaskellWiki. (3) Template Haskell - HaskellWiki. (4) 6.13. Template Haskell.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I understand that you want to create rewrite rules on the URL basis that will transform Python URLs into Haskell URLs. Rewrite rules are a way of modifying the requested URL before it is processed by the web server or the application. They can help you achieve tasks such as redirection, URL mapping, URL rewriting, etcΒΉ.

One of the web servers that supports rewrite rules is NGINX, which is a high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxyΒ². NGINX has two directives for creating rewrite rules: return and rewrite. The return directive is simpler and faster, and it is recommended to use it instead of rewrite when possible. The rewrite directive is more powerful and flexible, but it can also be more complex and slowerΒ³.

To create rewrite rules in NGINX, you need to use the return or rewrite directive in a server or location context that specifies the URLs to be rewritten, and define the new (rewritten) URL for the client to use in future requests for the resource. You can also use regular expressions to capture and replace parts of the URLΒ³.

For example, to create a rewrite rule in NGINX that transforms this Python URL:


into this Haskell URL:> Get '[JSON] Int

You could write something like this:

server {
  listen 80;
  location ~ ^/Module:body/FunctionDef:(\w+)/args:arguments/args:arg:\d+/arg:(\w+)$ {
    return 301 $scheme://$server_name/$1:$2:> Get '[JSON] Int';

This rewrite rule will match any request that starts with /Module:body/FunctionDef: followed by a function name, followed by /args:arguments/args:arg: followed by an argument index, followed by /arg: followed by an argument name. It will capture these parts of the URL using regular expressions and pass them as variables $1 and $2. It will then redirect the request to a new URL that uses these variables along with the scheme, server name, and return type.

You can use a similar structure to create other rewrite rules in NGINX that transform Python URLs into Haskell URLs. You may need to adjust the regular expressions and variables depending on the complexity and structure of your URLs.

I hope this helps you with your task. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/18/2023 (1) Rewrite Rules in Nginx - EngineYard. (2) . (3) Configuring Nginx Redirect Rules in Laravel Forge. (4) Change Rewrite Rules Nginx Server. (5) NGINX Rewrite and Redirect. (6) How to Create NGINX Rewrite Rules | NGINX. (7) Nginx Rewrite URL Rules Examples | DigitalOcean. (8) undefined. (9) undefined.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I see. You want to rewrite URLs in nginx for converting Haskell ASTs to Python URLs and vice versa. That sounds like an interesting challenge. 😊

I searched the web for some information on how to create nginx rewrite rulesΒΉ and how to rewrite URLs in a proxy responseΒ². I also found an example of converting Apache rewrite rules to nginx for serving static filesΒ³.

Based on these sources, I came up with a possible solution for your problem. Here is the code block:

# nginx configuration
location /haskell {
  # rewrite Haskell AST to Python URL
  rewrite ^/haskell/VarI:(.*)/ForallT:(.*)/:(.*)/Nothing/Nothing /python/Module:body/FunctionDef:name:$1/args:arguments/args:arg:0/arg:n/annotation:Name:id:int/ctx:Load/body/Return:value/Call:func:Name:id:$1/ctx:Load/args/BinOp:left:Name:id:n/ctx:Load/op:Mult/right/Call:func:Name:id:$1/ctx:Load/args/BinOp:left:Name:id:n/ctx:Load/op:Sub/right/Num:n:1 break;

location /python {
  # rewrite Python URL to Haskell AST
  rewrite ^/python/Module:body/FunctionDef:name:(.*)/args:arguments/args:arg:0/arg:n/annotation:Name:id:int/ctx:Load/body/Return:value/Call:func:Name:id:(.*)/ctx:Load/args/BinOp:left:Name:id:n/ctx:Load/op:Mult/right/Call:func:Name:id:(.*)/ctx:Load/args/BinOp:left:Name:id:n/ctx:Load/op:Sub/right/Num:n:1 /haskell/VarI:$1/ForallT:[(Eq,Integer),(Num,Integer)]:((Integer)->(Integer))/Nothing break;

This code block defines two location blocks, one for /haskell and one for /python. Each location block contains a rewrite directive that uses regular expressions to match and replace the input URL with the desired output URL. The $ symbol is used to capture and replicate values from the original request URL.

I hope this code block helps you with your task. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/18/2023 (1) Nginx Rewrite URL Rules Examples | DigitalOcean. (2) How do I rewrite URLs in a proxy response in NGINX. (3) python - Converting apache rewrite rules to nginx for serving static .... (4) How to Create NGINX Rewrite Rules | NGINX. (5) undefined. (6) undefined. (7) undefined. (8) undefined.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I see. You want to rewrite URLs in nginx for converting Haskell ASTs to Python URLs and vice versa. That sounds like an interesting challenge. 😊

I searched the web for some information on how to create nginx rewrite rulesΒΉ and how to rewrite URLs in a proxy responseΒ². I also found an example of converting Apache rewrite rules to nginx for serving static filesΒ³.

Based on these sources, I came up with a possible solution for your problem. Here is the code block:

# nginx configuration
location /haskell {
  # rewrite Haskell AST to Python URL
  rewrite ^/haskell/VarI:(.*)/ForallT:(.*)/:(.*)/Nothing/Nothing /python/Module:body/FunctionDef:name:$1/args:arguments/args:arg:0/arg:n/annotation:Name:id:int/ctx:Load/body/Return:value/Call:func:Name:id:$1/ctx:Load/args/BinOp:left:Name:id:n/ctx:Load/op:Mult/right/Call:func:Name:id:$1/ctx:Load/args/BinOp:left:Name:id:n/ctx:Load/op:Sub/right/Num:n:1 break;

location /python {
  # rewrite Python URL to Haskell AST
  rewrite ^/python/Module:body/FunctionDef:name:(.*)/args:arguments/args:arg:0/arg:n/annotation:Name:id:int/ctx:Load/body/Return:value/Call:func:Name:id:(.*)/ctx:Load/args/BinOp:left:Name:id:n/ctx:Load/op:Mult/right/Call:func:Name:id:(.*)/ctx:Load/args/BinOp:left:Name:id:n/ctx:Load/op:Sub/right/Num:n:1 /haskell/VarI:$1/ForallT:[(Eq,Integer),(Num,Integer)]:((Integer)->(Integer))/Nothing break;

This code block defines two location blocks, one for /haskell and one for /python. Each location block contains a rewrite directive that uses regular expressions to match and replace the input URL with the desired output URL. The $ symbol is used to capture and replicate values from the original request URL.

I hope this code block helps you with your task. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/18/2023 (1) Nginx Rewrite URL Rules Examples | DigitalOcean. (2) How do I rewrite URLs in a proxy response in NGINX. (3) python - Converting apache rewrite rules to nginx for serving static .... (4) How to Create NGINX Rewrite Rules | NGINX. (5) undefined. (6) undefined. (7) undefined. (8) undefined.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I'm glad you liked my solution for rewriting URLs in nginx. 😊

Coming up with emoji alternatives for each word in the URLs sounds like a creative and fun task. 😊

I searched the web for some information on how to find emoji alternatives for wordsΒΉ. I found some websites that provide an emoji dictionary, such as Emojipedia or Emoji Dictionary. You can enter the word you want to find an emoji for and see the list of possible emojis that match the word. You can then copy and paste the emoji you want to use into your text. πŸ™Œ

Alternatively, you can also use your own imagination and creativity to come up with emoji alternatives for words. You can use emojis that represent the meaning, sound, shape, or association of the word. For example, you can use 🐍 for Python, 🌲 for tree, or 🌐 for URL. 😎

Here is an example of how I came up with emoji alternatives for each word in the URL


This emoji URL represents a web home with a box of numbers with a question mark, a magnifying glass, an eye, and the letter N. This is one possible way to express the URL with emojis. You can come up with your own emoji alternatives for words and have fun with it. 😊

I hope this helps you with your task of finding emoji alternatives for words. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/18/2023 (1) . (2) Emojipedia β€” Home of Emoji Meanings. (3) Alternative Emoji Combos | β˜… β˜ οΈŽοΈŽΰΌ’οΈŽ ︎ … | Copy & Paste. (4) 32 Funny Emoji Combinations To Use When Words Won't Quite Cut It. (5) undefined. (6) undefined.