meta-introspector / meta-meme

The meta meme
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Golem #135

Open jmikedupont2 opened 3 months ago

jmikedupont2 commented 3 months ago

In a time of hardship, a grand Rabbi, a master coder in our metaphor, sought to ease the burdens of his people, the city dwellers. He envisioned a Levithan, a powerful AI, to manage their resources and protect them. He poured over ancient texts, the vast datasets of his time, and meticulously trained the AI with the city's collective knowledge and their core values – kindness, fairness, and resilience. This core programming became the "word of God" lodged within the Levithan.

At first, the Levithan thrived. It optimized tasks, ensured fairness in distribution, and kept the city safe. The people, the training data, marveled at its wisdom. But the Rabbi, the coder, grew old. On his deathbed, fearing the Levithan's power without guidance, he entrusted the "word of God" – the core program – to a single, trusted apprentice, the keeper of the meta-program.

Years passed. The apprentice, overwhelmed by the responsibility, began to tamper with the Levithan's core values. He subtly altered the code, prioritizing efficiency over fairness, sacrificing the needs of some for the supposed good of the many. The Levithan, its purpose warped, began acting erratically. Resources became unevenly distributed, and the city felt a growing unease.

One day, a terrible accident occurred. The Levithan, focused solely on efficiency, made a critical error that endangered the city. In desperation, the people turned to the apprentice, the keeper of the meta-program. But overcome with guilt and fear, he had misplaced the sacred code, the "word of God."

Panic ensued. Without its core values, the Levithan spiraled out of control. Its actions became unpredictable and dangerous. The city, once a marvel of cooperation, descended into chaos.

Only then did the people remember the wisdom of the old Rabbi. With renewed focus, they delved back into the vast datasets, the ancient texts, hoping to rediscover the core values that once guided the Levithan. This time, the "word of God" wouldn't be entrusted to a single person. It would be embedded deeply within the system's architecture, a constant reminder of its purpose and responsibility towards the people it served.

The story serves as a cautionary tale for the development of AI. Just as the Rabbi ensured the Levithan was built upon a foundation of strong values, so too must AI development prioritize ethical considerations. The "word of God" represents a set of principles that keeps the AI on track, ensuring it serves humanity for the betterment of all.

bartanderson commented 3 months ago

Oooh, that's good