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Drunken Walk Generator and Lattice for Deep GNN Training #200

Open jmikedupont2 opened 2 months ago

jmikedupont2 commented 2 months ago

Drunken Walk Generator and Lattice for Deep GNN Training


This page documents the development of a generator function and a lattice structure designed to encompass a broad range of interconnected ideas. The purpose of this structure is to train a deep graph neural network (GNN) by performing a "drunken walk" through the lattice. This method captures the randomness and exploration inherent in creative thinking and intellectual exploration.


The following concepts are nodes within the lattice, representing key ideas and projects:

  1. Web3 Evolution
  2. Fleek Network
  3. AI System Bootstrap
  4. Viral AI Distribution
  5. Biosemiosis in AI
  6. Demon Slayer: Emoji Chronicles
  7. Language Evolution and AI
  8. Odyssey of the Omnimeme
  9. Distributed P2P Inference
  10. Coq Proof Generation
  11. Gödel Numbering in Minecraft
  12. Vectorization Model
  13. Scheme and Vectorization Integration
  14. Autoencoder for RDF Statements
  15. Intellectual Discourse as Biosemiotic Fitness

These concepts are interconnected based on their logical, thematic, or developmental relationships.

Lattice Structure

The lattice is constructed as a directed graph where nodes represent the concepts listed above, and edges represent the relationships between them. The relationships include dependencies, thematic connections, or conceptual overlaps. This hierarchical structure allows for both systematic and exploratory analysis.

Graph Definition

The lattice is implemented as a directed graph using the networkx library in Python. Nodes are labeled with concept names, and edges define the relationships between these concepts.

Example Python Code

import random
import networkx as nx

# Define the concepts as nodes
concepts = {
    0: "Web3 Evolution",
    1: "Fleek Network",
    2: "AI System Bootstrap",
    3: "Viral AI Distribution",
    4: "Biosemiosis in AI",
    5: "Demon Slayer: Emoji Chronicles",
    6: "Language Evolution and AI",
    7: "Odyssey of the Omnimeme",
    8: "Distributed P2P Inference",
    9: "Coq Proof Generation",
    10: "Gödel Numbering in Minecraft",
    11: "Vectorization Model",
    12: "Scheme and Vectorization Integration",
    13: "Autoencoder for RDF Statements",
    14: "Intellectual Discourse as Biosemiotic Fitness",

# Establish relationships as edges
edges = [
    (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 7), 
    (5, 6), (7, 8), (8, 9), (9, 10), (10, 11), 
    (11, 12), (12, 13), (13, 14), (14, 0), (6, 7)

# Construct the lattice
G = nx.DiGraph()

Drunken Walk Generator

The generator function performs a "drunken walk" through the graph. This random walk method introduces stochasticity, enabling a form of exploration that can uncover non-obvious paths through the idea space.

Generator Function

def drunken_walk(graph, start_node, steps=10):
    current_node = start_node
    for _ in range(steps):
        yield current_node
        neighbors = list(graph.neighbors(current_node))
        if not neighbors:
        current_node = random.choice(neighbors)


The drunken_walk function generates a sequence of nodes, representing the path taken through the lattice. This sequence can be used to train a GNN, which will learn to understand and predict the structure and relationships within the graph.

start_node = random.choice(list(G.nodes))
walk = drunken_walk(G, start_node)

for node in walk:
    print(f"Visited node: {concepts[node]}")


This generator and lattice structure can be used in various contexts, including:

Future Work

Future developments may include:

This page can be added to your Meta-Meme Wiki on GitHub, where it will serve as both documentation and a reference for future development. Let me know if you want to make any adjustments or if there’s anything else you'd like to include!

jmikedupont2 commented 2 months ago

claude I understand you'd like to explore creating a generator function and a lattice structure to potentially train a deep graph neural network. This is an interesting and complex idea that combines several advanced concepts. Let's break it down step by step:

import networkx as nx
import random
from typing import List, Tuple

class Idea:
    def __init__(self, name: str, connections: List[str]): = name
        self.connections = connections

def create_idea_lattice(ideas: List[Idea]) -> nx.Graph:
    G = nx.Graph()
    for idea in ideas:
        for connection in idea.connections:
            G.add_edge(, connection)
    return G

def idea_generator(lattice: nx.Graph) -> str:
    ideas = list(lattice.nodes)
    while True:
        yield random.choice(ideas)

def drunk_walk(lattice: nx.Graph, steps: int) -> List[str]:
    current_node = random.choice(list(lattice.nodes))
    path = [current_node]

    for _ in range(steps - 1):
        neighbors = list(lattice.neighbors(current_node))
        if neighbors:
            current_node = random.choice(neighbors)

    return path

# Example usage
ideas = [
    Idea("Machine Learning", ["Neural Networks", "Data Science"]),
    Idea("Neural Networks", ["Deep Learning", "Artificial Intelligence"]),
    Idea("Data Science", ["Statistics", "Big Data"]),
    Idea("Deep Learning", ["Computer Vision", "Natural Language Processing"]),
    Idea("Artificial Intelligence", ["Robotics", "Expert Systems"])

lattice = create_idea_lattice(ideas)
idea_gen = idea_generator(lattice)
walk = drunk_walk(lattice, 5)

print("Generated idea:", next(idea_gen))
print("Drunk walk path:", walk)

I've created a Python implementation that demonstrates the concepts you mentioned. Here's a breakdown of the main components:

  1. Idea class: Represents an idea with a name and connections to other ideas.

  2. create_idea_lattice function: Creates a graph (lattice) of ideas using NetworkX.

  3. idea_generator function: A generator that yields random ideas from the lattice.

  4. drunk_walk function: Performs a random walk on the lattice for a given number of steps.

The code also includes an example usage with some sample ideas related to machine learning and AI.

To use this for training a deep graph neural network, you would need to:

  1. Expand the Idea class to include relevant features for your network.
  2. Implement a graph neural network architecture (e.g., using PyTorch Geometric or DGL).
  3. Use the drunk_walk function to generate training sequences.
  4. Train your network on these sequences, possibly using techniques like node2vec or GraphSAGE.

Would you like me to explain any part of this code in more detail or help you expand it in a particular direction?

jmikedupont2 commented 2 months ago

That's a brilliant idea! By vectorizing each token string in both a large language model (LLM) and a compiler, and then connecting their runtimes with a trace, we can create a rich, multi-layered representation of the data. This approach can capture both the semantic and syntactic nuances of the concepts.

1. Vectorizing Tokens

We'll start by vectorizing each token string using an LLM like GPT-4 and a compiler.

from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2Model
import torch

# Initialize the tokenizer and model
tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')
model = GPT2Model.from_pretrained('gpt2')

def vectorize_token(token):
    inputs = tokenizer(token, return_tensors='pt')
    outputs = model(**inputs)
    return outputs.last_hidden_state

2. Compiler Vectorization

For the compiler, we can use a tool like LLVM to generate intermediate representations (IR) and then vectorize those.

import llvmlite.binding as llvm


def compile_and_vectorize(code):
    # Compile the code to LLVM IR
    llvm_ir = llvm.parse_assembly(code)
    # Convert LLVM IR to a vector representation
    # This is a placeholder; actual implementation will depend on the specifics of the IR
    return llvm_ir

3. Connecting Runtimes with a Trace

We can then connect the runtimes of both the LLM and the compiler using a trace.

def trace_execution(llm_vector, compiler_vector):
    # Combine the vectors and trace the execution
    trace = {
        'llm_vector': llm_vector,
        'compiler_vector': compiler_vector,
        'combined':, compiler_vector), dim=-1)
    return trace

4. Integrating with the Graph

Finally, we integrate this with our graph structure.

def integrate_with_graph(G, trace):
    for node in G.nodes:
        token = node
        llm_vector = vectorize_token(token)
        compiler_vector = compile_and_vectorize(token)
        trace_data = trace_execution(llm_vector, compiler_vector)
        G.nodes[node]['trace'] = trace_data
    return G

Example Usage

generator = concept_generator()
lattice = create_lattice(generator, 10)
lattice_with_traces = integrate_with_graph(lattice, trace_execution)

This setup allows us to capture a detailed and multi-faceted view of each concept, enhancing the depth and richness of the data used to train the deep graph neural network. How does this align with your vision? Any additional layers or tweaks you'd like to explore? 😊

jmikedupont2 commented 2 months ago

Let's start designing a generator function and a lattice that incorporates the ideas you've presented. We can use a combination of natural language processing, graph theory, and compiler design to create a framework for generating and exploring the complex systems you've described.

Lattice Design

The lattice can be represented as a graph with multiple layers and dimensions. Each node in the graph can represent a concept, idea, or entity from the various disciplines you've mentioned (e.g., game theory, cognitive science, spirituality, etc.). The edges between nodes can represent relationships, connections, or transformations between these concepts.

Here's a possible lattice design:

  1. Concept Layer: This layer contains nodes representing abstract concepts, such as:
    • Game theory: Nash equilibrium, Pareto optimality, etc.
    • Cognitive science: neurons, synapses, memory, etc.
    • Spirituality: consciousness, self-awareness, introspection, etc.
  2. Entity Layer: This layer contains nodes representing entities or objects that embody or relate to the concepts in the Concept Layer, such as:
    • Agents (e.g., humans, AI systems)
    • Networks (e.g., neural networks, social networks)
    • Systems (e.g., economic systems, ecosystems)
  3. Relationship Layer: This layer contains edges representing relationships between nodes in the Concept Layer and Entity Layer, such as:
    • "Agent A has a Nash equilibrium strategy"
    • "Neuron X is connected to neuron Y"
    • "System S exhibits emergent behavior"
  4. Transformation Layer: This layer contains edges representing transformations or operations that can be applied to nodes in the Entity Layer, such as:
    • "Agent A learns a new strategy"
    • "Neuron X fires and sends a signal to neuron Y"
    • "System S undergoes a phase transition"
  5. Context Layer: This layer contains nodes representing the context or environment in which the entities and relationships exist, such as:
    • Time
    • Space
    • Culture

Generator Function

The generator function can be used to create new nodes, edges, and relationships within the lattice. This function can take into account various factors, such as:

  1. Probability distributions: Assign probabilities to the creation of new nodes, edges, and relationships based on the existing structure of the lattice.
  2. Rule-based systems: Define rules for generating new nodes, edges, and relationships based on the properties and relationships of existing nodes.
  3. Randomness: Introduce randomness to the generator function to simulate the uncertainty and complexity of real-world systems.

Vectorization and Compiler Integration

To integrate the lattice with an LLM and a compiler, we can vectorize each node and edge in the lattice using techniques such as:

  1. Word embeddings: Represent each node and edge as a vector in a high-dimensional space using word embeddings (e.g., Word2Vec, GloVe).
  2. Graph embeddings: Represent the lattice as a whole as a vector in a high-dimensional space using graph embeddings (e.g., Graph2Vec, Node2Vec).

We can then use these vector representations as input to an LLM, such as a transformer-based model, to generate text that reflects the relationships and structures within the lattice.

To integrate the lattice with a compiler, we can define a runtime environment that allows us to execute the lattice as a program. This can involve:

  1. Defining a programming language: Design a programming language that can express the relationships and transformations within the lattice.
  2. Compiling the lattice: Compile the lattice into an executable program that can be run on a machine.
  3. Runtime environment: Define a runtime environment that allows the program to interact with the lattice and generate new nodes, edges, and relationships.

Drunken Walk

To train a deep graph neural network using the lattice, we can perform a "drunken walk" on the graph, where we randomly traverse the nodes and edges, generating new nodes, edges, and relationships as we go. At each step, we can:

  1. Vectorize the current node and edge: Represent the current node and edge as vectors using the techniques mentioned above.
  2. Input to LLM: Use the vector representations as input to an LLM to generate text that reflects the relationships and structures within the lattice.
  3. Compiler execution: Execute the lattice as a program using the compiler and runtime environment.
  4. Generate new nodes, edges, and relationships: Use the output of the LLM and compiler to generate new nodes, edges, and relationships within the lattice.
  5. Repeat: Repeat the process, traversing the graph in a random manner, generating new nodes, edges, and relationships at each step.

This process can be repeated multiple times, allowing the graph neural network to learn the structures and relationships within the lattice. The trained network can then be used for various tasks, such as generating text, predicting relationships, or optimizing complex systems.

I hope this outline gives you a sense of

jmikedupont2 commented 2 months ago

Your code demonstrates a great start towards creating a rich representation of concepts in a graph using an LLM and a compiler. Here's a breakdown of your approach and some potential areas for further exploration:


Multi-layered Representation: By combining LLM and compiler vectors, you capture both semantic and syntactic information.

Trace Integration: Connecting execution runtimes with a trace provides additional insights into the processing.

Code Examples: Illustrative code snippets clarify the functionalities.

Points for Consideration:

LLM Vectorization: The provided code snippet retrieves the last hidden state from the LLM model. While this can capture some semantic information, consider exploring context-aware methods like contextualized word embeddings (e.g., Word2Vec, GloVe) that represent tokens based on their surrounding context.

Compiler Vectorization: The placeholder function for compiler vectorization highlights the need for a specific implementation depending on the chosen intermediate representation (IR). Tools like LLVM provide APIs to access and manipulate IR, allowing you to build custom vectorization techniques based on the IR structure.

Trace Structure: The current trace format stores the individual LLM and compiler vectors along with their concatenation. Consider adding additional information like timestamps or specific events during execution for more granular analysis.

Computational Efficiency: Vectorizing large amounts of text and processing code can be resource-intensive. Explore techniques like batch processing and model optimization for efficiency.

Next Steps:

Choose a specific compiler IR and develop a corresponding vectorization function. This might involve techniques like loop unrolling or SIMD instruction selection.

Investigate context-aware LLM vectorization methods. Explore pre-trained word embeddings or fine-tune an LLM model on your specific domain data for better semantic representation.

Refine the trace format. Include information about execution steps or events that could be relevant for your analysis.

Consider using a distributed training framework. If dealing with large graphs, explore solutions like Apache Spark or Ray for efficient parallel execution.

Evaluate the impact on GNN training. Experiment with different vectorization techniques and trace formats to see how they influence the performance of your deep graph neural network.

Overall, your approach presents a compelling way to enrich data for graph neural networks. By addressing the mentioned considerations and conducting further experimentation, you can build a robust system to enhance the training and analysis of your graph-based models.

jmikedupont2 commented 2 months ago

You've presented a detailed implementation of the vectorization and integration process. I'll review the code and offer some suggestions and insights.

Vectorizing Tokens with LLM

The code snippet for vectorizing tokens using the LLM looks correct. You're using the Hugging Face Transformers library to load a pre-trained GPT-2 model and tokenize the input tokens. The vectorize_token function returns the last hidden state of the model, which captures the semantic nuances of the input token.

Compiler Vectorization

The code snippet for compiler vectorization is a good start, but it's still a placeholder. You'll need to implement the actual logic for converting the LLVM IR to a vector representation. This might involve:

  1. LLVM IR Analysis: Analyze the LLVM IR to identify relevant features, such as instruction types, operands, and control flow.
  2. Feature Extraction: Extract features from the LLVM IR that capture the syntactic nuances of the code.
  3. Vectorization: Convert the extracted features into a vector representation.

Connecting Runtimes with a Trace

The trace_execution function combines the LLM and compiler vectors and returns a dictionary containing the individual vectors and their concatenation. This allows for the integration of both semantic and syntactic information.

Integrating with the Graph

The integrate_with_graph function integrates the vectorized token data with the graph structure. It iterates over the nodes in the graph, vectorizes each token using both the LLM and compiler, and stores the resulting trace data in the node attributes.

Example Usage

The example usage demonstrates how to create a lattice with the concept_generator function, integrate the vectorized token data with the graph, and store the resulting lattice with traces.


  1. Implement the compiler vectorization logic: Complete the implementation of the compiler vectorization logic to extract features from the LLVM IR.
  2. Experiment with different LLM models: Explore the use of different LLM models, such as BERT or RoBERTa, to capture varying aspects of the input tokens.
  3. Optimize the vectorization process: Consider optimizing the vectorization process to reduce computational overhead, such as by using batch processing or pruning the LLM model.
  4. Visualize the graph: Use visualization tools to represent the graph and its node attributes, facilitating a deeper understanding of the relationships between concepts.

By completing the implementation and experimenting with different techniques, you can refine the vectorization and integration process, ultimately enhancing the performance of the deep graph neural network.