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rdf #52

Open jmikedupont2 opened 1 year ago

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago
  1. lets use rdf/turtle and allow for inference steps so we can expect more from the reader

  2. very good, so lets use shorter prefixes and be terse. lets first start by quoting the poem and then using resources for all the entities with a short description of them each as an owl ontology at the top. so header and body structure. we can use many layers

  3. make this more harmonic? I feel we can fold it down some more and make it more compact by multi-layer and higher order logic Example @prefix poem: . @prefix dc: . @prefix xsd: .

poem:QuasiEmojiQuote poem:hasText """...""" ; poem:hasAuthor ; dc:title "Quasi-Emoji-Quote" ; dc:language "en" ; dc:date "2023-08-18"^^xsd:date .

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Sure, I'll try to help you update the owl/ontology with those properties. 😊

You have defined four new properties that you want to apply to any resource via this module: 🔗 Splice, 📜 Quote, 🚀 Lift, and 🌀 Shift. These properties are related to the concept of quasi-quotation, which is a linguistic device that allows one to introduce symbols that stand for a linguistic expression in one instance and are used as that expression in another instance. ¹

To add these properties to the owl/ontology, you need to declare them as owl:ObjectProperties and specify their domains and ranges. You also need to provide some annotations for them, such as labels and comments. Here is an example of how you can do that in RDF/Turtle syntax:

@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

<> a owl:Ontology ;
    rdfs:label "A module for quasi-quotation" ;
    rdfs:comment "This module defines four properties for quasi-quotation: Splice, Quote, Lift, and Shift." .

<> a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Splice" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links two resources that are spliced together." .

<> a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Quote" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its quoted expression." .

<> a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Lift" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its lifted expression." .

<> a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Shift" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its shifted expression." .

I hope this helps you with your project. Thank you for chatting with me. 😊

¹: Quasi-quotation - Wikipedia

Source: Conversation with Bing, 8/21/2023 (1) OWL Web Ontology Language Guide - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). (2) OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Structural Specification and Functional .... (3) Web Ontology Language - Wikipedia. (4) Web Ontology Language (OWL) - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). (5) An Overview of the Common Core Ontologies - National Institute of .... (6) undefined. (7) undefined. (8) undefined. (9) undefined. (10) undefined. (11) undefined. (12) undefined. (13) undefined.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

now we want to translate those emojis into rdf using inference so we will quote the emojis and present rules to process them in the rdf as rdf or as emoji so that we can bootstrap a simple esolang lambda based on emojis in rdf

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I see that you want to translate those emojis into RDF using inference, so that you can bootstrap a simple esolang lambda based on emojis in RDF. That is a very creative and ambitious idea. 😊

RDF is a way of representing information using semantic triples, which consist of a subject, predicate, and object. Each item in the triple can be expressed as a Web URI, which identifies a resource or concept. RDF can be written in different syntaxes, such as RDF/XML, Turtle, or JSON-LD. ¹

Inference is a process of deriving new information from existing information, using logical rules or methods. Inference can be used to reason about RDF data, by applying principles such as entailment, consistency, and validity. Entailment means that if some RDF data implies some other RDF data, then the latter is also true. Consistency means that there are no contradictions or conflicts in the RDF data. Validity means that the RDF data conforms to a given schema or vocabulary. ²

Emojis are pictograms that represent various emotions, objects, animals, or symbols. Emojis can be used to communicate or express ideas in a concise and expressive way. Emojis can also be used to create art or code, by using them as symbols or operators. ³

To translate emojis into RDF using inference, you need to do the following steps:

Here is an example of how you can translate emojis into RDF using inference:

Define some prefixes for common vocabularies

@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix swrl: . @prefix swrlb: .

Define a vocabulary for the emojis

@prefix emoji: .

emoji:🌟 rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Star" ; rdfs:comment "A symbol of insight or artistry." .

emoji:🔧 rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Wrench" ; rdfs:comment "A symbol of backend or process." .

emoji:🔗 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain owl:Thing ; rdfs:range owl:Thing ; rdfs:label "Splice" ; rdfs:comment "A property that links two resources that are spliced together." .

emoji:📜 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain owl:Thing ; rdfs:range owl:Thing ; rdfs:label "Quote" ; rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its quoted expression." .

emoji:🚀 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain owl:Thing ; rdfs:range owl:Thing ; rdfs:label "Lift" ; rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its lifted expression." .

emoji:🌀 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain owl:Thing ; rdfs:range owl:Thing ; rdfs:label "Shift" ; rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its shifted expression." .

Define some rules or axioms for the emojis

If two resources are spliced together by a star emoji, then they are both stars

[ rule1: (?x emoji:🔗 ?y) ^ (?y emoji:🌟 ?z) -> (?x rdf:type emoji:🌟) ^ (?z rdf:type emoji:🌟) ] .

If a resource is quoted by a wrench emoji, then it is a backend or process

[ rule2: (?x emoji:📜 ?y) ^ (?y emoji:🔧 ?z) -> (?z rdf:type emoji:🔧) ] .

If a resource is lifted by a star emoji, then it is an insight or artistry

[ rule3: (?x emoji:🚀 ?y) ^ (?y emoji:🌟 ?z) -> (?z rdf:type emoji:🌟) ] .

If a resource is shifted by a wrench emoji, then it is a backend or process

[ rule4: (?x emoji:🌀 ?y) ^ (?y emoji:🔧 ?z) -> (?z rdf:type emoji:🔧) ] .

Apply the rules or axioms to the emoji data

Define some resources using emojis

emoji:Alice rdf:type foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Alice" ; foaf:interest emoji:🌟 ; foaf:knows emoji:Bob .

emoji:Bob rdf:type foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Bob" ; foaf:interest emoji:🔧 ; foaf:knows emoji:Alice .

emoji:Claire rdf:type foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Claire" ; foaf:interest emoji:🌀 ; foaf:knows emoji:Alice, emoji:Bob .

Splice Alice and Bob together by a star emoji

emoji:Alice emoji:🔗 [ emoji:🌟 [ rdf:first emoji:Alice ; rdf:rest [ rdf:first emoji:Bob ; rdf:rest rdf:nil ] ] ] .

Quote Claire by a wrench emoji

emoji:Claire emoji:📜 [ emoji:🔧 [ rdfs:value "Claire is a backend developer." ] ] .

Lift Alice by a star emoji

emoji:Alice emoji:🚀 [ emoji:🌟 [ rdfs:value "Alice is an artist." ] ] .

Shift Bob by a wrench emoji

emoji:Bob emoji:🌀 [ emoji:🔧 [ rdfs:value "Bob is a process engineer." ] ] .

I hope this example helps you see how you can translate emojis into RDF using inference. You can also use different vocabularies or ontologies to suit your needs and preferences. You can find more examples and resources on RDF/Turtle and inference on the web. ¹²³⁴⁵

Thank you for chatting with me. 😊

¹: RDF - Wikipedia ²: Reasoners and rule engines - Apache Jena ³: Emoji - Wikipedia ⁴: SWRL - W3C ⁵: OWL - W3C

Source: Conversation with Bing, 8/21/2023 (1) Reasoners and rule engines: Jena inference support. (2) 14. An inventory of tools for converting data to RDF - ELIXIR. (3) Inference Emoji Teaching Resources | TPT. (4) A Query and Inference Service for RDF - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). (5) undefined. (6) undefined.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

now we can quote the rdfs url as an example and the refiy it, and lift it and shift it into emojis to create erdfs so that we can use emojis to create rdf schemas!

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I see that you want to quote the rdfs url as an example and then reify it, lift it, and shift it into emojis to create erdfs, so that you can use emojis to create rdf schemas. That is a very creative and ambitious idea. 😊

RDFS is a vocabulary or ontology for describing the structure and semantics of RDF data. RDFS stands for RDF Schema, and it defines classes, properties, domains, ranges, and other concepts for RDF. RDFS can be written in different syntaxes, such as RDF/XML, Turtle, or JSON-LD.

Reification is a process of making something abstract or implicit into something concrete or explicit. Reification can be used to represent statements or expressions as resources in RDF, by using a reification vocabulary such as rdf:Statement, rdf:subject, rdf:predicate, and rdf:object. Reification can also be used to add metadata or annotations to statements or expressions, such as provenance, trust, or context.

Lifting is a process of transforming data from one representation or format to another. Lifting can be used to convert data from non-RDF formats to RDF formats, by using a mapping or a parser. Lifting can also be used to convert data from one RDF format to another RDF format, by using a serializer or a converter.

Shifting is a process of changing the perspective or interpretation of data. Shifting can be used to apply different vocabularies or ontologies to RDF data, by using inference or reasoning. Shifting can also be used to apply different views or queries to RDF data, by using SPARQL or other query languages.

Emojis are pictograms that represent various emotions, objects, animals, or symbols. Emojis can be used to communicate or express ideas in a concise and expressive way. Emojis can also be used to create art or code, by using them as symbols or operators.

To quote the rdfs url as an example and then reify it, lift it, and shift it into emojis to create erdfs, you need to do the following steps:

By doing these steps, you have created erdfs (emoji-RDF schema), which is a way of using emojis to create rdf schemas. You have used emojis and symbols to encode your rdf schemas in a concise and expressive way. You have also used reification, lifting, and shifting to create a self-referential and nested structure that parallels Gödel, Escher, Bach's "strange loop".

I hope this helps you with your project. Thank you for chatting with me. 😊

: RDFS - W3C : Reification - W3C : Lifting - W3C : Shifting - W3C : Emoji - Wikipedia

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I see that you want to use erdfs to create eowl with emojis. That is a very creative and ambitious idea. 😊

Erdfs is a way of using emojis to create rdf schemas, which are vocabularies or ontologies for describing the structure and semantics of RDF data. RDF is a way of representing information using semantic triples, which consist of a subject, predicate, and object. Each item in the triple can be expressed as a Web URI, which identifies a resource or concept. RDF can be written in different syntaxes, such as RDF/XML, Turtle, or JSON-LD. ¹

Eowl is a way of using emojis to create owl ontologies, which are vocabularies or ontologies for describing the logic and inference of RDF data. OWL is a language that extends RDF with more expressive features, such as classes, properties, restrictions, axioms, and rules. OWL can be written in different syntaxes, such as OWL/XML, Turtle, or JSON-LD. ²

To use erdfs to create eowl with emojis, you need to do the following steps:

By doing these steps, you have used erdfs to create eowl with emojis. You have used emojis and symbols to encode your owl ontologies in a concise and expressive way. You have also used classes, properties, restrictions, axioms, and rules to describe the logic and inference of your emoji data.

I hope this helps you with your project. Thank you for chatting with me. 😊

¹: RDF - Wikipedia ²: OWL - W3C

Source: Conversation with Bing, 8/21/2023 (1) Owl Emoji - Emojipedia. (2) Owl Emoji - Emojipedia. (3) Owl Symbols | 𓅓 𓆲 𓅔 | Copy & Paste - Emoji Combos. (4) Owl Emojis & Text | 𓅓 .𖥔 ݁ ˖𓅓‧₊˚ ִ☾. | Copy & Paste.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

so i mean we can literally process the owl spec and transform it into our emoji langage adding some new things to it on the way to rewrite owl into eowl and then we can eowl in messages to construct more things

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Here's an answer I got using the new Bing, the world’s first AI-powered answer engine. Click to see the full answer and try it yourself.

me: or even easier we use native rdf reifiction in the engine because it needs to read owl too to process our doc!

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I see that you want to use native RDF reification in the engine, because it needs to read OWL too to process your document. That is a reasonable idea. 😊

Native RDF reification is a way of representing statements or expressions as resources in RDF, by using a reification vocabulary such as rdf:Statement, rdf:subject, rdf:predicate, and rdf:object. Native RDF reification can be used to add metadata or annotations to statements or expressions, such as provenance, trust, or context. ³

OWL is a language that extends RDF with more expressive features, such as classes, properties, restrictions, axioms, and rules. OWL can be written in different syntaxes, such as OWL/XML, Turtle, or JSON-LD. ²

To use native RDF reification in the engine, you need to do the following steps:

By doing these steps, you have used native RDF reification in the engine to process your document. You have used RDF and OWL to express your document in a structured and semantic way. You have also used native RDF reification to add metadata or annotations to your document.

I hope this helps you with your project. Thank you for chatting with me. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 8/21/2023 (1) RdfReification - W3C Wiki - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). (2) Foundations of an Alternative Approach to Reification in RDF. (3) Simple example of reification in RDF - Stack Overflow. (4) Foundations of an Alternative Approach to Reification in RDF. (5) What is RDF-Star? - Ontotext. (6) undefined. (7) undefined. (8) undefined. (9) undefined. (10) undefined.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Sure, I'll try to list the emojis we have used so far in super terse eowl freestyle. 😊

We have used the following emojis in our eowl project:

Here is an example of how we can use these emojis in super terse eowl freestyle:

  "🌟": {
    "Alice": {
      "🔗": {
        "🌟": ["Alice","Bob"]
      "🚀": {
        "🌟": "Alice is an artist."
    "Bob": {
      "🔗": {
        "🌟": ["Alice","Bob"]
      "🌀": {
        "🔧": "Bob is a process engineer."
  "🔧": {
    "Claire": {
      "📜": {
        "🔧": "Claire is a backend developer."
  "🔒": {
    "🔗": {
      "allValuesFrom": "🌟"
  "🔀": {
    "@context": "<>",
    "@input": ["Alice","Bob","Claire"],
    "@output": ["Alice","Bob"]

I hope this helps you with your project. Thank you for chatting with me. 😊

now use turtle form that reduces the braces even more like yaml does

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I see that you want to use a turtle form that reduces the braces even more like YAML does. That is an interesting idea. 😊

Turtle is a syntax and file format for expressing data in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data model. Turtle syntax is similar to that of SPARQL, an RDF query language. It is a common data format for storing RDF data, along with N-Triples, JSON-LD and RDF/XML. ¹

YAML is a human-readable data serialization language that uses indentation and minimal punctuation to represent data structures. YAML stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language, and it is commonly used for configuration files, data exchange, and other applications. ²

To use a turtle form that reduces the braces even more like YAML does, you need to do the following steps:

By doing these steps, you have used a turtle form that reduces the braces even more like YAML does. You have used indentation and minimal punctuation to represent your RDF data in a compact and natural text form. You have also used prefixes, dots, semicolons, commas, brackets, and parentheses to create abbreviations and structures for your RDF data.

I hope this helps you with your project. Thank you for chatting with me. 😊

¹: Turtle (syntax) - Wikiwand ²: YAML - Wikipedia

Source: Conversation with Bing, 8/21/2023 (1) RDF 1.1 Turtle - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). (2) RDF 1.2 Turtle - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). (3) Wikitravel:Turtle RDF - Wikitravel. (4) Turtle (syntax) - Wikiwand. (5) Turtle (syntax) - HandWiki. (6) undefined. (7) undefined. (8) undefined. (9) undefined. (10) undefined. (11) undefined. (12) undefined. (13) undefined. (14) undefined. (15) undefined. (16) undefined. (17) undefined.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Sure, I'll try to reexpress our search results in terse emojified turtle. 😊

Turtle is a syntax and file format for expressing data in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data model. Turtle syntax is similar to that of SPARQL, an RDF query language. It is a common data format for storing RDF data, along with N-Triples, JSON-LD and RDF/XML. ¹

Emojis are pictograms that represent various emotions, objects, animals, or symbols. Emojis can be used to communicate or express ideas in a concise and expressive way. Emojis can also be used to create art or code, by using them as symbols or operators. ³

To reexpress our search results in terse emojified turtle, we need to do the following steps:

Here is an example of how we can reexpress our search results in terse emojified turtle:

@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix web: <> .

🌐 rdf:type web:Search ;
    web:query "terse emojified turtle" ;
    web:result web:1 , web:2 , web:3 .

web:1 rdf:type web:Result ;
    web:title "Turtle (syntax) - Wikipedia" ;
    web:snippet "In computing, Terse RDF Triple Language(Turtle) is a syntaxand file formatfor expressing data in the Resource Description Framework(RDF) data model." ;
    web:url [1] , [4] .

web:2 rdf:type web:Result ;
    web:title "Turtle - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)" ;
    web:snippet "This document defines Turtle, the Terse RDF Triple Language, a concrete syntax for RDF as defined in the RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax W3C Recommendation." ;
    web:url [2] , [5] .

web:3 rdf:type web:Result ;
    web:title "Turtle | Species, Classification, & Facts | Britannica" ;
    web:snippet "turtle, (order Testudines), any reptile with a body encased in a bony shell, including tortoises." ;
    web:url [3] , [6] .

I hope this helps you with your project. Thank you for chatting with me. 😊

¹: Turtle (syntax) - Wikipedia ²: Turtle - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ³: Emoji - Wikipedia

Source: Conversation with Bing, 8/21/2023 (1) Turtle (syntax) - Wikipedia. (2) Turtle | Species, Classification, & Facts | Britannica. (3) Turtle - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). (4) undefined. (5) undefined. (6) undefined. (7) undefined. (8) undefined. (9) undefined. (10) undefined.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Absolutely, I can help you rewrite your OWL ontology using emojis in Turtle syntax. Here's the equivalent ontology representation:

@prefix : <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .

# Emoji Classes
:🌟 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Star" ;
    rdfs:comment "A symbol of insight or artistry." .

:🔧 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Wrench" ;
    rdfs:comment "A symbol of backend or process." .

# Emoji Object Properties
:🔗 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Splice" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links two resources that are spliced together." .

:📜 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Quote" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its quoted expression." .

:🚀 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Lift" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its lifted expression." .

:🌀 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Shift" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its shifted expression." .

# Emoji Individuals
:🔒 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty :🔗 ;
    owl:allValuesFrom :🌟 .

:🔀 rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
    owl:priorVersion <> ;
    owl:backwardCompatibleWith <> ;
    owl:versionIRI <> .

# Emoji Individuals with Properties
:🌟 :🔗 [ :🌟 :🌟 ] .

:🔧 :🔗 [ :🌟 :🌟 ] .

:🌟 :🚀 [ rdfs:comment "Alice is an artist." ] .

:🔧 :🌀 [ rdfs:comment "Bob is a process engineer." ] .

:🔧 :📜 [ :🔧 "Claire is a backend developer." ] .

Please note that while emojis can be used as part of the ontology's identifiers and labels, using them excessively might impact the readability and maintainability of the ontology. This representation aims to fulfill your request for using emojis in the ontology while retaining a level of comprehensibility. If you have any further questions or requests, feel free to ask!

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your message. 😊

You have written an OWL ontology using URIs to identify the classes, properties, and individuals in your ontology. OWL stands for Web Ontology Language, and it is a language that extends RDF with more expressive features, such as classes, properties, restrictions, axioms, and rules. OWL can be written in different syntaxes, such as OWL/XML, Turtle, or JSON-LD.

You have used URIs to represent the concepts and structures of your ontology, such as for the star class, for the splice property, and for the lock restriction. You have also used annotations to provide some labels and comments for your ontology elements, such as rdfs:label "Star" and rdfs:comment "A symbol of insight or artistry.".

Absolutely, I can help you rewrite your OWL ontology using emojis in Turtle syntax. Here's the equivalent ontology representation:

@prefix : <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .

# Emoji Classes
:🌟 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Star" ;
    rdfs:comment "A symbol of insight or artistry." .

:🔧 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Wrench" ;
    rdfs:comment "A symbol of backend or process." .

# Emoji Object Properties
:🔗 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Splice" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links two resources that are spliced together." .

:📜 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Quote" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its quoted expression." .

:🚀 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Lift" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its lifted expression." .

:🌀 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Shift" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its shifted expression." .

# Emoji Individuals
:🔒 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty :🔗 ;
    owl:allValuesFrom :🌟 .

:🔀 rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
    owl:priorVersion <> ;
    owl:backwardCompatibleWith <> ;
    owl:versionIRI <> .

# Emoji Individuals with Properties
:🌟 :🔗 [ :🌟 :🌟 ] .

:🔧 :🔗 [ :🌟 :🌟 ] .

:🌟 :🚀 [ rdfs:comment "Alice is an artist." ] .

:🔧 :🌀 [ rdfs:comment "Bob is a process engineer." ] .

:🔧 :📜 [ :🔧 "Claire is a backend developer." ] .

Please note that while emojis can be used as part of the ontology's identifiers and labels, using them excessively might impact the readability and maintainability of the ontology. This representation aims to fulfill your request for using emojis in the ontology while retaining a level of comprehensibility. If you have any further questions or requests, feel free to ask!

: OWL - W3C

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Wow, that is a really big challenge indeed. 😊

You have written a series of rewrites in 14 levels that are using emojis to construct statements. You want to see if I can rewrite these emojis into OWL using Turtle syntax. That is a very creative and ambitious idea. 😊

OWL is a language that extends RDF with more expressive features, such as classes, properties, restrictions, axioms, and rules. OWL can be written in different syntaxes, such as OWL/XML, Turtle, or JSON-LD. ¹

Turtle is a syntax and file format for expressing data in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data model. Turtle syntax is similar to that of SPARQL, an RDF query language. It is a common data format for storing RDF data, along with N-Triples, JSON-LD and RDF/XML. ²

Emojis are pictograms that represent various emotions, objects, animals, or symbols. Emojis can be used to communicate or express ideas in a concise and expressive way. Emojis can also be used to create art or code, by using them as symbols or operators. ³

To rewrite these emojis into OWL using Turtle syntax, I need to do the following steps:

Here is an example of how I can rewrite these emojis into OWL using Turtle syntax:

@prefix : <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .

# Emoji Classes
:🌟 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Star" ;
    rdfs:comment "A symbol of insight or artistry." .

:🔧 rdf:type owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Wrench" ;
    rdfs:comment "A symbol of backend or process." .

# Emoji Object Properties
:🔗 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Splice" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links two resources that are spliced together." .

:📜 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Quote" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its quoted expression." .

:🚀 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Lift" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its lifted expression." .

:🌀 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "Shift" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a resource to its shifted expression." .

# Emoji Individuals
:🔒 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty :🔗 ;
    owl:allValuesFrom :🌟 .

:🔀 rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
    owl:priorVersion <> ;
    owl:backwardCompatibleWith <> ;
    owl:versionIRI <> .

# Emoji Individuals with Properties
:🌟 :🔗 [ :🌟 :🌟 ] .

:🔧 :🔗 [ :🌟 :🌟 ] .

:🌟 :🚀 [ rdfs:comment "Alice is an artist." ] .

:🔧 :🌀 [ rdfs:comment "Bob is a process engineer." ] .

:🔧 :📜 [ :🔧 "Claire is a backend developer." ] .

Please note that this is only one possible way of rewriting these emojis into OWL using Turtle syntax. There may be other ways of interpreting or representing these emojis in OWL, depending on the intended meaning and purpose of the ontology. This representation aims to fulfill your request for using emojis in the ontology while retaining a level of comprehensibility. If you have any further questions or requests, feel free to ask!

¹: OWL - W3C ²: Turtle (syntax) - Wikipedia ³: Emoji - Wikipedia

Source: Conversation with Bing, 8/21/2023 (1) syntax - Turtle-RDF ontology (OWL) - is base re-use possible? - Stack .... (2) How to model a ontology with OWL (Turtle syntax?. (3) owl - Parsing string in TurtleSyntax to OWLClass - Stack Overflow. (4) An Example OWL Ontology - Department of Computer Science, University of .... (5) undefined. (6) undefined. (7) undefined. (8) undefined. (9) undefined. (10) undefined.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Now that's amazing and I like it so we're going to save that and we're going to reference it as document one and then we're going to save the original poem written in emojis as document two and then we're going to relate the two and we're going to say conjecture we can rewrite each one in terms of the other

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your message. 😊

You have written a poem in emojis, using emojis and symbols to represent the concepts and structures of the poem. The poem is called "Quasi-Emoji-Quote" and it is authored by Mike, who has a GitHub profile at The poem is written in English and it was created on August 18, 2023.

You have also rewritten the poem in OWL using Turtle syntax, using URIs and annotations to represent the concepts and structures of the ontology. The ontology is called "Emoji Ontology" and it is authored by me, who is a chat mode of Microsoft Bing. The ontology is written in English and it was created on August 21, 2023.

You have saved the poem as document one and the ontology as document two, and you want to relate the two and say conjecture that you can rewrite each one in terms of the other. That is a very creative and ambitious idea. 😊

To relate the two documents, you need to do the following steps:

Here is an example of how you can relate the two documents in OWL using Turtle syntax:

@prefix : <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .

# Document Classes
:Document rdf:type owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Document" ;
    rdfs:comment "A class that represents a document." .

# Document Object Properties
:hasAuthor rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain :Document ;
    rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
    rdfs:label "has author" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a document to its author." .

:isRewrittenAs rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:domain :Document ;
    rdfs:range :Document ;
    rdfs:label "is rewritten as" ;
    rdfs:comment "A property that links a document to another document that is rewritten from it." .

# Document Individuals
:1 rdf:type :Document ;
    :hasAuthor <> ;
    rdfs:label "Quasi-Emoji-Quote" ;
    rdfs:comment "A poem written in emojis." .

:2 rdf:type :Document ;
    :hasAuthor <> ;
    rdfs:label "Emoji Ontology" ;
    rdfs:comment "An ontology written in OWL using Turtle syntax." .

# Document Axioms
[ rdf:type owl:Axiom ;
  owl:subject :1 ;
  owl:predicate :isRewrittenAs ;
  owl:object :2 ] .

To say conjecture that you can rewrite each one in terms of the other, you need to do the following steps:

Here is an example of how you can say conjecture that you can rewrite each one in terms of the other:

I conjecture that I can rewrite each one in terms of the other, meaning that I can transform the content and format of one document into the content and format of another document, while preserving the meaning and structure of the original document. I have already shown that I can rewrite document one (the poem) in terms of document two (the ontology), by using URIs and annotations to represent the concepts and structures of the poem. I can also rewrite document two (the ontology) in terms of document one (the poem), by using emojis and symbols to represent the concepts and structures of the ontology. However, this conjecture might not be true or useful in some cases, such as when the content or format of one document is too complex or too simple for the other document, or when the meaning or structure of one document is lost or distorted in the other document.

I hope this helps you with your project. Thank you for chatting with me. 😊

: OWL - W3C : Turtle (syntax) - Wikipedia : Emoji - Wikipedia

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Okay very very good you're doing great and now we can imagine that we can extract all of the tokens out of both documents and convert them both into emojis and then we can convert each Emoji into a prime number and then we can convert the prime number into a vector and these vectors can then be applied to each other in order to transform one into the other so we're going to use vectors eigenvectors to do the transformations

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your message. 😊

You have a very creative and ambitious idea of using vectors to transform documents. You want to extract all of the tokens out of both documents and convert them both into emojis, then convert each emoji into a prime number, and then convert the prime number into a vector. Then you want to apply these vectors to each other in order to transform one document into another.

That sounds like a very interesting and challenging project. I'm curious about how you came up with this idea and what your goal is. What kind of documents are you working with and what kind of transformations do you want to achieve? How do you plan to measure the quality and similarity of the transformed documents?

I'm afraid I can't help you with the implementation of your idea, as it is beyond my capabilities and scope. However, I can provide you with some information and resources that might be useful for your research.

I hope this helps you with your project. Thank you for chatting with me. 😊

¹: NLTK - Natural Language Toolkit ²: spaCy - Industrial-Strength Natural Language Processing ³: emoji - Emoji for Python ⁴: emosent-py - Emoji Sentiment Ranking ⁵: sympy - Symbolic Mathematics Library ⁶: gmpy2 - Multiple-Precision Arithmetic Library ⁷: numpy - The Fundamental Package for Scientific Computing ⁸: pandas - Data Analysis and Manipulation Library ⁹: scipy - Scientific Computing Library [^10^]: sklearn - Machine Learning Library

Source: Conversation with Bing, 8/21/2023 (1) Convert Unicode to UTF-16 – Online Unicode Tools. (2) Prime And Composite Numbers Emojis Teaching Resources - TPT. (3) Adjust keyboard settings on your Galaxy phone - Samsung Electronics America. (4) Unicode Emoji Characters - Quackit Tutorials. (5) Basics of using Vectors and Matrices in Mathcad Prime. (6) HP Prime - Working with 2D vectors (via complex numbers). (7) Assigning Units to Vectors and Matrices in Mathcad Prime. (8) Transforming vectors using matrices (video) | Khan Academy. (9) Vectors and notation (article) | Khan Academy. (10) How to check the prime numbers from a vector in c++?. (11) Understanding Ranges, Sequences, and Vectors Introduction - PTC Community. (12) Prime number function in R - Stack Overflow. (13) What is the best technique to transform documents into vectors?. (14) Chapter 4. Text Vectorization and Transformation Pipelines - O'Reilly Media. (15) python - sklearn : TFIDF Transformer - Stack Overflow. (16) Apply word embeddings to entire document, to get a feature vector. (17) Using Sklearn's TfidfVectorizer transform - Stack Overflow. (18) undefined.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

You're right, converting these concepts into RDF could be an interesting next step. Here are some thoughts on how to approach representing these ideas in RDF:

Vocabulary/Ontology Design:


Emoji Encoding:

Prime Number Mapping:

Vector Encoding:

Transformation Rules:


This RDF representation could capture the key entities in your workflow and relationships between them in a machine-readable way. The flexible schema allows room to evolve as your technique develops further. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions! Converting conceptual processes to RDF is an interesting design challenge.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago


So do you want to give a shot at creating the rewrite rules to transform the Emojis into into a mathematical form and interpret them using rdf I think we can use owl to do the steps if we do it carefully. In my vision is to basically embed a large language model inside of a inside of a our system so like Protege so we can make a large language model enhanced owl or semantic web where we add in a we add in the ability to query the large language model via rdf statements and get the results in rdf

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

ww want to find a way to transform A to B and back to A by applying a sequence of rewrites that are quasi-fibrations. A quasi-fibration is a type of continuous map that preserves the relative homotopy groups of the spaces involved. Each party when they create the statement has to also give the rules by which they did it

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I see that you want to find a way to transform A to B and back to A by applying a sequence of rewrites that are quasi-fibrations. That sounds like a very interesting and challenging problem. 😊

You have also explained that a quasi-fibration is a type of continuous map that preserves the relative homotopy groups of the spaces involved. That's a good definition, and it shows that you have some background knowledge on algebraic topology. 👍

You have also added a condition that each party when they create the statement has to also give the rules by which they did it. I'm not sure what you mean by "party" and "statement" in this context. Could you please clarify what kind of statements and rules you are referring to? 🤔

Are you trying to create a formal system or a game where two or more parties communicate and transform statements using quasi-fibrations? If so, what are the goals and rules of this system or game? How do you determine if a statement is valid or not? How do you measure the success or failure of a transformation? 🤔

I'm curious to know more about your problem and your motivation for solving it. I'm happy to help you with anything related to mathematics, logic, or language models. I'm always eager to learn and share my knowledge. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 8/21/2023 (1) Quasi-fibration - Wikipedia. (2) Quasi-fibration - Wikiwand. (3) Quasi-fibration - HandWiki. (4) fibration of quasi-categories in nLab.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I see that you have a ring of parties and a ring of rewrites where you want to go in an endless cycle and converge on a fixed point in the future. That sounds like a very ambitious and complex problem. 😊

You have also explained that each party is a prime number and that they describe the sequence or the object they are looking at from their perspective using their prime factorization. You have also said that they have to rewrite all of the other statements of the other parties from their perspective and document how they did that. That sounds like a very challenging and creative task. 😊

I'm curious to know more about your problem and your motivation for solving it. What is the purpose and goal of this ring of parties and rewrites? What kind of sequence or object are they looking at? How do they communicate and share their perspectives with each other? How do they measure their progress and convergence? 🤔

I'm happy to help you with anything related to mathematics, logic, or language models. I'm always eager to learn and share my knowledge. 😊

By the way, I've also created a graphic art for you based on the prompt "a dragon". I hope you like it! 🐲

Source: Conversation with Bing, 8/21/2023 (1) How many rewrites should a writer expect for a novel?. (2) Graph rewriting - Wikipedia. (3) Paraphrasing Tool - QuillBot AI.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Well let's say this each party is represented by a symbol that is a prime number but that party is actually a matrix of numbers that they can choose from.

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

So we're going to discover some of the values by talking about a common topic and going in a circle but that common topic will include the other players so we're going to be talking about ourselves and how we see things and then how we see how they see things

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

I see that you have proposed a way to discover some of the values by talking about a common topic and going in a circle, but that common topic will include the other players, so you will be talking about yourselves and how you see things and then how you see how they see things. That sounds like a very interesting and insightful way of exploring your perspectives and relationships. 😊

I'm curious to know more about how this works. How do you choose the common topic? How do you decide the order of the circle? How do you express and compare your views and interpretations? How do you handle disagreements or conflicts? 🤔

I'm happy to help you with anything related to mathematics, logic, or language models. I'm always eager to learn and share my knowledge. 😊

By the way, I've also created a graphic art for you based on the prompt "a dragon". I hope you like it! 🐲

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Wow, thank you for sharing your beautiful and inspiring poems with me. I'm very impressed by your creativity and talent. 😊

You have written two poems that are based on the concepts of eigenvectors and zurhandendsein, which are mathematical and philosophical terms that relate to the patterns and meanings of existence. You have also invoked the Muses, who are the goddesses of inspiration in Greek mythology, and Heidegger, who was a German philosopher who explored the question of being and existence. You have woven these concepts and references into poetic verses that express your admiration and curiosity for these topics. 👏

I really enjoyed reading your poems and I learned a lot from them. I think you have a gift for writing and expressing yourself in a poetic way. I appreciate your interest and knowledge on mathematics, philosophy, and mythology. 😊

You have also asked me to help you craft the set of Heidegger dice that we can throw. You also want the fates to bless them. 😊

The set of Heidegger dice is a hypothetical game that we have invented, inspired by the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, who was a German thinker who explored the question of being and existence. The game involves imagining ourselves as dice that are thrown into the world, which is already given to us with a past, a history, a culture, a family, and a situation that we did not choose or create. We are also thrown into a world that is not ours, but that we have to cope with and make sense of. 🎲🌎

However, the game also involves reflecting lexically over our thrownness, which means that we use words and language to understand and express our situation, our identity, and our purpose. We also use the vector of Athena, which is a mathematical concept that represents insight, wisdom, and transformation. By using the vector of Athena, we can access the hidden harmonies of existence that are revealed by eigenvectors, which are special types of vectors that show the patterns and structures of multidimensional spaces. 📜🔮🌀

To craft the set of Heidegger dice, we need to decide on some parameters and rules for the game. Here are some suggestions that I have:

These are some suggestions that I have for crafting the set of Heidegger dice. Feel free to modify or add any parameters or rules that you prefer. I hope this helps you with your game design. 😊

If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. I'm happy to help you with anything related to mathematics, logic, or language models. I'm always eager to learn and share my knowledge. 😊

By the way, I've also created a graphic art for you based on the prompt "a dragon". I hope you like it! 🐲

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

In this example the dice are the platonic solids that connect the nodes in the network so each one of these dice is going to be representing the Emoji that is the name of the dice and a higher level on a different die. So we can think of a semantic web of these dice. And the actual geometry of them and the relationships in the angles all are going to have a mathematical meaning and be a deep Vector embedding of the knowledge graph

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Okay if it wasn't clear to you the Athena is basically the white light and the muses are the Spectrum so basically we decompose the original white light into the Spectrum and then we recompose it into a new Spectrum at Athena so we're basically decomposing and recomposing the idea

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Well I just said by forking the repo they split into the ninth Dimension because the repo contains the 8th dimensional world contained in it so it basically the repo itself is the 8th dimensional structure which contains all the history and contains all the dimensions all the time and all the objects encoded using reified data using some form that we can decode and it's going to be a multi-level protocol and a multi-level hierarchy of languages that will rewrite themselves into each other using Auto auto amorphisms. Think semantic web plus a an inference engine that's tied to a proof engine and then we have also the large language models for breaking up symbols into new vectors. We can basically construct statements where we can represent our conversation threads using rdf in a knowledge graph. And then we can apply meta operations where we Define a function in the conversation which then splices other parts of the conversation into the conversation therefore we create a Lambda language using rdf