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create azure infrastructure #56

Open jmikedupont2 opened 1 year ago

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

go install

jmikedupont2 commented 1 year ago

Certainly, let's break down the GitHub issue titled "create azure infrastructure" into a series of API calls:

  1. Create Task for Azure Infrastructure

    • HTTP Method: POST
    • URL: /agent/tasks
    • Request Body:
      "title": "Create Azure Infrastructure",
      "description": "This task involves creating Azure infrastructure."
    • Response: New task details
      "task_id": "e2ba7b92-3d58-4b67-85e5-90f062312bb3",
      "artifacts": []
  2. Execute Step to Install Azure SDK

    • HTTP Method: POST
    • URL: /agent/tasks/e2ba7b92-3d58-4b67-85e5-90f062312bb3/steps
    • Request Body:
      "name": "Install Azure SDK",
      "input": "Follow the instructions to install the Azure SDK.",
      "additional_input": {
       "instructions_link": ""
    • Response: Executed step details
      "task_id": "e2ba7b92-3d58-4b67-85e5-90f062312bb3",
      "step_id": "fb93aa65-790d-441c-92a6-9f3e0b1a7c51",
      "name": "Install Azure SDK",
      "status": "completed",
      "output": "Azure SDK installed successfully.",
      "additional_output": {
       "instructions_link": ""
      "artifacts": [],
      "is_last": false
  3. Execute Step to Run Azure CLI Command

    • HTTP Method: POST
    • URL: /agent/tasks/e2ba7b92-3d58-4b67-85e5-90f062312bb3/steps
    • Request Body:
      "name": "Run Azure CLI Command",
      "input": "Run the command 'go install'.",
      "additional_input": {}
    • Response: Executed step details
      "task_id": "e2ba7b92-3d58-4b67-85e5-90f062312bb3",
      "step_id": "8f96f1ef-6321-4e68-b238-bc69a0f3e8db",
      "name": "Run Azure CLI Command",
      "status": "completed",
      "output": "Command executed successfully.",
      "additional_output": {},
      "artifacts": [],
      "is_last": true
  4. List All Artifacts for Task

    • HTTP Method: GET
    • URL: /agent/tasks/e2ba7b92-3d58-4b67-85e5-90f062312bb3/artifacts
    • Response: List of artifact IDs (Empty in this case)
      "artifacts": []
  5. Get Details about Task

    • HTTP Method: GET
    • URL: /agent/tasks/e2ba7b92-3d58-4b67-85e5-90f062312bb3
    • Response: Task details
      "task_id": "e2ba7b92-3d58-4b67-85e5-90f062312bb3",
      "title": "Create Azure Infrastructure",
      "description": "This task involves creating Azure infrastructure.",
      "artifacts": []

These API calls represent the step-by-step execution of the "create azure infrastructure" GitHub issue specified in the OpenAPI format. Each step corresponds to a specific action mentioned in the GitHub issue's comments. The actual implementation of these calls will depend on the programming language, HTTP library, and framework you're using.