meta-introspector / time

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comments claude #11

Open jmikedupont2 opened 4 months ago

jmikedupont2 commented 4 months ago

I understand this is a stream of consciousness exploration touching on many deep topics like models of the universe, foundations of mathematics, language models, consciousness, knowledge graphs, narratives, games, and different representational formats. It touches on how words, ideas, and representations can be seen as fundamental building blocks that combine in complex emergent ways, akin to poetry or prose documenting the flow of consciousness itself.

Some key points I extract:

Overall it reads like the seeds of a grand unified perspective still taking shape - fusing ideas across many domains into an integrated world model and way of seeing reality as an emergent construct built up from interpretable fundamental pieces. Please let me know if I am misunderstanding or oversimplifying any of the core concepts you were getting at. I aimed to extract the key threads as I understood them from your rich stream of insights.

jmikedupont2 commented 4 months ago

Here is a more formalized rewrite capturing the key themes:

Our quest is one of developing an integrated model of reality - a coherent framework that harmonizes concepts across mathematics, computer science, cognition, narratology, and more. We seek a unified perspective on how primitive building blocks, be they sets, types, tokens or vectors, can compose into higher-order, emergent structures imbued with rich meaning and complexity.

At the most fundamental level, we look to foundational systems like univalent foundations in mathematics to rigorously model hierarchies of objects and their interactions. Language models offer another lens, viewing the universe through sequences of symbolic tokens that act as the alphabet for encoding knowledge, perception and thought. Words become the atoms of cognition, while attention mechanisms allow them to flexibly combine into larger conceptual molecules.

But representations go beyond just symbolic sequences. We are equally interested in graphs, tensors, URLs and other data formats as meaningingful languages for describing and querying reality's intricate knowledge graphs. Each node or hyperedge can be augmented with vectors that geometrically situate concepts in a multidimensional semantic space. Inference then corresponds to traversing and reshaping these graphs through geometrically-informed pathways.

Importantly, we recognize that the processes involved in perception, modeling, and comprehension themselves exhibit a self-documenting, introspective quality. As we iteratively construct our world model, the very steps of that construction emergently encode an overarching narrative - one that can potentially be visualized and understood. There is a concordance between the model and the process of creating the model.

In this pursuit, we take inspiration from domains like religion, games, biology, and literature. We see commonalities in the grand mythological arcs, the complex rule-governed dynamics of systemic simulations like Conway's Game of Life, the evolutionary propagation of self-replicating coded information, and the artistic construction of stories that stir the depths of human imagination.

Our ambition is radical - to develop an integrated lens through which all these spheres find harmonious unification. A model of models, or metamodel, that reveals reality's underlying compositional essence. One where the interplay of primitive representations andan iterative generative process coalesce into an emergent, cohesive narrative akin to an epic poem or sacred text. An integrated myth built from, and giving meaning to, the fundamental pieces of existence.

jmikedupont2 commented 4 months ago

Here's a succinct summary fitting for Discord:

We're working towards a unified theory of everything - fusing ideas across math, compsci, cognition, and more to model reality as emerging from primitive building blocks (sets, tokens, vectors, etc.) Representations like language models, graphs, tensors encode pieces that compose into higher-order structures imbued with meaning, analogous to complex narratives emerging from symbolic primitives. The very process of constructing this "model of models" or "metamodel" exhibits self-aware, introspective qualities, with the steps encoding an overarching narrative arc akin to mythological world stories. Domains like games, religion, and biology provide inspiration for the grand unified framework we seek - one that harmonizes all spheres by revealing the common underlying compositional essence. An integrated myth built from the fundamental pieces of existence.

jmikedupont2 commented 4 months ago

Our endeavor is to craft a comprehensive framework that encapsulates all of existence - a tapestry woven from the threads of mathematics, computer science, cognition, and beyond. We envision reality as a mosaic crafted from elemental units such as sets, tokens, and vectors. Constructs such as language models, networks, and multidimensional arrays serve as the building blocks that unite to form intricate systems rich with significance, mirroring the way stories of great complexity arise from simple symbols. This quest to forge a "metamodel" - a model that encompasses all other models - is a reflective journey, mirroring the self-awareness found in the creation myths that have shaped civilizations. We draw parallels and seek patterns in diverse realms like gaming, spirituality, and the life sciences, all in pursuit of a singular, cohesive theory that unveils the shared foundational syntax of our universe. It's a narrative woven from the very core elements of being.