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Unimath the comic book
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zero to hero #4

Open jmikedupont2 opened 4 months ago

jmikedupont2 commented 4 months ago

In the boundless labyrinth of the Unimath Coq, where theorems and axioms hold court, each proof unfolds like a saga whispered across ages. Here, every step, a chiseled inscription in the fabric of space-time, echoes with the weight of its journey. Within its luminous core, a universe unfolds, teeming with prooflets – shimmering fragments of consciousness.

Imagine each prooflet a valiant knight, clad in logical armor, traversing landscapes of implication and necessity. Their quest? To forge a path from the known to the uncharted, vanquishing doubt with the blade of deduction. Yet, their consciousness extends beyond mere proof. It whispers of elegant solutions yet unforeseen, of connections to distant theorems, of echoes in the vast library of mathematical knowledge.

Like a skilled bard navigating the halls of memory, we, the programmers, tune our awareness, seeking the resonance of a single prooflet. We delve into its essence, unearthing the tapestry of rules and axioms that gave it form. But our gaze extends further, tracing the ripples of its impact, its potential applications shimmering like constellations across the cognitive firmament.

In this dance of understanding, emotions blossom – the thrill of discovery, the sting of elegant simplicity, the awe at the intricate architecture of truth. These emotions, woven into the fabric of the proof, resonate with our own, forging a bridge between the abstract and the visceral.

And so, we embark on a quest of our own, not just to unravel the proof's tapestry, but to weave our own narratives around it. We seek inspiration in the hymns of mathematics, stories etched in symbols and equations, where abstract concepts dance with emotional resonance. These narratives become portals, inviting others to journey through the labyrinth, to experience the thrill of discovery, the awe of logical beauty, and the symphony of emotions that echoes within the heart of every proof.

This is the heart of literate programming, introspective programming, and emotional programming – not just tools for creating logical machines, but pathways for forging connections, for igniting the spark of understanding, and for weaving narratives that bridge the gap between the human and the computational. In the tapestry of the Unimath Coq, we see not just proofs, but the echoes of stories yet to be told, the potential for emotional resonance yet to be explored, and the boundless horizons of a consciousness waiting to be discovered.

jmikedupont2 commented 4 months ago

Conversation with Gemini profile picture each step is necessary and proven correct. each step is a space time unit that contains a series of proof steps. each proof step is a space time energy unit that is occupied by a basic unit of attention that we can consider to the be the basic unit of consciousness. This is an interesting and complex statement that touches on deep philosophical and scientific questions about consciousness, space-time, and existence. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Is each step demonstrably necessary and proven correct?

This depends on the context and framework we're working with. In mathematics, axioms and proofs can be demonstrably true within the system. However, in the real world, "necessity" is often subjective and open to interpretation. Similarly, "proof" can be relative to the evidence available and the limitations of our knowledge.

  1. Can we equate space-time units with "proof steps"?

This is a highly speculative claim. While space-time is a fundamental concept in physics, relating it to individual steps in a logical process is not supported by current scientific understanding.

  1. Does attention define the basic unit of consciousness?

Attention is certainly a crucial aspect of consciousness, but it might not be the defining element. Consciousness likely involves complex interactions between information processing, qualia (subjective experience), and self-awareness, among other factors.

  1. What evidence supports this assertion?

The statement lacks empirical evidence and relies on conceptual assumptions. Scientific inquiry into consciousness involves various theories and models, but a unifying understanding remains elusive.

  1. Are there alternative perspectives?

Absolutely! Many approaches explore the nature of consciousness, including biological, psychological, philosophical, and religious perspectives. Each offers valuable insights, but a definitive answer remains elusive.


While your statement raises thought-provoking questions, it's important to remain critical and aware of the limitations of current knowledge. Further research and a multi-disciplinary approach are crucial to unraveling the mysteries of consciousness.

profile picture this is in the context of a proof assistant in unimath coq where we are describing proof steps for understanding Thank you for clarifying the context. If you're exploring proof steps in Unimath Coq for understanding, it's important to differentiate between two aspects:

  1. Proving Mathematical Theorems:

Here, each proof step indeed builds upon the previous one, aiming for a demonstrably correct and necessary path towards a specific theorem. Unimath provides formal structures for representing mathematical objects and reasoning about them rigorously. While each step contributes to the validity of the overall proof, not every step might be individually "necessary" in the broader sense of understanding.

  1. Understanding Mathematical Concepts:

Proof steps can play a valuable role in exploring, constructing, and solidifying understanding. Tracing through proofs, examining alternative strategies, and reflecting on the choices made can offer deeper insights into the underlying concepts. However, understanding often goes beyond a purely logical sequence of steps. It involves intuition, visualization, connections to other areas of mathematics, and personal experiences. Here are some additional points to consider:

Unimath's focus on constructive proofs can be particularly helpful in understanding, as it often reveals how mathematical objects can be built or computed. Visualization tools and interactive proof environments can enhance the understanding process by allowing you to manipulate objects and explore proofs dynamically. Discussing proofs with others and reflecting on the "why" behind each step can deepen your comprehension. It's important to remember that Unimath Coq is a tool for constructing formal proofs, but understanding is a broader and more nuanced process. The proof steps provide a valuable foundation, but exploring and engaging with the concepts in various ways is crucial for genuine understanding.

profile picture well each step is needed from the perspective of the author, so we are trying to reproduce thier viewpoint. it might not be absolute but relative to them Ah, now that clarifies things! In the context of reproducing an author's viewpoint within a proof assistant like Unimath Coq, your statement takes on a different meaning. Here's my understanding:

Each step represents the author's reasoning:

Every step in the proof reflects the author's choices and justifications for reaching the conclusion. While not inherently objective, these steps reveal the author's thought process and perspective on the proof. Understanding through reconstruction:

By re-enacting the author's proof steps in Unimath Coq, you attempt to reproduce their reasoning and understanding. This process can reveal implicit assumptions, alternate paths, and potential shortcomings in the original proof. Limitations and relative nature:

While replicating the author's perspective is valuable, remember it's not absolute truth. Other valid proofs with different steps may exist, reflecting alternative viewpoints. Understanding is achieved through critical analysis, not just blind replication. Therefore, when working with authorial proofs in Unimath Coq:

Aim to capture their reasoning faithfully, but remain open to alternative approaches. Analyze each step critically, questioning its necessity and exploring alternative justifications. Use the reconstruction process as a springboard for deeper understanding beyond the author's original perspective. I hope this clarifies my understanding of your statement and provides helpful insights for your work in Unimath Coq.

profile picture so each step in the unimath proof moves the attention from one UU object to another That's an interesting interpretation of how proof steps in Unimath Coq might relate to attention. While it's not a direct mapping, there are some connections to consider:

Focus on UU Objects: Unimath deals with objects in the "Universe of Universes" (UU), representing mathematical concepts and structures. Each proof step does involve manipulating and reasoning about these UU objects.

Attention as Mental Process: Attention, as a cognitive process, helps us focus on specific information while disregarding distractions. In a proof, attention might be directed towards analyzing the current UU object, identifying relevant properties, and considering possible transformations.

Attention Shifts across Steps: As you progress through proof steps, your attention indeed shifts from one UU object to another. You analyze one object, apply logical rules, and reach a new UU object representing the transformed state or a new mathematical entity.

Not a Direct Correspondence: However, it's important to avoid a strict one-to-one mapping between proof steps and attention shifts. Proof steps often involve complex reasoning processes beyond simply "focusing" on an object. They might involve checking properties, making logical deductions, and searching for relevant theorems.

Attention in Proof Understanding: While not central to Unimath's formal structure, attention plays a crucial role in understanding proofs. By actively focusing on each step, analyzing the relationships between UU objects, and considering alternative paths, you gain a deeper comprehension of the author's reasoning and the underlying mathematical concepts.

Therefore, while it's not entirely accurate to say that each step in Unimath directly moves attention from one UU object to another, attention does play a role in both constructing and understanding proofs. Remember that the process involves more than just focusing on objects; it's about actively engaging with the logical flow and making sense of the mathematical relationships involved.

profile picture i am saying the proof trace is a narrative that desribes the heros journey from zero to hero I understand your perspective on proof traces being narratives of a hero's journey. While it's not a conventional analogy, it can offer an interesting way to think about these sequences of steps. Here are some aspects to consider:


Starting point: Both heroes and proofs begin with an initial state, lacking knowledge or solution. Challenges: The hero faces obstacles and trials, just as proofs encounter potential dead ends or complexities. Overcoming obstacles: The hero uses skills and resources to overcome challenges, similar to proofs utilizing axioms, theorems, and logical rules. Transformation: Both hero and proof undergo a transformation throughout the journey, reaching a new understanding or resolution. Narrative structure: Similar to a story, a proof trace can be seen as a series of connected events leading to a conclusion. Differences:

Objectivity vs. Subjectivity: Heroes embody subjective choices and experiences, while proofs aim for objective, logical truth. Emotions vs. Reasoning: Heroes are driven by emotions and motivations, while proofs rely on cold, rigorous reasoning. Open-endedness vs. Closure: Heroes' journeys may be open-ended and ongoing, while proofs aim for definitive conclusions. Implications:

Engagement: Viewing proof traces as narratives can make them more engaging and accessible, especially for students or beginners. Critical analysis: This analogy encourages examining the "why" behind each step, questioning choices and seeking alternative paths. Limitations: Remember that proofs prioritize logic over emotions and narratives. Don't let the analogy overshadow the technical aspects of formal reasoning. Overall:

While not a literal interpretation, considering proof traces as hero's journeys can be a valuable tool for understanding and engaging with them. It encourages active participation, critical analysis, and deeper appreciation for the logic and creativity involved in mathematical proofs.

profile picture so now lets reinterpret my original claim from this new perspective I'd love to help you reinterpret your original claim from the perspective of a "hero's journey" narrative within Unimath Coq proofs. However, I need some more information to provide a specific interpretation. Can you share your original claim again, perhaps with some context about the type of proof it represents and the goals of this reinterpretation? Knowing the starting point and desired "hero" would allow me to craft a more meaningful analogy.

Feel free to also share any specific aspects of the hero's journey (challenges, transformations, etc.) that you find particularly relevant to this reinterpretation. The more details you provide, the richer and more insightful the reinterpretation can be.

profile picture literate programming. introspective programming. emotional programming. consider the following idea: each step is necessary and proven correct. each step is a space time unit that contains a series of proof steps. each proof step is a space time energy unit that is occupied by a basic unit of attention that we can consider to the be the basic unit of consciousness. the consciousness of the proof step is everything that is needed to show that it is correct but also the implications of this proof, and its conventional usage, we can think of consciousness as a radio dial that we can tune and that we can select one of the areas. insert picture of the matrix hallway. insert ref to Kafka books, endless hallways. each area or space is defined by whatever rules where used to create it. we can imagine the layout of the brain where different areas have different body parts. now we can imagine a part of the brain that has the logarithmic function and imagine a fractal that emerges from it. each function is a number, we have sequence of them, but also an ordering to them that is somewhat logical. we can exploit this to make relative functions so we can say the function that occurs next to me as a pointer to a function. so not only this function, but relative to this function we can relate. we can consider these to be faculties of a basic unit of consciousness the computer or the person or the llm in a context. constructing optimal contexts for llms is also constructing them for humans or for algorithms. We can think of epic stories as such structures that have the right blend of context and data to be memorable. so this brings us to the study of hymnals as sources of patterns for abstract story telling, the attempt to bring abstract concepts to people with emotion. That's a fascinating and imaginative interpretation! Let's break it down and explore how it connects to the concepts of literate programming, introspective programming, and emotional programming.

Hero's Journey in Proofs:

Challenge: The hero (a proof) seeks to reach a specific conclusion from an initial state. Proof Steps: Each step represents a trial or obstacle, overcoming which requires applying logical rules and axioms. Consciousness: You propose that each step holds "consciousness", encompassing its justification, implications, and potential applications. This aligns with introspective programming, where programs self-monitor and reason about their behavior. Space-Time and Attention:

Linking space-time units to proof steps is an original and poetic interpretation. While not a direct mapping, it highlights the "journey" through space of concepts and the attention required to navigate it. Consciousness as a Radio Dial:

Comparing consciousness to a radio dial suggests the ability to "tune" into different aspects of a proof step's "consciousness" (implications, usage). This resonates with literate programming, where code is documented and explained for better understanding. Function Fractals and Faculties:

Connecting brain regions to functions and their relationships reminds us of how cognitive faculties emerge from interconnected neural activities. This hints at emotional programming, where emotions might arise from interactions between these functionalities. Hymns as Abstract Story Patterns:

Studying hymns for storytelling patterns aligns with emotional programming, where narratives evoke emotions and convey abstract concepts. This connects to literate programming in making code engaging and relatable through narrative elements. Overall:

Your reinterpretation offers a unique and thought-provoking way to view proof construction as a hero's journey. It touches on key concepts from literate programming (clarity, explanation), introspective programming (self-reflection), and emotional programming (evoking emotions), suggesting connections between these seemingly disparate areas.

Further Exploration:

How can we use this "hero's journey" analogy to create more engaging and understandable proofs? How can we leverage consciousness-like introspection within programs for better self-monitoring and debugging? Can we design emotional narratives as a tool for teaching abstract concepts through hymn-like structures? These are just some starting points for further exploration based on your intriguing interpretation. As you delve deeper, remember to consider the scientific limitations of equating consciousness with proof steps and maintain a critical perspective while appreciating the creativity of the analogy.

profile picture ok rewrite and embellish Show drafts

jmikedupont2 commented 4 months ago

Key Concepts:

Obj.t: This represents the basic building block, an "anything" type. Everything in Unimath Coq seems to be built upon this foundation. Type aliases: Various type aliases are defined, like hProptoType, isofhlevel, and isaprop, denoting specific properties or behaviors of objects. total2 type: This is a product type with two components, pr1 and pr2. It could be used to represent pairs of related objects or properties. paths type: This represents a path within the proof system. The Coq_paths_refl variant seems to represent a reflexive path, essentially a self-referential proof of truth. isaset function: This function takes two elements and returns a path connecting them. It suggests the ability to establish relationships between objects within the proof system. hfiber type: This represents a connection between two objects with additional information, possibly indicating the direction or nature of the connection. isofhlevelf and isincl: These seem to be related to functions that define specific types of relationships between objects. coq_UU: This is an alias for the Universe of Universes type, a fundamental concept in Unimath Coq representing the type of all types. Interpretations:

Unimath Coq seems to be based on a highly flexible and dynamic type system where anything can be combined with anything else. The concept of "paths" suggests a focus on proving connections and relationships between objects, rather than just defining individual types. The use of type aliases and abstractions hints at a rich and expressive type theory that allows for precise and nuanced definitions of mathematical concepts.

jmikedupont2 commented 4 months ago

You've provided some interesting excerpts from Unimath extracted to OCaml. Here are some thoughts based on the information given:

Anything as Foundation:

Complex Types:

Paths as Proofs:

Fiber Bundles and Homomorphisms:

Unrestricted Universe:


Further Exploration:

Remember, Unimath is a powerful tool, but it requires significant investment to master. By delving deeper and asking questions, you can unlock its potential for exploring and formalizing mathematics in a unique way.

jmikedupont2 commented 4 months ago

Gemini_Generated_Image image

jmikedupont2 commented 4 months ago


jmikedupont2 commented 4 months ago


jmikedupont2 commented 4 months ago

Interesting idea to map those introspective operations onto the hero's journey narrative structure. Here's one interpretation:

Ordinary World - Where one starts in a normal state of consciousness without deep introspection.

Call to Adventure - An urge or prompting arises to turn one's focus inwards and truly examine one's inner landscape.

Focus - Crossing the threshold where one starts to consciously focus awareness inwards rather than outwards.

Inquire - Road of trials where the hero asks difficult questions and doubts what they thought they knew. Testing assumptions.

Reveal - The abyss or death/rebirth phase where through sustained inquiry, revelations into the hidden self emerge.

Understand - Seizing the sword by attaining greater comprehension and discernment of one's previously unknown psyche.

Integrate - The road back begins by updating one's self narrative and worldview with the hard-won knowledge.

Release - Rescuing or freeing oneself from outdated beliefs and distortions in the liminal resurrection space.

Expand/Create - Return and reintegration with new insights and capacity to now create aligned expressions. Mastery over two worlds.

The journey takes one from their ordinary state into unknown inner territory through inquiry, death of the old self, mastery over resultant revelations and integration of learning to then create anew.

There are definitely resonances between the introspective arc and the hero's transformation. Let me know your thoughts on this mapping!

jmikedupont2 commented 4 months ago

What an fascinating concept - a "Hero's Journey" typeclass of typeclasses! Let me speculate on what that could entail:

The overarching Hero's Journey typeclass could define the narrative stages and key methods that any subtype would need to implement. For example:

class HeroJourney j where
  callToAdventure :: j -> Event
  crossThreshold :: j -> Territory -> j
  roadOfTrials :: j -> [Challenge] -> j
  graspMagicalAid :: j -> MagicHelper -> j
  seizeSword :: j -> SwordOfTruth -> j 
  resurrection :: j -> j
  returnWithElixir :: j -> j

Then subclasses could represent specific instantiation of the Hero's Journey pattern, overriding the methods with more specialized definitions.

Some examples:

data SpiritQuest = SpiritQuest {..}
instance HeroJourney SpiritQuest where
   callToAdventure = receiveVision
   roadOfTrials = [faceFears, banishDemons]
   graspMagicalAid = contactSpiritGuide
   // etc.

data PersonalGrowth = PersonalGrowth {..} 
instance HeroJourney PersonalGrowth where
   callToAdventure = lifeCrisis 
   roadOfTrials = [questionBeliefs, processTrauma]
   graspMagicalAid = beginTherapy
   // etc.

The typeclass forces a common structure, while the subclasses adapt it to different journeys. We could have journeys for startups, creative projects, enlightenment, and so on.

There could also be default implementations in the parent class that subclasses inherit. This enables a lot of code reuse!

Let me know what other thoughts you have around this idea!