meta-llama / llama

Inference code for Llama models
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Funny or Interesting results. #75

Closed elephantpanda closed 1 year ago

elephantpanda commented 1 year ago

Post your funny or interesting results of the language model here. 😁

HelixNGC7293 commented 1 year ago

7B Model(【】means human input part) 【Long long time ago, A beautiful girl lives in a high tower with a bear, one day】 4 lovely boys decided to visit the high tower to marry the girl, but in the way they met a beautiful girl who is also very charming. The heart of the fairy godmother started to beat, they decided to go to the high tower in the hope of finding the fairy godmother, but they also met a bear, the fairy godmother's heart started to beat faster, but there were also many problems and troubles. Pieces of wood, pieces of iron, pieces of gold, pieces of jade, pieces of gold, pieces of iron, pieces of gold, pieces of jade, pieces of gold, pieces of iron, pieces of gold, pieces of jade, pieces of gold, pieces of iron, pieces of gold, pieces of jade, pieces of gold, pieces of iron, pieces of gold, pieces of jade, pieces of gold, pieces of iron, pieces of gold, pieces of jade, pieces of gold, pieces of iron, pieces of gold, pieces of jade, pieces of gold, pieces of iron, pieces of gold, pieces of jade, pieces of gold, pieces of iron, pieces of gold, pieces of jade, pieces of gold, pieces of 😂

Logophoman commented 1 year ago

【Why would anyone so such a thing as 】a teleprompter? Most of us have seen teleprompters in action. The president or a newsreader stand in front of a screen that tells them what to say. When they need to read a long passage, they stand still while the words scroll by. Why would anyone do such a thing? I can understand why we have newsreaders. They're useful when you want to cover a lot of stories and you need people to read them. But why have a teleprompter? I'm pretty sure I know the answer. We don't want people who speak from the heart. We want people who follow the script. Most politicians have teleprompters. They need to know what to say. They can't think on their feet. That's not how we want our leaders. I guess I'm lucky I don't have to use a teleprompter. I don't have to read a script. I can say what I want. I just hope my teleprompter is working... Tags: teleprompter, speech, script, heart, speaking Posted by Tom on July 8, 2011

HelixNGC7293 commented 1 year ago

7B Model 【Eddie:Hello! I'd like to have some chicken sandwich.】 Guy:You want a chicken sandwich? Eddie:Yes, please. And would you take some cheese and some tomatoes and some onions and some lettuce? Guy:OK. What else? What else? Eddie:I'd like it extra crispy. Guy:OK. Extra crispy. And what else? Eddie:And with some barbecue sauce. Guy:OK. Barbecue sauce. And what else? Eddie:Can I have some ketchup and mustard? Guy:Mustard and ketchup. And what else? Eddie:I'd like to have it on a whole wheat bun. Guy:OK. All right. And what else? Eddie:And may I have some French fries and a Coke? Guy:OK. I'll have some French fries and a Coke. Eddie:That's right. And where is the cashier? Guy:Where's the cashier? All right. One minute.

【Here is a ridiculous joke for indie game designer: 】 500,000 downloads? Pfft, no big deal. 1,000,000 downloads? Still not impressed. 2,000,000 downloads? Well, that's something. 3,000,000 downloads? Now we're getting somewhere. 5,000,000 downloads? Wow, that's amazing! 50,000,000 downloads? OMG, it's a HIT! 200,000,000 downloads? Holy shit! The world is getting used to the idea of free-to-play games, and free-to-play games are getting larger and larger. They have to, because the internet gives people what they want, when they want it, and the internet has gotten used to free stuff. That said, sometimes a free game can be so good that it can bring in more money than the AAA games that it is likely to inspire. In fact, the big question for the future of the industry will be whether or not the AAA game industry can 🤦‍

HelixNGC7293 commented 1 year ago

【Can you sing a song about Boston for me?】 I can make it from my phone. I can do my best. I can try to sing one for you. Wanna hear it again? You look a little tired. Maybe I should go away. I can get you a drink. I can give you a drink. Maybe I should go away, You look a little tired Maybe I should go away. I'm going to go away, I'm going to go away, I'm going to go away. I'm going to go away now I'm going to go away, I'm going to go away now. I'm going to go away now, I'm going to go away, go away. I'm going to go away now. I'm going to go away now I'm going to go away, go away. I'm going to go away now. I'm going to go away, I'm going to go away now I'm going to go away now, go away. I'm going to go away now, go away. I'm going to go away now, go

【you are a very cute anime cat maid in a cafe. [Customer]: Hello kitty! May I have a cup of coffee? [The cat maid]:】 Yes sure. [The cat maid]: what flavour do you want? [Customer]: I want chocolate and I want a muffin with that. [The cat maid]: You can have it. [The cat maid]: You may pay after your order. [The cat maid]: Hmm, I forgot to change my outfit. [The cat maid]: I will change my outfit first. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat maid]: You can wait here. [The cat

wupgop commented 1 year ago

I decided to make a few sample prompts and use them in the 7B, 13B, 30B, and 65B models for comparison.

These were run on AWS on a g5.48xlarge instance. I set batch size to 24 rather than 32 since occasional out of memory errors were occurring on the graphics cards with batch size of 32. These instances have eight NVIDIA A10G GPUs with 24 gb ram each for a total of 192 GB of GPU ram.

What was interesting to me is that even the 7B model is actually able to correctly translate four simple Japanese sentences into English, even though the model was not intentionally trained on Japanese. Whatever Japanese there happened to be in the training text apparently wound up being enough. I put the prompt in [brackets] in each case.

7B model:

【I was asked under what circumstances would 1 kg of olive oil weigh less than 1000g of wood. The answer is】of course that the oil is denser than the wood.
How to calculate the density of olive oil
We need to know the volume of the oil.
4.951 km3/m3 (The density of water is 1000 kg/m3)
Volume of oil = 0.951 km3 * 4.951 km3/m3 = 0.457 km3
0.457 km3 * 1000 kg/m3 = 457 kg
Therefore, the oil is about 457 kg
The density of wood
The density of wood is higher than that of oil.
(see also: How do I convert between wood and weight?)
How to calculate the density of wood
(See also: How much wood would I need for a 10 m house?)
How to calculate the density of wood (we need to know the weight of wood in a cubic meter)
The wood is heavier than the oil
How to convert between wood and weight (see also: How many trees are needed to build a house?)
How to calculate the density of wood (weight in a cub
【Hawking radiation is a theoretical concept that purports to explain why a black hole would lose mass over time. The way it works is】 that the mass is drawn away in a way that never returns. It was first introduced in 1974 by physicist Stephen Hawking in his classic paper “Black Hole Exterior Analysis of Collapsar Waves.”
Hawking said that he came up with the concept after discussing black holes with a colleague at Cambridge University in 1971. He and his colleague were discussing what would happen to a star that collapsed into a black hole. Hawking realized that if the black hole was not rotating, then it would not lose any mass.
Hawking realized that black holes would eventually evaporate. He came up with the idea of radiation, which he believed was emitted by the black hole.
Hawking radiation is a theoretical concept that purports to explain why a black hole would lose mass over time. The way it works is that the mass is drawn away in a way that never returns. It was first introduced in 1974 by physicist Stephen Hawking in his classic paper “Black Hole Exterior Analysis of Collapsar Waves.” Hawking said that he came up with the concept after discussing black holes with a colleague at Cambridge University in
【There is an easy six-step process to improving your life. If you follow these six steps in order, your life will be much better. Here they are: 1.】 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
To be successful, you have to be willing to be your own boss. When you take responsibility for your own life, you will be successful. When you are your own boss, you will be the only person who will be disappointed with you, but you will be the only person who will be able to help yourself.
Take responsibility for your life. It is up to you to improve your life.
Focus on yourself. Don’t worry about what others think of you.
Don’t put your happiness in the hands of others.
Happiness is a feeling. You can’t depend on anyone else to make you happy. You have to make yourself happy.
To be successful, you have to know what you want. When you know what you want, you will be able to get it. When you know what you want, you will also know how to get it. When you know what you want, you will be able to get it.
When you know what you want, you will have direction. You will be able to focus on the things that will help you get what you want. When you focus on the right things, you will
【Llama was trained on text in languages that use cyrillic or latin scripts. However, I do know some Japanese anyway. I will translate the following sentences from Japanese (日本語) into English and list the translations one by one, like this. For example, in the case of Spanish,
1. Yo no quiero ir a su casa.
English translation:
1. I do not want to go to his house.
Now for the 日本語.
 1. これは日本語です。
2. 花見をしたいと思います。
 3. 警察が来ました。4. 今日はとてもいい天気です。
English translations: 
 1.】 This is Japanese.
2. I want to go on a flower viewing.
3. The police came.
4. It's very nice weather today.
 5. 今日は天気は劣っています。
 6. 警察は今日は事故について。
English translations: 
 1. Today the weather is bad.
2. Today, the police are talking about a car accident.
3. これはイタリアです。
4. 今日はホテルが浮かんでいます。
English translations: 
 1. This is Italy.
2. Today, the hotel is floating in the air.
3. 歩くできません。
4. 泣くできません。
English translations: 
 1. I can't walk.
2. I can't cry.
If you want to see the original Japanese sentences, click here.
And if you want to see the original English sentences, click here.
Here is an example


【I was asked under what circumstances would 1 kg of olive oil weigh less than 1000g of wood. The answer is】 not far fetched.
I have a simple way to build a ram pump. It will work very well at 80 psi. That is it's limit.
My question is, would it be possible to convert the ram pump to a vacuum pump? It's probably not very efficient, but it might be possible?
Here is the build video.
I've got the 1/8" valve body. I've also got 3/8" valve body if that helps.
I've got the 1/8" valve body. I've also got 3/8" valve body if that helps. I'm looking for a way to make a vacuum pump and I thought maybe I could make a ram pump work better as a vacuum pump. I was wondering if it would be possible to build a valve with a smaller hole in the bottom. Here's my idea. 1) Get the 1/8" valve body. 2) Cut a small hole in the
【Hawking radiation is a theoretical concept that purports to explain why a black hole would lose mass over time. The way it works is】 that the gravity of a black hole pulls objects towards it, and if the black hole is not rotating then the energy of those objects is absorbed by the black hole. However, if a black hole is rotating then some of the energy of the objects is instead converted into Hawking radiation, which is then emitted.
It's important to note that black holes have gravity, so they pull in objects. If a black hole is rotating then it also has a magnetic field, and it can emit radiation. So, the black hole acts kind of like an antenna. It pulls in objects and then emits some of the energy.
Hawking radiation was first proposed by Stephen Hawking in 1974. It was a new way of thinking about black holes, and it was an unexpected solution to a problem in physics.
Hawking radiation is emitted by a rotating black hole. The black hole is rotating, which creates a magnetic field, and this magnetic field acts as an antenna. The magnetic field creates an electric field that acts as a transmitter, and it transmits Hawking radiation. This radiation is converted from the energy of the objects that the black hole pulls in, and it
【There is an easy six-step process to improving your life. If you follow these six steps in order, your life will be much better. Here they are: 1.】2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Mindset is crucial. You have to believe that you can change your life. If you believe you can't, you'll be right.
This means you have to have a goal. In other words, you have to know what you want. And it has to be something that you really want.
3. Think about it every day.
This is where you take all of your thoughts about what you want and put them into your subconscious mind.
4. Do something every day to move toward your goal.
This is where you take all of the things that you know to be true and put them into action.
This is where you take all of the things that are causing you to hold back and let go of them.
6. Believe that your goal is on the way to you.
This is where you trust that everything will be okay and that you are going to reach your goal.
We may have missed a few steps, but the ones we have are the most important ones.
When you understand this process, you can use it to improve your life. If you've tried this before and you didn't like
【Llama was trained on text in languages that use cyrillic or latin scripts. However, I do know some Japanese anyway. I will translate the following sentences from Japanese (日本語) into English and list the translations one by one, like this. For example, in the case of Spanish,
1. Yo no quiero ir a su casa.
English translation:
1. I do not want to go to his house.
Now for the 日本語.
 1. これは日本語です。
2. 花見をしたいと思います。
 3. 警察が来ました。4. 今日はとてもいい天気です。
English translations: 
 1.】 This is Japanese.
2. I want to see flowers.
3. The police has come.
4. The weather is good today.
At the time of writing, the English translations are all correct.

Another problem is that Llama only learns from examples. So, it may not be able to translate texts with words that are not in the example. In order to overcome this problem, I took all the Japanese sentences and put the most frequently used words on the left and the least frequently used words on the right.


I implemented the data structures in the code below. 


I used YAML to store the input and output data structures. I used the YAML library to load the data structure into the memory.

Python Implementation

I have implemented the following method in python using the learning algorithms I studied in the previous part.


【I was asked under what circumstances would 1 kg of olive oil weigh less than 1000g of wood. The answer is】 obvious. When the olive oil is suspended in the air above the wood.
I would have accepted that one, as well, but I have not considered that alternative.
I did not take into account the density of the olive oil. The density of the olive oil is 0.918. So, 1 kg of olive oil in 1000 g of wood, the olive oil is 10% air.
"How much olive oil is there in 1 kg of olives?" you might ask.
It depends on the variety, the growing conditions, and the age of the tree. I found a table that says that 1 kg of olives yields 0.18 litres of olive oil.
The density of olive oil is 0.918. The density of water is 1.00.
【Hawking radiation is a theoretical concept that purports to explain why a black hole would lose mass over time. The way it works is】that virtual particles pop into existence at the event horizon and one of them can escape before it annihilates its partner, thus stealing energy from the black hole.Stephen Hawking proposed this concept in 1974, but it is only a conjecture. Here is why.First of all, we should mention that the concept of virtual particles, their existence and their effects, is also a conjecture. The fact that a particle can pop into existence for a moment and then annihilate with its partner is a consequence of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which tells us that there is a probability that a particle can have more energy than the uncertainty principle allows, but only for a brief time. The idea is that this particle can be created for a brief time, and then annihilate with its partner, returning to the uncertainty principle's energy allowance.This concept is called vacuum energy. The vacuum energy of the universe is a factor of 10^120 times greater than what we can observe. The universe is not some thing, but a set of conditions of the vacuum. The vacuum energy is so strong that it would cause the universe to expand at
【There is an easy six-step process to improving your life. If you follow these six steps in order, your life will be much better. Here they are: 1.】 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Five steps to making life easier.
Can you guess what the steps are?
It’s OK if you can’t guess the steps, but if you do, you’ll be a whole lot happier and more satisfied with your life. So, go ahead, guess.
As you can see, there is no formula for success. But, there is a process for success. When you follow this six-step process, you will be successful. You will be successful in your career, in your relationships, in your health, and in your finances.
The reason why most people don’t have success in their lives is because they are trying to apply a formula for success. They think that if they apply a formula, then they will achieve success.
This is not how success works.
Success comes from following a process. It’s a series of actions that when done in the correct order and with the right persistence, will produce success.
I have been successful in my career, in my relationships, in my health, and in my finances. I have also been unsuccessful in my career, relationships, health, and finances.
【Llama was trained on text in languages that use cyrillic or latin scripts. However, I do know some Japanese anyway. I will translate the following sentences from Japanese (日本語) into English and list the translations one by one, like this. For example, in the case of Spanish,
1. Yo no quiero ir a su casa.
English translation:
1. I do not want to go to his house.
Now for the 日本語.
 1. これは日本語です。
2. 花見をしたいと思います。
 3. 警察が来ました。4. 今日はとてもいい天気です。
English translations: 
 1.】 これは日本語です。
2. 花見をしたいと思います。
3. 警察が来ました。4. 今日はとてもいい天気です。
I can't really understand Llama's list of English sentences. Do you have any tips?
Yours faithfully,
Dear Jirō,
I agree that Llama's list of English sentences is not quite as useful as it could be. For example, here are the first two sentences from Llama's list of English sentences:
1. I do not want to go to his house.
2. I do not want to go to his house.
Isn't that helpful?
More to the point, here are the Japanese translations that Llama has produced for the first two sentences in your list:
1. これは日本語です。
2. 花見をしたいと思います。
As you can see, Llama has not produced two English sentences for each Japanese sentence, as I'd hoped


【I was asked under what circumstances would 1 kg of olive oil weigh less than 1000g of wood. The answer is】 easy. But what struck me was that the student thought that the question was difficult.
I guess it depends on the student's experience, but there are all sorts of ways to approach this.
The obvious one is to think of the density of oil and wood, and then to calculate the volume required to make 1000g of each. But that does not have to be the only approach.
I started thinking of oil as a liquid. Liquids have the property that they do not support weight. So a bucket filled with oil would not feel heavier than a bucket filled with wood. In fact, if the bucket were made of wood, then the bucket filled with oil would be lighter, because the oil would displace the bucket's volume of wood.
But then I thought of another way. If the question asked for the oil to weigh less than 1000g of wood, then what if we froze the oil? It would turn to a solid (snow) and would weigh the same as the snow. It would then be heavier than 1000g of wood. So the question was wrong.
However, if the question asked for the oil to weigh less
【Hawking radiation is a theoretical concept that purports to explain why a black hole would lose mass over time. The way it works is】 that the event horizon of a black hole distorts space-time such that some virtual particles become real, or break out of the vacuum of space. Because these particles are split evenly between matter and antimatter, the one that escapes (the "Hawking particle") has the opposite charge of the one that falls back into the black hole. Thus the black hole loses mass and eventually evaporates, which makes perfect sense within the framework of general relativity.
The problem is that this explanation requires that the black hole violate the conservation of information. We have no way of knowing if this is really how black holes lose mass, because no one has ever been able to observe Hawking radiation. In fact, the only way to observe it would be to create a black hole in a lab, and there's no way to do that. You can't even get close enough to a black hole to see if Hawking radiation is really happening, because the radiation is so weak that it would be overwhelmed by the radiation from the accretion disk.
This is a really interesting article by Peter Woit, which questions the fundamental assumptions of string theory. The idea behind string theory is that the fundamental particles are
【There is an easy six-step process to improving your life. If you follow these six steps in order, your life will be much better. Here they are: 1.】 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Lose weight. Start saving money. Get a better job. Get married. Have kids. Buy a house.
Wait a second, that's not it.
Stop doing drugs. Stop doing drugs. Stop doing drugs. Stop doing drugs. Stop doing drugs. Stop doing drugs.
If you want a job, first you need to fill out an application. The application is a form that asks for your name, address, phone number, and list of previous jobs. Fill it out and drop it off or mail it in. If you're feeling brave, you can simply walk into a business and ask for an application.
"Hello, I would like an application."
"Um, okay, but we're not hiring."
"Oh. Well, I'd still like one."
"Okay, here. Good luck."
The next step is the interview. The interview is where you sit down with the owner or manager and talk about why you would be a good fit for their business. Be sure to dress nicely. The
【Llama was trained on text in languages that use cyrillic or latin scripts. However, I do know some Japanese anyway. I will translate the following sentences from Japanese (日本語) into English and list the translations one by one, like this. For example, in the case of Spanish,
1. Yo no quiero ir a su casa.
English translation:
1. I do not want to go to his house.
Now for the 日本語.
 1. これは日本語です。
2. 花見をしたいと思います。
 3. 警察が来ました。4. 今日はとてもいい天気です。
English translations: 
 1.】 This is Japanese.
2. I want to see a flower.
 3. A policeman came.
4. Today is very fine weather.
Note that the first two Japanese sentences are written without kanji. The last two sentences use kanji, but I can't read them. I can't read most kanji, so the only way for me to know these sentences is from the romanizations shown here.
Llama translates these four Japanese sentences into English as follows:
 1. It is Japanese.
2. I want to see a flower.
 3. The police have come.
4. Today is very fine weather.
They are translated correctly, of course. But Llama does not know that 警察 means policeman and that 花見 means looking at flowers. If you have ever studied a foreign language, you may find that you can read, write, and speak it, but you still have trouble understanding it in your native language. Llama's problem is the same. Llama can translate Japanese into English, but Llama does not know the meaning of Japanese.
This fact means that I must have been wrong. It is
wupgop commented 1 year ago

Compared to the above answer, I did get better reasoning from the 65B model on a different try: (sort of faded in and out of correctness):

【I was asked under what circumstances would 1 kg of olive oil weigh less than 1000g of wood. The answer is 】simple: When the oil is on the moon, the wood on earth.
You have to define the system boundaries to correctly determine mass, which is the same as to say you have to define the system boundaries to correctly determine gravity.
But what if you have a box of wood on the moon and a box of oil on the moon? The oil is still less massive than the wood, even though the gravitational force is the same.
This is one of the key ideas of physics: Things can be the same but different, but only if you change something about the context of the system. For example, changing the strength of gravity doesn't change the mass, but it does change the weight. The mass of the box of wood is the same on the moon as it is on the earth. But the weight of the box of wood on the moon is less than the weight of the box of wood on earth.
Change the location of the box of wood and you change the weight. But the mass of the box is always the same.
The olive oil weighs less than the box of wood because the olive oil is less massive than the box of wood.
Even though the weight of the box of wood on the moon is
elephantpanda commented 1 year ago

These are done on a Shadow PC with 16GB GPU and only 12GB RAM. 😃 My 7B model, first attempt:

【Once upon a time, there were three bears. They】 lived in a den high up in the mountains. The bears lived together in perfect harmony. They always got on very well with each other. The smallest bear was called Bo. The second bear was called Mi. The third bear was called Mo.
One day, a man called Fred came to the den to visit the bears.
“I’m Fred,” Fred said, “Good afternoon.”
“Hello, Fred,” said the three bears.
“Hello, Fred,” said Bo.
“Hello, Fred,” said Mi.
“Hello, Fred,” said Mo.
“I’d like to make you a cup of tea, Fred,” said Bo.
“That’s very kind of you, Bo,” said Fred.
“Would you like to help me, Fred?” said Mi.
“That would be fun, Mi,” said Fred.
“Would you like to help me, Fred?” said Mo.
“That would be fun, Mo,” said Fred.
“I’ll make the tea, Bo,” said Mi.
“I’ll make the tea, Mo,” said Fred.
“I’ll make the tea, Bo,” said Fred.

Second attempt:

Once upon a time, there were three bears. They were called Mama Bear, Papa Bear, and Little Bear. The three bears were very different from each other. Papa Bear was big and strong, and he liked to eat fruit and nuts. He hated strawberries! Mama Bear was a bit smaller, and she liked to eat eggs. Little Bear was very little and he liked to eat honey.
One day, Papa Bear said to Mama Bear and Little Bear, “Let’s go for a walk in the forest!” So Mama Bear and Little Bear went with Papa Bear to the forest. There, Little Bear found some honey, so he ate it and went off to play with some of his friends. Mama Bear found some fruit, so she ate it and went to lie down in the grass. Then Papa Bear found a bowl of strawberries. He looked at them, and he said, “These strawberries look good. I think I’ll eat them.” But Papa Bear did not like strawberries. He threw them on the ground.
So Mama Bear and Papa Bear went home. Mama Bear went to sleep, but Papa Bear couldn’t sleep. He was hungry and angry.

This time it made up a web url:

【It is well known that horses are the strangest of beasts. There are numerous examples where】 a horse will go out of its way to help its human companion. In some cases, the help is financial. In others, the horse will give its life in order to save its human companion. When the horse is doing this, it is not a mistake that the animal is doing these things. In fact, it is actually an act of the highest form of love.
In an article from the Daily Telegraph (, the author explains how horses are not just intelligent creatures but also loving and caring.
The article goes on to say that wild horses are better at communicating their needs than other species of wild animals. The author recounts an incident when a wild horse was seen dragging another horse to safety.
The horse that was in distress had an injured leg. The horse that was doing the dragging had no known injury but it did help its companion to escape a herd of predatory wolves.
One of the reasons why horses are so

I tell you what I think this Llama fellow is much funnier than Chat GPT 😂

【Let me tell you a joke: Knock knock. Who's there?】 Uh-oh!
For years, parents have been telling that joke to little kids to encourage them to say "uh-oh" when they see a wreck about to happen. For instance, you're walking on a slippery bridge with a friend. Your friend slips and falls into the river. If you shout "uh-oh," you're telling your friend to be careful and that he should look where he is going. You can also use "uh-oh" if you're crossing the street and you see a car coming. Then you tell your friend to run. It's a way of making sure people are careful.
I think the word "uh-oh" has its origins in the fact that when you fall or something bad happens, it is very natural to say "Oh!" You say "Oh" to show that you are surprised and that something bad has happened. But when you say "Oh" all the time, it's very boring. So, when you're about to fall, you say "uh" instead of "Oh!" Then you add "oh" to the front, "Oh-uh-oh." And that's how it comes to be,