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LLVM ERROR: Cannot select: intrinsic %llvm.nvvm.shfl.sync.bfly.i32 #188

Closed SidneyLann closed 3 weeks ago

SidneyLann commented 4 weeks ago

Before submitting a bug, please make sure the issue hasn't been already addressed by searching through the FAQs and existing/past issues

Describe the bug

<Please provide a clear and concise description of what the bug is. If relevant, please include a minimal (least lines of code necessary) reproducible (running this will give us the same result as you get) code snippet. Make sure to include the relevant imports.>

Minimal reproducible example

`import os import json import torch from datasets import load_from_disk from transformers import TrainingArguments from trl import SFTTrainer from unsloth import FastLanguageModel

DATA_HOME = "/home/sidney/app"

Defining the configuration for the base model, LoRA and training

config = { "hugging_face_username":"Shekswess", "model_config": { "base_model":os.path.join(DATA_HOME, "model_cn"), # The base model "finetuned_model":os.path.join(DATA_HOME, "model_out"), # The fine-tuned model "max_seq_length": 8192, # The maximum sequence length "dtype":torch.float16, # The data type "load_in_4bit": True, # Load the model in 4-bit }, "lora_config": { "r": 16, # The number of LoRA layers 8, 16, 32, 64 "target_modules": ["q_proj", "k_proj", "v_proj", "o_proj", "gate_proj", "up_proj", "down_proj"], # The target modules "lora_alpha":16, # The alpha value for LoRA "lora_dropout":0, # The dropout value for LoRA "bias":"none", # The bias for LoRA "use_gradient_checkpointing":True, # Use gradient checkpointing "use_rslora":False, # Use RSLora "use_dora":False, # Use DoRa "loftq_config":None # The LoFTQ configuration }, "training_dataset":{ "name":os.path.join(DATA_HOME, "llama3_instruct_dataset"), # The dataset name(huggingface/datasets) "split":"train", # The dataset split "input_field":"prompt", # The input field }, "training_config": { "per_device_train_batch_size": 2, # The batch size "gradient_accumulation_steps": 4, # The gradient accumulation steps "warmup_steps": 5, # The warmup steps "max_steps":0, # The maximum steps (0 if the epochs are defined) "num_train_epochs": 1, # The number of training epochs(0 if the maximum steps are defined) "learning_rate": 2e-4, # The learning rate "fp16": not torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported(), # The fp16 "bf16": torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported(), # The bf16 "logging_steps": 1, # The logging steps "optim" :"adamw_8bit", # The optimizer "weight_decay" : 0.01, # The weight decay "lr_scheduler_type": "linear", # The learning rate scheduler "seed" : 42, # The seed "output_dir" : "outputs", # The output directory } }

Loading the model and the tokinizer for the model

model, tokenizer = FastLanguageModel.from_pretrained( model_name = config.get("model_config").get("base_model"), max_seq_length = config.get("model_config").get("max_seq_length"), dtype = config.get("model_config").get("dtype"), load_in_4bit = config.get("model_config").get("load_in_4bit"), )

Setup for QLoRA/LoRA peft of the base model

model = FastLanguageModel.get_peft_model( model, r = config.get("lora_config").get("r"), target_modules = config.get("lora_config").get("target_modules"), lora_alpha = config.get("lora_config").get("lora_alpha"), lora_dropout = config.get("lora_config").get("lora_dropout"), bias = config.get("lora_config").get("bias"), use_gradient_checkpointing = config.get("lora_config").get("use_gradient_checkpointing"), random_state = 42, use_rslora = config.get("lora_config").get("use_rslora"), use_dora = config.get("lora_config").get("use_dora"), loftq_config = config.get("lora_config").get("loftq_config"), )

Loading the training dataset

dataset_train = load_from_disk(config.get("training_dataset").get("name"))['train'] print(dataset_train)

Setting up the trainer for the model

trainer = SFTTrainer( model = model, tokenizer = tokenizer, train_dataset = dataset_train, dataset_text_field = config.get("training_dataset").get("input_field"), max_seq_length = config.get("model_config").get("max_seq_length"), dataset_num_proc = 2, packing = False, args = TrainingArguments( per_device_train_batch_size = config.get("training_config").get("per_device_train_batch_size"), gradient_accumulation_steps = config.get("training_config").get("gradient_accumulation_steps"), warmup_steps = config.get("training_config").get("warmup_steps"), max_steps = config.get("training_config").get("max_steps"), num_train_epochs= config.get("training_config").get("num_train_epochs"), learning_rate = config.get("training_config").get("learning_rate"), fp16 = config.get("training_config").get("fp16"), bf16 = config.get("training_config").get("bf16"), logging_steps = config.get("training_config").get("logging_steps"), optim = config.get("training_config").get("optim"), weight_decay = config.get("training_config").get("weight_decay"), lr_scheduler_type = config.get("training_config").get("lr_scheduler_type"), seed = 42, output_dir = config.get("training_config").get("output_dir"), ), )

Memory statistics before training

gpu_statistics = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(0) reserved_memory = round(torch.cuda.max_memory_reserved() / 10243, 2) max_memory = round(gpu_statistics.total_memory / 10243, 2) print(f"Reserved Memory: {reserved_memory}GB") print(f"Max Memory: {max_memory}GB")

Training the model

trainer_stats = trainer.train() ``` ````

# sample code to repro the bug


<Remember to wrap the output in ```triple-quotes blocks```>

<paste stacktrace and other outputs here>

Runtime Environment

Additional context Add any other context about the problem or environment here. image

Same error here and it prompts RTX 3080 Ti is work and GTX 1080 TI does not support the architecture to run shfl.sync.bfly intrinsics:

SidneyLann commented 3 weeks ago

Why tensorflow seen in the log, should use PyTorch instead? 2024-05-06 11:38:03.478993: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations.