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Create System for Organizing Telegram Chats #36

Closed R-K-H closed 1 month ago

R-K-H commented 2 months ago

Currently I paid for and use folders, I'd recommend the same of anyone doing outreach, but we need to document this as part of our process so that we can afford no excuses for missing things or not continuing conversations.

nicovrg commented 2 months ago

telegram folders aren't part of paid telegram, we can use them too! and we do :)

one thing that would be great though is to add us to the channels and to notify us when you add us. numerous chats i found out days later or i found out after talking to other futards that the room existed because i wasn't notified so didn't scroll through unread tg msgs & add the room to my metadao folder

also the room creator should share link so we can add it to the notion project page

nicovrg commented 1 month ago

i think this should be closed now