metaGmetapop / metapop

A pipeline for the macro- and micro-diversity analyses and visualization of metagenomic-derived populations
MIT License
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Macrodiversity Error: NAs produced by integer overflow #23

Open DanielSprockett opened 1 year ago

DanielSprockett commented 1 year ago


After completing the preprocessing steps, I am attempting to run the macrodiversity module on my lab's server (Rocky Linux, version 9.0), and got the following error:


metapop \
--input_samples bams/ \
--reference refs/ \
--norm normalized_counts.txt \
--genes out/MetaPop/01.Genomes_and_Genes/all_genomes_genes.fasta \
--output out/ \
--threads 64 \
--skip_preproc \


Using: 64 threads.
Combined genomes file already found.
Using out/MetaPop/01.Genomes_and_Genes/all_genomes_genes.fasta as the genes file.
MetaPop Started at: 08/02/2023 11:09:29

Calculating and visualizing Macrodiversity starting at: 08/02/2023 11:09:29...Warning messages:
1: In a[1] * a[2] : NAs produced by integer overflow
2: In a[1] * a[2] : NAs produced by integer overflow
3: In a[1] * a[2] : NAs produced by integer overflow
4: In a[1] * a[2] : NAs produced by integer overflow
5: In a[1] * a[2] : NAs produced by integer overflow
Warning message:
The `size` argument of `element_line()` is deprecated as of ggplot2 3.4.0.
ℹ Please use the `linewidth` argument instead.
null device
There were 25 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
Error in vegdist(t(abundance_matrix), method = "bray") :
  missing values are not allowed with argument 'na.rm = FALSE'
Execution halted
Visualizing preprocessing starting at: 08/02/2023 11:10:50...

contents of normalized_counts.txt

Sample_1        316594976
Sample_2       279744530
Sample_3       286046700
Sample_4      275549648
Sample_5       260554608
DanielSprockett commented 1 year ago

Also, out/MetaPop/11.Macrodiversity/raw_abundances_table.tsv looks as I expect it to, with the contig name in the first column and each subsequent column being the counts of each contig in every sample.

However, the normalized_abundances_table.tsv file in that directory has no entries (not even 0 or NA) in any of the sample columns.