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Driver: AWS DocumentDB #10943

Open irozzo-1A opened 4 years ago

irozzo-1A commented 4 years ago

I'am trying to use Metabase v0.33.2 with AWS DocumentDB, which implements MongoDB 3.6 API and claims to be compatible with MongoDB drivers with some limitations. I managed to import a DB successfully (apart from #10942), but some features seem not to work correctly e.g. when creating a "Simple question" on some collections I get:

Command failed with error 305: 'Aggregation project operator not supported: '$let'' on server <NAME> The full response is { "ok" : 0.0, "errmsg" : "Aggregation project operator not supported: '$let'", "code" : 305 }

are you aware of someone using metabase with AWS DocumentDB? Do you plan to support it? Thx

similar to #4631?

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salsakran commented 4 years ago

We're not opposed to an explicit AWS DocumentDB driver. That said, our MongoDB driver is meant to support MongoDB, and we'll be following Mongo's API implementation, not AWS's.

purwk commented 4 years ago

@irozzo-1A if I may ask, how did you add Aws DocumentDB to metabase in the first place? I seem to have difficulties in doing that. What I have done:

I have tried both Writer and Reader instance

boitewitte commented 4 years ago

@purwk I can only get it to work with TLS disabled. Then it works as expected

nodesocket commented 3 years ago

I opened an issue for requesting an official AWS DocumentDB driver at, but it was closed and pointed to this as a duplicate.

I guess I'll start the discussion here instead. I am willing to pay and provide access to an AWS DocumentDB instance for anybody willing to put in the development hours to get an official DocumentDB driver working for Metabase. It should be fairly similar to MongoDB, except there are edge cases such as:

Command failed with error 305: 'Aggregation project operator not supported: '$let'' on server The full response is { "ok" : 0.0, "errmsg" : "Aggregation project operator not supported: '$let'", "code" : 305 }

@purwk In terms of connecting, the following works:



Christophe06410 commented 3 years ago

Hi, any news on this issue? Is there any way I can help for resolution? Thanks

Judge40 commented 2 years ago

There is a workaround that I've been using:

  1. Open the table as normal, ignoring the error message
  2. Click "Show editor"
  3. Click "Columns"
  4. Unselect one of the columns, it doesn't matter which
  5. Click "Visualize" and the partial data will be shown
  6. Repeat step 2-3
  7. Re-select the previously removed column
  8. Click "Visualize" again and the full data will be shown

You can then save the question to be able to view the full table without applying the workaround each time.

Dragos0000 commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

Are there any updates or a timeline when Metabase will support filtering by dates on AWS DocumentDB? I have seen posts that describes that a new connector needs to be implemented.

odysa commented 1 year ago

I encountered an error when trying to group by date using AWS DocumentDB. I found a possible workaround -- ask ChatGPT to convert a MongoDB query to a DocumentDB query.

manskx commented 6 months ago

I'm seeing this error now Sessions are not supported by the MongoDB cluster to which this client is connected

paoliniluis commented 5 months ago

@manskx we're fixing that in 48.2

sra commented 3 weeks ago

I'm still seeing the Sessions are not supported by the MongoDB cluster to which this client is connected in 49.14

paoliniluis commented 3 weeks ago

@sra documentdb is not mongo

paoliniluis commented 2 weeks ago

If anyone needs to connect to DocumentDB and have support from us, you should do it via Athena, as documentdb has diverged too much from Mongo and we will focus only on the latter