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[wip] Question config form with better loading #42806

Open rafpaf opened 2 weeks ago

rafpaf commented 2 weeks ago

[!IMPORTANT] For those employed by Metabase: if you are merging into master, please add either a backport or a no-backport label to this PR. You will not be able to merge until you do this step. Refer to the section Do I need to backport this PR? in the Metabase Branching Strategy document for more details. If you're not employed by Metabase, this section does not apply to you, and the label will be taken care of by your reviewer.


If that is your first contribution to Metabase, please sign the Contributor License Agreement (unless it's a tiny documentation change). Also, if you're attempting to fix a translation issue, please submit your changes to our POEditor project instead of opening a PR.



Describe the overall approach and the problem being solved.

How to verify

Describe the steps to verify that the changes are working as expected.

  1. New question -> Sample Dataset -> ...
  2. ...


Upload a demo video or before/after screenshots if sensible or remove the section


rafpaf commented 2 weeks ago

[!WARNING] This pull request is not mergeable via GitHub because a downstack PR is open. Once all requirements are satisfied, merge this PR as a stack on Graphite. Learn more

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