metabrainz / web-service-v3-design

A collaborative specification for the third version of the MusicBrainz web service
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How do you get releases for recordings and similar #13

Open ijabz opened 12 years ago

ijabz commented 12 years ago

No way is listed of showing the releases that a recording is linked to which is required functionality in taggers for trying to match a song to a release when it was not possible to match at release level.

Actually in general there seems to be methods for retrieving relaitonshps for an entity but not firectly linking to an entity, i.e releases of an artist, releases within a releasegroup ectera.

ocharles commented 12 years ago

These are done via the search end points.

ijabz commented 12 years ago

okay, but doesnt seem to be in the document.

warpr commented 12 years ago

Reopened, I cannot find this in the current v3.html either.

ocharles commented 12 years ago

So, I suggested earlier that /ws/3/release/?artist=:mbid is the way to do this, but #1 was about whether or not this is the correct way to do things. I personally think this is the way to go, because we minimize the amount of end-points we have (good for simplicitly), and we expose a very expressive search interface. I can almost guarantee that if we add special /artist/:mbid/releases/ type end points, people will want to be able to filter them by release group. And then by year. And then by the disjunction of year OR release group. This is all nicely covered and extensible by an expressive search end point.
