metaclass-nl / switch-language-example-globalize

An example of dynamically switching language using globalize.js and react-widgets aiming to be compatible with start-react-app.
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Best presets for babel 6 #6

Open metaclass-nl opened 5 years ago

metaclass-nl commented 5 years ago

create react app nowadays uses babel 7, but that causes an error with Globalize Webpack Plugin, see #5

Presets seem due to change as a result of changes in the standardization proposals they are based on. At the same time create react app changes over time. To minimize the effort switch-language-example-globalize follows a pragmatic approach: To avoid incompatibilities introduced by changes in the standardization proposals use the lowest preset stage that seems to work with common react applications. As a consequence you may run into incompatibilities. Of course you can use a different preset state or add some plugins. If you would like the preset level of switch-language-example-globalize to be increased please comment below.

metaclass-nl commented 5 years ago

Currently stage 2 is used in order to support class properties