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provide a author-independent download link #869

Open daxim opened 11 years ago

daxim commented 11 years ago

Provide a distribution download link that includes the version, but excludes the author/release manager PAUSE id. This is important for packaging. Example: the current link to DBIx-Class is A corresponding specfile says Source:{version}.tar.gz. When the release manager changes, the specfile breaks for no good reason and always needs a manual fix-up.

metacpan-user commented 11 years ago

I think that's an issue with the toolchain on the specfile side. The file has to be recreated anyway if the abstract changes or the license, or whatever metadata is included in the specfile. Furthermore, the release is not unique, it only becomes unique in combination with the author.

monken commented 11 years ago

^^ that was me :)

daxim commented 11 years ago

You cannot compare a change of abstract or licence with a change of author/release manager.

The former happens rarely enough, and these are actually important metadata. A packager is happy to accomodate that change.

The latter, however, is totally spurious. This metadatum is not used at all in specfiles, but nevertheless changes all the time the templated permalink (Source). All this does is create version control churn and manual fixing labour for no good reason. No other software archive does that, they all use straightforward, reasonably predictable URLs along the likeness of{version}.tar.xz which remain stable most of the time.

A distro name and version is unique, the author does not enter into it. PAUSE enforces that every distro must have a version, and that the version is not reused. Correct me if I'm wrong.

rwstauner commented 11 years ago

To be accurate, what PAUSE enforces is that file names are unique per author with the exception of files that count as documentation. For consistency and sanity it is suggested that you simply append a version to other files (in order to make them unique). Additionally PAUSE doesn't currently care about distribution names (it just unpacks them and parses what's inside). There is nothing that restricts two authors from uploading the same foo-bar-0.1.tar.gz. See also #797.

The URL is predictable so if your specfile can dynamically include the version perhaps you could dynamically include the release managers's PAUSE id? ;-) That would work more consistently with the current toolchain/ecosystem.

daxim commented 11 years ago

Discussion in #metacpan opens out into a proposed trial of providing permalinks from a (main) module name + version, not distro name. haarg mentions that cpanm resolves Module::Name@version to a tarball distname. Volunteer needed.

jquelin commented 10 years ago

That would be awesome to have this kind of author-independent url available in metacpan. This would allow us to update the download link in our RPM (speaking for Mageia).

rwstauner commented 10 years ago

The implementation of this would be fairly simple (provide an endpoint that looks for the latest dist and then just redirect to the download url) but the main issue is obviously that this suffers from issues like #796 and #797 (that dist names are not currently unique/reliable/guaranteed).

ribasushi commented 10 years ago

@shadowcat-mdk This issue is why we can't have nice things ;)

tsibley commented 10 years ago

As of the Lyon QA Hackathon a month ago, PAUSE now enforces that the distribution name map to a contained package name on which the author has permissions, otherwise PAUSE won't index it.

oalders commented 6 years ago

@daxim does this endpoint cover your needs?

daxim commented 6 years ago

@oalders: Nope, it doesn't.

  1. returns status 404. I didn't try any other dist/package name.
  2. The design is wrong for the use case. It says download_url in the URI, but instead of the correct-for-HTTP semantics status 307 and header Location, I get a non-interoperable JSON document. (This is poor design in itself, independent from the problem discussed in this bug. You - as in the designers of this interface - don't have the power to imbue a dumb serialisation with semantics on top. I mean, a human can see that this is supposed to be a hyperlink and special case a user-agent to follow your singular use invention, which leads to anti-Web software with unnecessarily tight coupling and brittle code that breaks easily, but a machine draws a blank here. The correct way to design this is to upgrade to a document format with standardised hypermedia controls, if you insist on JSON, try HAL, or use Link headers. In any case, the link relation cannot be a word.)
mickeyn commented 6 years ago

@daxim the download_url endpoint takes a package name -

oalders commented 6 years ago

@daxim this endpoint wasn't added to solve your use case, so there's no need to rain down criticism on the design. I was, however, interested in knowing if it allowed you to work around the issue and get what you needed. Since it doesn't, we'll leave it open.

oalders commented 5 years ago

I think we could look handling dist names on this endpoint.