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some dists don't have cpantesters result summaries #1630

Open wchristian opened 8 years ago

wchristian commented 8 years ago



haarg commented 8 years ago

This appears to be a CPAN Testers issue. The database we're pulling from doesn't seem to be up to date. I've alerted preaction about the issue.

ranguard commented 8 years ago

@haarg any follow up on this?

haarg commented 8 years ago

I've poked @preaction about this again.

haarg commented 8 years ago

From @andk on IRC:

the release.db stuff was commented out because it never worked well enough. it again and again produced invalid sqlite dumps. It was extremely frustrating to download 8 GB to get data that blew up after several hours of processing the outcome was that barbie offered CPAN::Testers::WWW::Reports::Query::Reports which works well for David Cantrell and me, we are using two similar scripts, mine is in

preaction commented 8 years ago

In the meantime, we might have the release.db fixed here at the QAH. Will keep y'all up to date here.

preaction commented 8 years ago

We've re-run the summary, and the release database should be available. Could you run your import and let me know?

haarg commented 8 years ago

I'm seeing results for some reasonably recent releases, so I believe this is working now.

haarg commented 8 years ago

This is broken again.

preaction commented 8 years ago

Alright. I'll take a look hopefully today if not tomorrow. Tracking at

preaction commented 8 years ago

I've found the appropriate commands to run, and the new release is being created. It's got some catching up to do, so it might be a day or two (or more, but probably less than it was during the QAH). I've added a cron job to run the missing command to copy the right data a couple times a day. In a week or so, I'll check to make sure everything is still working correctly.

oalders commented 8 years ago

So, I guess we can come back to this ticket mid-week and see if things are back to normal.

preaction commented 8 years ago

It's only gotten through 1/5 of the records (1,000,000 in about a day). The cronjob will protect us from this in the future, but it looks like it'll be another 4 days before the release is fully in-sync. I've been stopping the update process nightly to rebuild the sqlite database with the records that have been gotten though, so new(-ish) data should at least be flowing to metacpan.

preaction commented 8 years ago

CPAN Testers has processed up to 72m out of 73.3m, and the release SQLite database has been updated. A test check of metacpan doesn't seem to show the cpantesters data being updated: (471 pass, 0 fail/na/unknown) and (353 pass, 0 fail/na/unknown) are both in the release database, but do not seem to have been updated on the site.

Tux commented 8 years ago

Is Text::CSV_XS still in those 1.3m ?

$ perl -MMetaCPAN::Client -MDP -wE'my$m=MetaCPAN::Client->new (version => "v1")->release({distribution=>"Text-CSV_XS"});while (my $r = $m->next){ DDumper [ $r->name, $r->tests ] if $r->name =~ /1\.2[345]/ }'
[   'Text-CSV_XS-1.24',
[   'Text-CSV_XS-1.23',
    {   fail             => 0,
        na               => 0,
        pass             => 985,
        unknown          => 0
[   'Text-CSV_XS-1.25',
preaction commented 8 years ago


sqlite> select * from release where dist="Text-CSV_XS" and version > 1.2;

But 1.23 has a few more PASSes

preaction commented 8 years ago

The Text::CSV_XS appears to be in the release.db now:

sqlite> select * from release where dist="Text-CSV_XS" and version > 1.2;

Which matches with what Metacpan has for Text::CSV_XS now. So this appears to be resolved. Until I get a monitor for this process, I will keep checking on it for the next week or so to ensure it stays stable.

ranguard commented 7 years ago

Numbers don't seem to be matching again:

throwable-sugarfactory-0 152700_-_build_a_library_of_syntax-sugared_throwable-based_exceptions_-_metacpan org-2

cpan_testers_matrix__throwable-sugarfactory_0 152700
preaction commented 7 years ago

I mentioned in #1870 that the release data doesn't have all the data that the matrix might have: Development Perl versions are not included in the release data, but the matrix probably includes them.

The numbers in the SQLite database Metacpan receives match up with the numbers in the database via the API:

We could change that, but I'm not sure I like the idea of a development Perl showing up in the test results, since it could be not the author's fault.

openstrike commented 4 years ago

The stats for Path::Tiny 0.114 today aren't even close. pt

preaction commented 4 years ago

CPAN Testers processing is a bit slow today, and likely missed the sync window for MetaCPAN.

openstrike commented 4 years ago

It was certainly transient as the figures on metacpan now look much closer to the cpantesters numbers again.