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org name validation thesaurus #372

Closed wangf1122 closed 2 months ago

wangf1122 commented 3 months ago

The Gc_names were defined in

and also used and org name

But the validation was still based on the old thesaurus. We need to adjust the validation rule accordingly.

The change here is to change the suggestion drop down to the user with the better thesaurus


The validation rule will apply to these suggested selections. If something is not correct, the error message will still be:


ianwallen commented 2 months ago

I noticed the error message is not based on the thesaurus

I would expect that the error message should be based on the thesaurus. This way if someone wants to modify the thesaurus, it will automatically update the error message as well as the drop down list.

I expect it to be similar to the following.

It would be nice if we

This way if someone wants to use a different thesaurus, they would simply modify src/main/plugin/ and it would automatically use the correct thesaurus for the select and validation process.

wangf1122 commented 2 months ago


I am closing this pull request as the direction changed. Making another pull request and we can continue the review over there